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DLC 16 Bugs


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Just starting a topic to list whatever bugs I might find, which may or may not be related to DLC 16 and which I may or may not actually find. To start with:


-Family: Sports is bugged and does not start the PC with the maximum vitality the PC will have from the trait's own +1 Fitness.

-Station: Well-to-Do should not be allowed to roll +2 Gates Methods, of all things, on the +2 to 3 random skills roll.

-Deed: A Singer's Gift does not properly capitalize "By selecting this background".

-History: Descendent from Heroes has the same issue.

-Apprenticeship: The Pie Kitchen as well.

-Typo during A Day In Incantation - Sleeping In Class - : "...with her jar dropped...". Incidentally, that typo exists in the version I send in, so you can blame me for that one.

-Typo during A Day In Incantation - The Slippery Grade: "...re-freeze the water your standing on...". Again, that typo is my fault.

-CE: Signum Viridis IIII (which, BTW, should be IV) claims to "set your command of the Negation Parent Skill at 7.", but it instead appears to increase it by 7. My character now (temporarily) has 18 Negation.

-Typo in A Walk Along the Lake - The Crypt of Broken Ivory is noted as unusual since mausoleums are generally not build underground. Incidentally, I think I intended for the mausoleum to have originally been constructed aboveground, only to later either sink or be buried. What calls it a crypt is an old engraving that existed before the building sank/was buried, so it wouldn't have been underground at that point. That might be misremembering though because that's one adventure that wasn't written recently.

-Said crypt is also later called a Palace, and later still a Mausoleum. I am confused as to what that place is :blink:.


Will rapport more as I manage to get the stars to align and actually roll stuff in my favour.

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I just started a character with 3 fitness and she had 6 vitality, are you sure you didn't use a trait that reduces it?


The other bugs have been there all along I think, the game doesn't distinguish between skills like that, if it did I'd have preferred mastery/gates completely removed from random skill gains. It's like with how Aveline sometimes defames her own college because they use generic tables to draw from.

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Omen: Shattered Mirrors

Family: Sports

History: Artisans of Skill

Station: Well-to-Do

Prodigy: Center of Attention

Prodigy: Social

Prodigy: Spiritual

Apprentice: Spy

Tutoring: Grifter

Familiar Bond: Exotic

Is what I started with, and none of the descriptions mention having to start with -2 vitality, at least that I could see.

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I've never started with lower than max vitality, when making a character with 2 or 3 fitness and nothing else she has full life. That's a common bug?


Edit: Just made a character with 2 fitness + the trait Family: Sports and she started with 4/6 vitality so I guess it's a bug with the trait itself. I just never picked a fitness trait before... :)

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I think the Legate was talking about Station: Well-to-Do rolling +2 Gates Methods. I think the Family: Sports thing can be fixed by having the background also hand out +2 Vitality, if that's necessary.


That said, I do like the "sports injury" explanation.

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On the adventure 'an outing' the step named 'wrongfully accused' the observation investigation is blank. I failed it most certainly so maybe the success text is there and maybe it isn't.


GREAT STORY BY THE WAY!! I'm going to ask a lot of questions on this one adventure later, once I'm no longer at risk of a heart attack from excitedness at the implications! be warned, legate.


edit, also, I saved it in case you need it, but apparently despite having a stress max of 8 my char has 9 stress and is ok.


Edit, the adventure 'early morning chill' seems to have duplicated itself after I failed the second step. I now have access to the first and second steps separately.


edit: "It's not like you meant to hurt that hat" also somehow duplicated

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Funny thing is that I'm having trouble testing the new adventures because, other than A Day In Incantation, I don't recognise any of them that weren't there before already.


And to further go with what Free noticed, I've had a curious incident where Search the Abandoned Warehouse apparently went back to One More Meeting with Oan. Although that could have been me messing up with save/loading. I do that allot.

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Funny thing is that I'm having trouble testing the new adventures because, other than A Day In Incantation, I don't recognise any of them that weren't there before already.


Quite a few of the old adventures are on the wiki, as is Mikka's list of adventures so one way of identifying if an adventure is new is to have the wiki open while you play, that way of course you can also add the new adventures to the wiki - I accept that you would however need 2 computers to do this easily.

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...Duh. Doesn't really make it that much easier given how...many adventures are open to me at this point, though. And why a second computer? I find that just hitting the windows key and tabbing out of the game works very well.


The new adventures seem to have fairly low access as I got domething of a swarm too. On the second computer point, I find tabbing in and out an issue - possibly early onset of senility - I like to have the wiki, etc open while I play so that I can readily look things up, spam legate with typo's, etc while looking at the game item in question.

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Personally I'd just like a list of the new adventures. Call me lazy, but that way I don't have to look at a giant list of adventures available to me and compare it with a bigger list of all adventures in the game since DLC 15. I managed to list Synchronicity and it's subskills, surely a list of new adventures can be composed by someone that's more familiar with the adventures that have existed for much longer than 2 days?

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If people post the new adventures they find in the thread I have in the... Spoiler Room, I think it is?... I'll gladly add them to the main post as well as what we can figure out of their requirements and a standard description. But that can't be done until people actually find adventures and start posting them by their name. Personally, I'm not even going to start to play till tomorrow, so I can't get started on that.

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Unfortunately the best advise I have to give is that perhaps you can look at the list of recent changes made to the wiki - someone's made a start of updating the wiki with the new adventures, you should be able to at least get names from them.

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