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Holdfast is now Live on Kickstarter!

Legate of Mineta

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Not to steal an idea from the Order of the Stick, but if you held another Kickstarter to let fans have a go with that cat of nine tails, you might raise enough to fund Ars Magica.

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Couldn't figure out which add ons to get so thanks to eBay, I've got them all!

Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm not waiting until Dec. for a new game!

After checking out Maelorum due to the cross promotion, I think we should go over there and get the book and the goodies, their coming out in about 5 weeks, and that'll be a great way top pass the time until December!

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I was under the impression that it'd take longer than five weeks. The books have to be printed, even if the printers already had the layouts and final proofs were approved and everything. I might have used some Amazon points to get Destiny Quest 1 and 2 to help with the wait, though.

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Torolf: You're right July 12 is the end of his campaign so that's more like 6 weeks but he does say estimated delivery I'm July. I've actually met Maelorum's Author twice, he's pretty dedicated and on the ball, and in this case it's not a whole new book, it's a reprint with a few changes and as far as I know his add ons are not totally from scratch, he's mostly just finishing up stuff he's been doing for years and he says he'll be sending out some progress surveys during the campaign, so maybe he's going to actually start some print runs before the end. I don't know a lot about how all that works, but I've dropped a lot of coin for birthday presents because I'm confident he'll deliver pretty close to his estimated dates, I'm guessing we,ll get the book middle of August. If not, well, when's your birthday?

( I suppose we could just ask him, but that would be too easy!)

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Well, this isn't his first Kickstarter, so I guess that he knows all this, but after the campaign is over, Kickstarter will take a couple weeks to get the money that clears to him. And I don't imagine the printers will do another run until they've been paid, and that doesn't count the stretch goals. I'd be surprised if the books are available before the end of August at best.


Legate, I'm hoping this won't occur, but what happens to the promotional adventure if Carbon Grey isn't funded?

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