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Spider, Reptile Familiars Separated from Exotics


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I have published and tested to apparent success my newest creation, which does two things. Firstly, it kicks Spiders out of the exotics rotation and makes them a standard familiar. Secondly, it kicks Reptiles out of the exotics rotation and makes them a rotation of their own.


The spiders change is meant to improve the value of the Exotic Familiar background by avoiding randomly getting a spider. The reptiles change is pure personal appeal. I see myself choosing 'random reptile' quite often.


The mod can be found here. Filename should be MercyToThePhobic.mdm

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I'm updating this mod. Hopefully the new file will be smaller and faster to load.


While I was doing it, I had a great idea for a new Familiar complete with questline ideas. I may just have to try my hand at creating a modfamiliar.

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