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How Does the Astrology Action Work?


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It's pretty much a black box to me. Does it interact with skills at all? Is it really just the Mother of All Reference Tables or something? I haven't been able to figure this one out.


I used to not care, but then I noticed Lychnus and Gallina Artatus on the wiki. Lychnus has the very valuable "expand relationship maximum" effect, while Gallina Artatus has the unbelievably coveted "Expand Chosen Subskill Maximum" effect. All of a sudden, I care about Astrology enough to be frustrated at the black boxiness of the Astrology (Action) that's used to gain these effects.


(Does the Expand Chosen Subskill Maximum effect even work?)

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Haha, those are difficult Effects to acquire, and may not even be in your game, depending. Each time you begin a new game, the dominant constellations, their duration, and their trajectories for the year, are chosen. At the 1st year level, you have to find out what's dominant by trial and error. In Y2, you'll get some forecasting tools to help you.

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Ooo, I knew it! I knew that I kept seeing the same constellations pop up in one game, but in a totally different game was seeing completely different ones pop up. I thought that it was randomized at game start, but then I thought I was thinking too much about it, but then I thought maybe I was right. Huh. Facinating.

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  • 7 months later...

oO I just tested astrology with Angelik and got a lasting +6 in Revision and some Atributes (Rex I-XI and Aquilo I-V). Looks like I drastically underestimated this ability!

Will this bonus keep working in year 2 when I got them in year 1?

If so I remake the last day with Angelik!

How could I complete miss such a powerful ability all the time?

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...but could you have gotten that at the start.....? ;)


I suspect it *might* be possible but the odds of it mean you might reload thousands of times and never see it (with a low astrology score. you don't need much in it to unlock that basic ability)

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