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Composit year 2 thead.

Leon Cross

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It was already mentioned that the import to year 2 check how fare you got in a adventure and depending on this there might be even different follow ups in year 2.

For nearly all year 1 adventures you didn't start or finish you might get something different as someone who finished the adventure in year 1 because someone else did it or the events rolled out without intervention. See it like the main adventure there already 4 different paths if the player join but if he is not you could think of it like the Triple did their part without the player.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PC's skill levels will be recalculated thoroughly when the save data is imported to Y2, being replaced its unlocked spell/abillity/etc with Y2 materials.

Although it is said that 11 perks isn't any different.


The basic skill max in Y2 is 10 as well, but you can expand it by research, favor, etc.

The usable skill limit is 21 in Y2 while 11 in Y1.


Since it is said that we should be able to choose the result of favor in Y2, it will provide an easier way to expand skill max.

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Could I make a request regarding the skill cap in Yr 2? :unsure:


Towards end game a lot of the "train" type abilities effectively weaken because skills are maxed out. If the basic skill max doesn't change in year 2, library of longshade, searching the tapestry room, sphinxing, etc will routinely fail to generate skill-up's on random skills due to the number of skills already capped out - a basic signal to noise issue even if we get a lot of new skills, in my current playthough (Anedius) I have 81 skills maxed out 17 more 8's and 9's that will top out before Yr 1 ends, and that's in someone focusing on adventures not skills - that's not a majority even of Yr 1 skills but it wouldn't take much play in Yr 2 to start seriously increasing the chance of gaining nothing from RE's, Adventure stages and the random bumps from the better train-type actions.


Could the capped out skill gains not be lost, but rather result in either a re-roll for random skill bump, or a research gain, or give an alternate benefit (+1 to relationship say), or have a chance of increasing the cap? I suspect that Research would be the least problematic from a balance perspective (particularly if it was a chance of an abnormal gain which would encourage reloading if it wasn't won) and would slowly lead to caps increasing or some other benefit rather than making the roll another dud.

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What is the difference between the werewolves spoken of in the history adventure where they were more a permanent combination of man and wolf compared to Iustus who switches back and forth?

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  • 5 weeks later...

From one of the early interviews BCS did with gamezebo

Definitely. Year 1 was about your arrival to this strange School, and situating yourself with the Students, Spells, environs and Actions that you need for success. Year 2 is about larger influences on campus, and the opportunities and dangers they present to your character and their studies. Year 3 will be about important choices: you may not realize it at the time, but it will be here that you have the most ability to change things for yourself and for others. Year 4 is about planning for life after the Academagia, and includes romance, patrons and societies. Year 5 is graduation, and your chance to tidy up any and all loose ends. It’s also worth nothing that each new year begins with Summer Vacation, which is almost a mini-game as compared to your experience on campus.

Also, something I dug up in the earliest threads on the forum, before the legate became excessively tight lipped on Y2.

7. Not quite- as you will see your current Skills will be unchanged, and will provide building blocks for new Skills. The Skills you have now will still exist (and still be usable), but will also determine how quickly you can learn the second year Skills, as well as what those Maximums are. Attribute important generally diminishes (except in physical activities) as the years go along.

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Also, something I dug up in the earliest threads on the forum, before the legate became excessively tight lipped on Y2.





7. Not quite- as you will see your current Skills will be unchanged, and will provide building blocks for new Skills. The Skills you have now will still exist (and still be usable), but will also determine how quickly you can learn the second year Skills, as well as what those Maximums are. Attribute important generally diminishes (except in physical activities) as the years go along.


Soo... we should be trying to max out skills for Yr 2 instead of abilities? I figured you'd want a fair lift in abilities to avoid massive skill-step increases, but otherwise wasn't sure where to focus my munchkin-ness. :ph34r:

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Mmm, sounds like the rules for Y2 skills become identical, or at least heavily tied to the same rules as the Y1 skills once they're caught up.

Yeah, If there are at least two Y2 pillar skills that build off the base, I'm probably not going to get them all to 20. :( 8 pillars times 2 new skills is 16, plus the base skills is 24. ouch. If I can raise the base skills to 18 or so, and all the new skills to 11-12 I'll be happy.

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Including the part where attributes lower the skill steps required to raise them? I don't care if I have Selective Focus, getting a 1.7 Training Mod skill to 20 is going to take either concentrated effort (oh hey completely random and mostly useless classes, how are you doing?) or a ton of attributes.


Which I don't really have because someone doesn't want to enter Y2 with 3 Finesse and 18 Insight.

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  • 1 month later...

I originally purchased this game a few years ago and enjoyed playing. There was talk back then about year 2, and the lack of it at that time was a fairly major dampener on my enthusiasm for completing year one. I just dropped by to see whether or not, now years later, if a 2nd year was available. I find this thread which seems to indicate that it is 'still' in development.


IS there actually work being done on a year two? Is there any idea as to when it will be done? I've been waiting several years now, so a reply of "when it's done" would read to me as "never".


D'oh! Just found the Wiki entry stating that it's aiming for end of 2014, maybe 2015. I guess that's close enough.

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