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Winter 1217


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After Barcelona the next adventure is end of winter so we need this now for planing


Ramon unknown right now.


After reading the voting Dirk decided to change his winter plan MUVi Lab=24+6 Addled and Overtime (-1 living Condition)


Wizard's Communion MuVi15 (R:Voice, D:Dia , T:Group) = lvl 10 normal because of Flexible magic he can use the spell for both ritual and formulatic.


Correspondence betwean Baruch and Dirk about Magic Theory continue. (+1 exp Magic Theory for this saison)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Baruch reads Teach your apprentice: Imaginem
Arabella learns True sight of the air from Baruch's lab text
Taitale flies around, astronomizes, runs his businesses, and MAY study area lore europe if he manages to buy a summa in barcelona - failing that, he will write a book on philosophiae.

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  • 1 month later...

That is a good point actually! Had the 7 points not gone through I would have reasoned that he would have gotten 2 exp in Guile :) I'll alter it a bit, because Bashir really ought to know the city by now, running errands for Antonius and all that.


I just realized that Silas would have to do his Mercere duty soon, if I recall mages had the same duty as Redcaps have, but meant to be 1 year pr. 4 years - but I can't seem to find where it is written.

The last few years have rushed past though, so I suppose if he is getting some traveling done it'll have to be soon.

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I just realized that Silas would have to do his Mercere duty soon, if I recall mages had the same duty as Redcaps have, but meant to be 1 year pr. 4 years - but I can't seem to find where it is written.

The last few years have rushed past though, so I suppose if he is getting some traveling done it'll have to be soon.

From HoH:TL 94 where you also find some advances a Gifted Mercer have.


"All Mercere magi spend at least one season every seven years traveling and carrying messages as the Redcaps do"


Means you still have a bit time to learn some way to travel back to the covenant on your own.

Because bringing you down is no problem but getting you back up would haved to be timed if you plan to use the boat.


Oh and Graman actual is either High (south) or Low German (north) as there 2 different Languages at the time we play.

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Ah sweet. I must have forgotten the frequency and duration, I'll be sure to note it. Thanks Schwarzbart!


As to leaving/returning... Yeah, I might try to learn/boost my rego corpus enough to fiddle a teleport spell together... maybe, or an item I suppose. Maybe I can hire Taitale to give me a bit of a boost to the lab total.. I'll have to look at it later.

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