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System error and no mods folder?


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Hi I just brought the game from the main site and every time I click to play it I get a System error occured. "Aplication will be terminated." If I ignore this and click on the second window (two open for some reason), I can play the game however so long as I don't try and close this other one.


Also I don't know if the version you buy is up to date on patches and such but I noticed that I don't have a mods folder or anywhere that it will accept patch files after extraction. I also noticed that when you start up your character creation the "secret family heritage" which I am guessing has to do with the gates, option isn't there which makes me think I don't have the up to date version.


Could someone tell me what to do when you don't have a mod or exe folder you can add these up dates to? I am on windows 7 and it seems to have saved the game in my programs 86 folder.

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I would try running the game as Administrator to eliminate those kinds of errors, but you will *definitely* want to Patch!


You can download the latest Patch from our forums, and you just extract it into the Academagia folder (be sure to overwrite!)


For the best results, you will want to begin a new game, as not all features from the Patch and content will be present in an old save. In fact, you may not be able to load the very first save, if it's the version I am thinking of.


It's usually also a good idea to clear your Cache, which you can do by navigating to c:\ProgramData\Academagia and deleting the Cache folder you find within. Note that ProgramData is a hidden folder, so you may need to turn options on in order to view it.



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What you asked, and likely what you need is to update your game. You can find it here on the forums under Support -> updates and the newest should be pinned. It will bring you up to date fully without having to download and install the previous patches and content. http://academagia.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2547


I'm not sure if I understand your third question, but if you can't find your academagia.exe folder then you should be able to right click the Academagia icon (if you have one) and if you look under properties it should tell you where the parent file is located - look for 'Destination' I am guessing. (And sorry if I'm a bit off, my own OS is Windows8 and is in Danish)


My own file is found in a C/Programfiles/indiegames/Academagia - The making of mages.


Best of luck, and welcome to the forums :)

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Ok thank you I am downloading the latest one now. (Goes off to try).


Edit: OK I fixed the error by making the game an administartor and I have saved the file and tried extracting the latest patch/dlc over the old one. But for some reason it still hasn't updated. I know this because there is no platypus or family heritage still.


But the good news is I have music now and no errors. :)

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*poke* Legate? What is the deal with the new linking system :P I can't seem to wrap my head around it. so this works? noo I just dont.. *mutters* http://academagia.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2547'> Why you fail me now? <-- See? that should be a link but it just ignores my [ url= ]'s now


Sorry Leo for kidnapping your thread, hope you'll forgive me!


*gasp* I didn't realize it was a 2 min old post!

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  • 1 year later...

I'm having the same problem this person is having. I don't have a mods folder. Where do I put the DLC? I have tried putting it directly in the Academagia folder (because that's the only way it would overwrite) and got the system error popup. I feel like I am missing something very obvious. Can someone please help?

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Thank you! I moved the stuff from the update folder to the mods folder (within the DLC I downloaded) and then stuck the mods folder in the Academagia folder and it seems to be working! I overly explained it in case anyway has this problem in the future.... Since you'll probably check this thread again, when is Year 2 coming out? :)

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