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use whole screen


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just bought the game on gamersgate, sounded interesting.

but the text is so tiny i get a headache reading this and the whole screen isnt even used so no wonder the text is hard to read.

are you planning to fix this in a future patch? maybe just remove the useless borders on the sides?

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The small font is something that will be fixed in the sequel, but that can't be fixed in Y1 as far as I know. For getting around it you can try dropping your monitor resolution (try 1600×900, 1280×720 is too small), it might make the text seem bigger, but that could be an illusion on my end because someone (not naming any names) is lax with getting an updated set of glasses.


Otherwise Windows 7 has a magnifying glass...something program, but that doesn't really make the text any more readable.

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The UI is designed for only one small 4:3 screen resolution (I think 1024x768) and there wont be any changes about this for year 1 any more as the team works already on year 2.

For year 2 its promised that the UI will scale to different screen resolutions.

There are some keys set in year 1 that can zoom in and out at last some of the text but I never used them so I don't know what keys that are.

(I have no problems with it using my 1920x1200 Monitor)

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...Well I'll be damned. Ctrl and + (the + on the numpad, not the one above =) actually does increase font size. I thought that was one of those "engine limitations" things, I'm sure I read somewhere that the font size couldn't be changed in Y1.


Well, that would have been nice to know 5 or so playthroughs ago. Better late than never I guess.

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You can use CTRL and +, I believe, to increase the Font Size, however.


yeah some parts can be enlargened. the parts that werent problematic unfortunatly. the choices are hard to read, not the text.

and the most terrible is the item description in shops! i cant read this at all. can send you guys screenshots but you can certainly find that part yourself.

i dont understand why you use such a big border on all sides, it serves no purpose and you could use much larger fonts and pictures that way. a strange design decision.


im useing 1280*1024 resolution and no awfull big monitor. old one is still working, so no need to waste money.

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