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DLC 16 Bugs


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Well it was a pretty minor thing anyway, I just took issue to it not being regarded as a bug, and I love discussing things... :)


About that DLC16 with an old patch thing, was there any current work-around? Which files constitute the "content" part?


Just reinstall the old patch then take the DLC16 and only use the files in the folder named "Mods", the two content.mdm files? That should work?

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I only noticed it because I failed that Negotiate roll, reloaded and saw it when I checked to see whether I even had Negotiate unlocked, it was at 1 getting a +1 from the Deus Ex Machina action. I don't tend to look at skills during adventures because it takes forever to scroll through the list.

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In Warrender's adventure, there's an exit with an actor text issue when you get him 'to best a tame but dangerous beast'


In another step of the adventure is an exit where it references his clique when you fuse the wand with thunderroot.

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Random Event Awesome Community 54 have only the Refuse exit available for my character. I think under this circumstance it shouldn't show up at all or alternative add a Gossip exit that is available to all.

(Beside it maybe even should be limited to the Prodigy: On the Prowl background where the player care about love relationships already.)


RE Docks 5 the Leadership exit miss a y "The apprentice air guide has failed her test, and they quickly move the ship out"

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I'm not sure what the particular event is - I haven't played an on the prowl character yet. That said, characters without that background do show interest in romance sometimes. For example, the Setting Up adventure.

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Mr. Pebbles' familiar adventure... On the success of the passion exit when encountering the sky pirates you have crew 'memebers' instead of members (you might wanna check the other exits for this error also.)


on the step where you meet Oumaima in the store the main text has somehow duplicated the word 'while' (oh, and shes doing this while while humming.)


....And this one is my fault. when she says 'leave me in piece when you go kapow' in the final step I am not sure if the word "peace" should have been used or "pieces." The singular "piece" sounds weird and incorrect, though. I was rushing when writing it so I missed that. Other than that it seems good. Funny how I missed that on my first playthrough with him, too..

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It's in the current modtools so it may have since been fixed but the item.... "Survey of Draconic Prose" has...



This Survery of Draconic Prose will Increase your Matery

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I now imagine that item being a review list of trashy Draconic romance novels and the twelve-year-old PC reading through it in the hope of learning something useful, only to find out that even fictional Draconic mating rituals pretty much don't know the word "consent".


Where can you get that item ingame?

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Random event Rampant Creature 4 failure on the Glamour exit. Defeated you run to Pachait. Professor Pachait doesn't ease your worries about the dog's safty, but He assures you that She'll catch...


Now, I am not one to disrespect my teachers, but it seems Prof. Pachait thinks he is Ringraeyer in this particular instance.



Edit. Actually I guess he could assure me that someone else would do all the work, but I think it is a mislink, Ringraeyer wasn't mentioned earlier if memory serves.


- -


I seem to recall this being mentioned at one point, but better safe than sorry:


Mad Emperor's Ghost 8 (the one with the smile creatures and a bunch of clingy newb-- ergh,.. collegemates)

One of the investigates have no description. As I see it there is an Etiquette investigate and a ?? investigate and pure luck exit.


Edit; Heh fitting enough I suppose the ?? investigate doesn't seem to have any text either :P


Edit; Alright fine, I admit that not all of my colledgemates were clingy newbies - just the majority.

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Student adventure Kurt 1 - "I want to meet the Headmaster Him," - I am fairly sure he should wish to meet Orsi rather than the elusive "Headmaster Him" and the default success continuation has a mislink sadly, linking to Kurt's description rather than his name.


Edit; Hmm tried the adventure again (don't ask, I got like 6 detentions for skipping class and for being where I shouldn't) Now it is Headmaster He, one of the other links are odd BUT the link to Kurt is alright,... so... yeah. I don't know.

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