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Holdfast is now Live on Kickstarter!

Legate of Mineta

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Cool, thanks for the reminder, if you've seen them, you know the kids reactions were pretty impressive, and I think at some point soon I'll sort of reiterate and bring them forward. If you know anyone with a copy of Maelorum check it out, you'll become way enthusiastic! While not above the reach of 11 year olds with very high reading levels, it doesn't feel at all like a kids book!

Still, when you feel like it Maelorum can always use an energy boost!


Congratulations on your idea!! Care to share in a non-spoiler kind of way?

I won't have time to cook mine up until next week, but I'm hoping.....:-)

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Edit: On reflection, I think it's better that I let BCS choose what to reveal and when.


Plus, I'm sure that everything is still subject to change until the final PDF file is out.

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Well, it hasn't been determined where any of the stories will be going yet, but thematically, I suggested that it belong with Drunk, Broke and Bloody, or Workings of the Blessed. I'll be happy drop you a line when I know myself, but if you don't have the right add-on, that's what the Paypal pledges are for, right?

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@Schwarzbart Short answer, Add ons.

Actually, my main pledge is Master of the Hall, but between gifts for my twins, and shopping WAY ahead of time for the endless 6th grade birthday party's I'll be buying gifts for next year anyway ( and perhaps some obsessive Enthusiasm) I dumped enough gold in there to get pretty much any mix match I want. I've Just got such a crazy weekend coming up I won't be able to complete the survey until Monday!

Because my kids and most of their friends liked Maelorum so much I'm confident that Holdfast Softcovers w/book mark will be top- notch birthday presents for at least 7 or 8 kids, I just didn't Worry about the money ( to a point) and just enjoyed battling Torolf for * Goal Crowns*!

So Monday I'll just print the list and pick everything I want and order the rest as Softcovers for presents!

By the way, IMO your lively forum and competition for Goal crowns had a lot to do with how you raised so much cash!


Now, I'm off to Maelorum to handle all the birthdays that come before Christmas!

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That would make sense, Schwartz, but it's sort of a running joke between the Legate and me. I won't be passing up any opportunities to tease him about it for a while. :) I'd only pledge for another adventure if I thought I had something really good to contribute, anyway. I only did a double-sized one this time because I thought the idea needed the elbow room to really shine.


When the Paypal pledges do open, I think that I'm most likely to just get a couple of soft-covers, one for my younger brother, and one for myself. (Unless the addons become available in print, in which case I may need to take out a loan so my brother and I can have those, too.)

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I understand the pain of the math behind it. You might still consider putting up the raw data, though. There seemed to be a lot of people who would have pledged for print add-ons, especially a combined print volume. If you put up an update that said, "We would need a minimum run of X to break even on the deal. How many of you would buy it at a price of Y?"


And then there are also a couple folks like me who'd shell out for a copy or two of print practically regardless of price.

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@ Legate. It was mentioned at some point that to receive the hard copy on time and play through, then receive printed version of the digital media would have some upside: starting over with the printed version would be a whole new experience, almost like 2 games for the price of one! Those who want digital could go ahead, those like me and however many others would pay pretty well for the print!

Just a thought....


@Torolf due to some interference caused by real life, I can't complete my survey till Monday and I have 2 or 3 hundred dollars in options to pick, maybe we could work something out if you want another create your own:-)

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