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Small victories


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Well, I just did In Search of Rumours of Pirates, A meeting in the Tavern and A Note from the Headmaster with my new Durand game. Doctor Who has nothing on my guy. I not only went back in time repeatedly, I did alternate present/futures :blink:


Pirates does indeed give strength boosts (at very hard DC's for a Cheimare adventure) although the Captain's adventure does have a double ability bonus at the end if you go for the courage route - I'd thought that had been wrong on the wiki.


I'm finding a personal no-save-scumming-unless-you-accidentally-doom-the-universe rule tough, I missed out on Garibaldi's this run-through, and one of my opening backgrounds gave me +1 with Pru so I don't have the Vanishing Dorm either, the difference is very notable. Now I'll find out if Just Going About your business turns up or not having completed 2 or the 3 before the end of Cheimare and the Captain by mid-Hinoshi (much earlier than in the other game).

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It's amazing what difference a single roll can make. As for the Captain's adventure, I'm seeing a few non-obvious attribute increases. Good luck with rolling Finesse/Brew v. 16 though, especially with a "no save scumming short of Armageddon" rule.

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Is that where the finesse came from? I had brew 10 (the infirmary library), finesse 6, and cleanse and remake so it was blue for me (I'd stacked C&RM for the pirates, oh the actions lost on spell casting). Fancy adding the non-obvious ones to the wiki? Perhaps the main stroy-line adventures have non-obvious cookies?


And, happy moment, Just going about your business has indeed turned up. Possibly I just took too long to complete the captain last time (bitter experience has noted that the rolls there are vicious).

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The Captain's adventure only has two attribute increases not at the very end. Well, or so was the case in DLC 15, at least. The Brew roll (for +1 Finesse) and the Incantation Spells roll (for +1 Intelligence) during the second-to-last stage/phase, both are v. 16.

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I'm starting to wonder if these hidden attribute increases are mostly limited to the main quest line, to Team-made adventures or if they're secretly all over the place. That last one will be...difficult...to figure out, if it's true.

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I haven't seen many interim ability point rises on other adventures and have played quite a few. :rolleyes:

That said, there are adventures with multiple rises that I've found and put on the wiki, and it would be highly arrogant to believe that I'd found them all, Academagia always has more secrets to explore B)

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In my current game Malthezar Mhadi managed to get 12 point of extra Credit for Revision (Score of 142 while his Revision is 13).

Beside I managed to lie to the dragon in the "Exploring for the Sake of... um...." about the book I have with me. ^^

Even if I preferred to get the Insight from this adventure I hope this exit in special have some effect in year 2.

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I love my new Academagia char :)

All possible class skill of year 1 except Astrology and Geometry have 3 SS at 10+ and the relationship to all Regent except of Miss Badcumble is 10.

Beside that char have at last 5 in the relationship with all Durand students, most of them even at 10. Not a single student in all College have a relationship below 0 to him.

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I still think I have room for improvement, but nailing a ten with Rupprecht, Briardi, and Orsi is what I aim for. Getting Aventyrare and Knoht up there are pleasant bonuses, but since they're not regents they're of lesser status.

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I love my new Academagia char :)

All possible class skill of year 1 except Astrology and Geometry have 3 SS at 10+ and the relationship to all Regent except of Miss Badcumble is 10.

Beside that char have at last 5 in the relationship with all Durand students, most of them even at 10. Not a single student in all College have a relationship below 0 to him.


Taking music and athletics to L10 takes true dedication ;-)


Relationship tends to be the big weakness of my characters, students they've done adventures with have very high relationship but others are often very weak - and if latter years turn into inter-college bloodbaths then they'll really lose out as they don't discriminate.

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In my current game Malthezar Mhadi managed to get 12 point of extra Credit for Revision (Score of 142 while his Revision is 13).

Beside I managed to lie to the dragon in the "Exploring for the Sake of... um...." about the book I have with me. ^^

Even if I preferred to get the Insight from this adventure I hope this exit in special have some effect in year 2.

I have to agree. Lying to a dragon and getting away with it requires skill that would be quite impressive. Even if she's getting slightly old and senile.


It's actualy sad that you don't get a chance to figure thigns out after that meeting... Especially if you managed to lie and missed out on all that drama.


Having the ability to do some quick research wouldn't be out of place, especially given how she "teleports" you using forbidden magic.


More of these encounters should have research or investigation options. Granted, it might not seem like a good idea to go snooping or researching Dragons or forbidden magic users. But on the otherhand, knowing more about them would be useful in case you meet them again.


Learning about their "reputation" known abilities and attributes. It would give you a heads up until the next time you come across them to allow you to make a more informed "choice" of action.


Normally known as "Getting informed" like checking out another students every secret, it might be a good idea to know more about other "powerful" people and "creatures" that seem to cross your path.

Knowledge is power and these students seems to be stomping around blindly and stumbling over everything in their path, shrugging it of and then forgetting anything ever happened.

Some students, especially the ones with some intrigue skill or curiosity would seem like likely candidates to go looking for answers.

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While I agree that there's a noticeable lack of the PC possibly soiling him/herself if she knows about Diavesque when s/he finds the book, or knows about Diavesque when s/he meets Morgana, or has the book when s/he learns of the Triad, the ability to research those things wouldn't really add much. Especially when it concerns the Triad, because the moment that knowledge becomes useful is the moment that you're a light breeze away from falling off a cliff.

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While I agree that there's a noticeable lack of the PC possibly soiling him/herself if she knows about Diavesque when s/he finds the book, or knows about Diavesque when s/he meets Morgana, or has the book when s/he learns of the Triad, the ability to research those things wouldn't really add much. Especially when it concerns the Triad, because the moment that knowledge becomes useful is the moment that you're a light breeze away from falling off a cliff.

It's not like it would end with that... Would it? Learning more would be useful for handling the situation in the future.


Do you really Think Morgana would be happy with that outcome?

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The issue is that if the PC knows s/he's dealing with a Dragon s/he'll know the only sane option is to hope s/he can run away. As for Morgana I don't know what is necessary for her to be happy and frankly I think I'm better off not knowing.

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The issue is that if the PC knows s/he's dealing with a Dragon s/he'll know the only sane option is to hope s/he can run away. As for Morgana I don't know what is necessary for her to be happy and frankly I think I'm better off not knowing.

Then you need to know more, so that you know your escape routes and what other factions there might be that you could throw in their way. Or some way of distracting their attention from you. The more you know the easier it will be to get away with it with you health intact. Just hoping you will run fast enough isn't the best defence, even if it seems to work for that crazy "wizzard" in Disc World.

Even if Running could be a useful skill at some point.


Knowing more might give you a head start rather than stumbling around in the blind and then try to run when it's already too late.

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My small victories for my newest character:

120 merits by week 4ish and I only competed like 4 times. And I'm in Alvia. Thank you Cinza <3


Also, finally found a rose with golden petals. Turns out I needed the normal find plant option, and I didn't need to take botany. But I've had a lot of options to pass random events with my high botany and flower skills. (And Cinza and Cyrus are competing like mad so I can't bring myself to restart.)


I love finding Diavesque and then failing the lie check in exploring for the sake of. (Yay charm point!) my character is typically a good girl. Cept she knows tons of gates stuff and happens to be the daughter of sky pirates. And is best friends with Isabeau. (<3 big haul!)

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Pretty sure that the point you find Diavesque it's already too late. Either you make a pact with it, good luck surviving that, or you bury it and have no chance to survive if he ever decides to off those that wronged him.

How about ditching Diavesque in a Vulcano when you are done with him? Claiming that the Vulcano will offer him a far more majestic look than his simplistic bookform.


I can't see it surviving that... Unless it's other parts still counts, the ones you havn't got.


Who is the watcher anyway? another dragon? Then I got lots of crazy cults and pirates that might be upset with my last character. I made ait a point to finnish almost every quest possible, I even skipped classes to get them covered!


When the school starts there might be a really weird cue with people waiting outside my dorm room.. Some wearing all manner of disguises because they really shouldn't be there, with professors throwing curious looks at them.... Since they are also looking for my character for all kinds of reasons..

Orso Orsi might have some crazy and somewhat too dangerous "adventure" in mind. The Regent of Vernin, Mr Diluca might want something for his secret and crazy Vernin thing he had going.

The Watchers Crow(familiar I'm thinking) with an empty looking letter....

The people looking for the book of deep shadows...

Other weird people and quite a few students who can't tie their own shoe laces without my help..


If Diavesque has some issues either way, he will have to take a number!

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Not going to lie, the image of Diavesque taking a number is hilarious. But yes, you do make quite a few potential enemies during Y1, the thing is that Diavesque is a Dragon-shaped book that knows enough about Gates to summon demons and, one assumes, control them to some extend. If he feels like he's not given proper respect I suspect his answer will be "demons".

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