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I saved and reloaded almost every day! Granted the year's not over yet...


Although I admit I hadn't even thought of savescumming the groundskeeper course. I still have this mindset where I see doing that as impractical because of how rare it is to get fitness from it.


I will report on this save at the end and how it went down.

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well, it has been like 8 months since my last runthrough. About the only thing I truly did different was starting a larger pool of adventures than before. I know that some adventures give different attribute rewards based on how you complete them and I never memorized that. With my savescumming I wind up doing a lot of them earlier than I would normally and my guess is that the exits I chose this time around were intelligence/insight exits instead of fitness/charm. Or maybe my progression of skills acquired from adventures is changed slightly and those might have kept me from unlocking one obscure adventure that I did before and not now? I don't know.


I also did various exits different, (like memorization to get diction unlocked) the sum of all those minor changes probably add up. In any case, If I could just unlock acrobatics I could get back on track but at this point the only likely way to get it is from random increases *shudder* This run is probably a loss but It's probably good to do it to keep me thinking of all the screw ups when dlc17 gets here, and I also found a bug for the legate during it, so it's not a total loss. Probably won't seriously savescum again though. I've been playing this save for like 3 days and my repeated reloading is crashing the game every 5th reload or so now that I'm nearing the end.

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Hmmm... Honestly the number of adventures is so great that It would be easier to wait until the save converter comes along and gives a small amount of info.


Off the top of my head, my Gates/Mastery 10 save finished these adventures. Note I'm mostly using my own names unless I remember the modtools name. also included are the branch I took if the story diverges.


Main Adventure, Orsi

Stormy Dreams/ Defeated mjolnir myself


Negation Class/ Adventure in Percy's /

Sphinx Syndicate/ tunnel path

Bump in the road

Revision and Danger/ sided with rui

Pop quiz.

The painting

Aranaz/unacademagia-activities/student council adventure

Carnage on the fields/ full success

Aranaz/Von rupprecht's special guest/ Sided with Sido

An outing. (before learning Mastery/ didn't want to learn sync)

if hearing is believing/beguiling the faerie in the beginning

The cold forge

The rainy day mimic troll fix the food adventure.

Chimney crows 1&2/relying on myself without risking others.

Grabbing all the books. (forget its name, get focus glasses as a reward)

Thing about the Venalicium. (I think I picked war in this save.)

Ravenprix/ Got Vickery to talk to orsi about the cure.

Walk along the lake. (reported it to the authorities)

Pamela's Adventure. (Cant remember if Gates was used or not.)

Language skills (Gates was definitely used)

The vilocian adventure. (Vs the schroeder gym)

Battle simulator (kicked ass)

A day in Incantation. (just mindlessly went through it. It ought to have an attribute point for the number of actions required)

Miles to go

Calligraphy class/ Used the glamour puppet mimic spell)

that one trip to City hall

(I THINK I did the fake christmas felicity adventure too)


Edit, oh yeah, also "Just going about your business" And acquired the papers in the captain's cabin.


And the Shiny things adventure, where I wind up with either Befriend or Mastery as my only two options. Guess which one is easier for me to do? I don't like this adventure for that reason.



And that *about* covers it, I may have missed a couple, but that's the bulk. I also got several steps into strolin's adventure, but generally I didn't start adventures If I didn't feel I could finish them in order to conserve action slots. I was going for Gates and Mastery both so I knew it was going to be a tight squeeze for time.


It's pretty easy to do these and more adventures, if I spend a lot less time fooling around with illegal magic.

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The name you forgot with the Glasses of Focus is Among the Dusty Shelves, and I've already asked the Legate to correct the issue of A Day In Incantation not handing out an attribute point, I think. As for advice:


-Convincing Professor Vickery instead of Dahlia during The Wasting Sickness gives you Insight rather than Charm (or Fitness if you leave the adults to figure out how to be adults on their own).

-Going Incantation with the Chimney Crows rather than Courage gets you Insight rather than Finesse.

-I imagine you already know but just in case: Dance of the Fools can hand out Charm/Glory rather than Insight.

-Using Gates during Language Skills increases Intelligence rather than Finesse for either other non-running exit (although Gates has no roll associated with it).

-If you don't use Gates for Pamela's adventure, Character will give Insight as opposed to Memorization.

-A Meeting of Aranaz College can give Insight/Charm/Intelligence, so go Rhetoric if you want Charm.

-Community Service will tempt you into +1 Intelligence with a straight Persuasion, but Dialectic followed by Athletics can hand out a Fitness or Luck if you fail the Athletics roll.


Just an idea of where you might have gone wrong with your current game.

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Well, Those are indeed useful tips. I actually figured our a few of them (probably "again") in my latest save which I managed to luckily snag acrobatics, got the running exit in the main story following orsi, and one other adventure which I don't remember offhand already but I think it was dusty shelves. so it's fitness 7 now.


I gave up the chance of getting anything more than a 2 in Gates and Mastery but the amount of adventures done are mostly the same minus one or two and plus several student and misc adventures. I think it's roughly the equivalent right now of past saves going back to 2012 or so, which are the oldest ones I made that I bothered to keep.


The exams are starting and so I still have about 30 actions left to tie up the last adventures, Most of that will be raising skills to finish that last strolin step (the backlash by students) and a couple others. I figure it will be about equal with my average quality save but it doesn't inspire me like my previous two saves do. I suppose it has to do with the fact that although I did get maybe 10 extra timeslots by savescumming away detentions, I had to carry Aranaz through the merit race a little in the beginning but a lot throughout the middle of the game.As a result I got several more merit rewards than normal but nothing that I really desired. (I just wanted Aranaz to win, regardless of rewards, so I work as hard as needed to keep in first place, getting the rewards is a secondary thing, mostly.)


I actually try to finish adventures, period. I'm not picky enough to go for a certain skill when I already have one built up to do it with. It's pragmatic, although it bites me sometimes. In any case I now have the cheap food glamour adventure in a save so I'll look forward to that. I even did the watcher adventure which I normally shy away from.

Edit: I do go for certain exits when I have multiple exits available to me, however.

Edit 2: I did manage to score the book of yellow on my first day on this save, so I suppose that's something. :)

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Among the Dusty Shelves is +1 Fitness straight-up and a +1 Intelligence item if you pass the last roll, just +1 Luck if you don't. And honestly you might want to consider throwing the Merit race under the bus if you can give up the rewards. I don't think it'll have essential repercussions in later years if you win, although if it does then you're likely to not like that because anything that raises Aranaz' profile rather directly raises yours as well, particularly if you spend a ton of time competing and are seen as responsible or it.


Than again, that might just be the anticipation of playing a Hedi main character in me talking. You think Aranaz is lazy when it comes to Merit? Well let me tell you about Hedi...

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I tend to agree with you. At the very least, Merit is mostly useless, but I get this nagging feeling that some of those phemes offered in the race will be very tough to get going forward in later years.


I will probably play a 'don't give a darn' attitude to merit for my final playthrough in DLC17. Truth be told, I don't actually think high Glory is a good thing for my character. I'm not going to avoid it, but I'm not going out of my way to acquire it either. <--- says guy who intentionally goes for highest exam scores.


I suppose part of the mechanics of future years will be balancing pros and cons of various different stats and trying to get them from harming you. The effects of a super-high Glory player in Y5 will probably not be able to stay out of the eyes of certain people. That may make learning the kinds of magic I may want to learn a pain in the butt. I doubt Euneycia has much of a social life, of course, once you get THAT powerful I suppose you stop living a double life because you couldn't hide the levels of spells that you would practice, nor your aura. It's just easier to find some place where nobody wants to go.

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I'll admit it's much easier to ignore when you're in Hedi because "drop in the bathtub" doesn't begin to describe the uselessness of Merit, at least short of receiving the grace of the Random Number God like Deidre did. Of course the one character that does is a one-month test character in Morvidus. More evidence of the RNG being sentient, if you ask me. As for the Phemes, getting them all requires getting 900 Merit for Vetus (Pheme). Trust me, unless your College mates are going to do the work for you it - and Vetus especially - is not worth it.


Speaking of, you ought to figure out a way to set someone up as the "top" scorer during exams and consistently get second place yourself at best. You've said it before yourself, if you run your mouth about wanting to learn "all" magic and complaining about how easy it all is, and then you show everything that for you it is, you're going to draw the attention of professors from more than one angle. You might not learn as much if you're seen as an ambitious student who needs help reaching the curriculum's goal as opposed to a student who can be pushed farther than any of his peers, but the more you seem to be occupied with your actual schoolwork the better.


I just wonder how the later years, heck even Y2 itself, is going to account for the various ways one can get mass-Glory. Because I could get a ton of Glory through adventures and being the descendant of a Hero, or I can get Glory through masterful singing, or through masterful advocating in D's Court, or through a number of other ways, and of course some combination of some or all of the above. So many ways that so many people might or might not take an interest in you, healthy or otherwise. None of my characters will be aiming for any more Glory than they'll get from Solving the Block Puzzle, maybe an adventure or two (not the Dance of Fools, though) and advocating in the case of my current planned Durand kid, but that's it. Glory, to me, seems only like an invitation for more trouble than it's worth.

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You see. part of me wants to put Basia in first place. She's usually not too far from the top, and is a braggart and surely would not ever admit to being helped in such a fashion to being #1. She would help feed the illusion herself because she so desperately wants it to be so.


However, I also think that if you are getting #1 in your classes, particularly the relatively magic-intensive classes, then clearly you are spending a lot of your time on legitimate studies, and as far as they can tell, all of your time. With the the Aron and Meagan episode, Aron was only said to be learning one pillar, which was easy enough for him to devote time for Mastery.


No matter how "Easy" my character feels a particular pillar is, that is tempered by study in multiple pillars. Even if all of them were considered easy, surely put together they are at least as hard as the sum of the individual parts if not more, and so few students can do omni studies that I feel that it wouldn't even cross most folks' minds that I would choose to go that extra-extra distance, especially when I'm sure even those who don't know the illegal stuff should know that Gates and Mastery are not pushover study subjects.

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Basia is definitely a solid choice of patsy, particularly if you're in Aranaz yourself since that makes it that much easier to manipulate her and it's that much less fury you're exposed to if she doesn't fail miserably. The unfortunate thing is that she's not in all your classes, but she's definitely a shoe-in for the ones you share (minus Negation, I think, but still). The big question is how to manipulate your chosen "beneficiaries" (word?), how to increase their skill levels. Throwing a spell at them isn't necessarily easy, since Pheme buffing takes time to set up and non-hostile spells that can be cast at other students (particularly spells with low DCs that can easily be buffed) aren't especially common. The best spell for this that I've found is From Novice to Master - high DC, difficult Phemes (the Early Empire 10 at least), low duration, and Subskills only so you need three casts minimum to boost a parent skill. Of course +5 to a parent makes a big difference, and Revision 4/Methods 8 isn't hard to get with the Library of Manetele available. It's better, though, if you can manage to get some form of friendly (read: non-Mastery) Control over a student and make him/her boost him/herself with something that can only target that student - Dialectic students, for example, should be "suggested" to visit Oleapia’s Shrine. Aranaz students are basically given a freebie regarding this method with Create Formal Invitation (Action), others might have to go out of their way to get either Calligraphy up or Voice of Favors (Spell).


Voice of Favors to make a fellow student, of roughly thirteen years of age, basically cheat on an exam so that the PC won't get suspected of anything or otherwise given unwanted attention because of...whatever they don't wish to share, by way of getting first place on a class exam. That is what I am seriously suggesting. Just thought you wanted to know.


Anyway, regarding Aron and Meagan, that's why you focus on getting second place. That way you clearly put effort into all your classes, but due to overextension you simply cannot match this student who's clearly put so much work and effort into this once subject in particular that, well, obviously someone with such a large spread of focus isn't going to beat an equally talented but more focussed student. So don't worry! You'll be just fine, just try not to burn yourself out too much with all the classwork you've been busy with...or something to that effect.


That's reasonable, but relying on others being reasonable in the same way is one of the fastest ways to set yourself up for an untimely and most gloriously messy death. Not everyone shares the same logic, and even if they do no one is perfectly consistent. Remember, you are the one who has to keep the secret every time. Your professors need only get suspicious of you, rightfully or not, once.

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hehe. Reminds me of Gattaca in a big way. You live a lie. Not a small one either; a really big one. All it takes is one screw up, and it's game over (Literally, lol) but therein lies the problem. If you're masquerading as something you're not, it eventually comes to pass that they simply won't believe that one of their best, that their greatest honor student could ever be a criminal who commits thoughtcrime by learning things forbidden by the state.


Sure there might be one or two people who can come close to exposing you if you're careless, but you can actually use the system against them. Make them look like the conspiracy nuts. Intentionally provoke them into doing something stupid and get them fired. And perhaps if all else fails, blackmail can work for a time.

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Or everyone believes it, with ideas of "of course he was too good to be true" or "of course he used some sort of illegal magic to accomplish those things". Likely, a combination of both, depending on who your enemies are.


I'm pretty sure that suspicions of knowing/casting Gates or Mastery aren't ever not taken seriously unless the person in question is a certified loon, and no such individual would likely discover your secret in the first place. Perhaps not investigated as much as much as it should, but I doubt it's ignored entirely. Compelling truths and checking an individual's aura aren't (relatively) difficult or time-consuming tasks, from what I've gathered.

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All interesting theories. Beign first in your class, and perhaps ahead in your class requesting favors from the professors to teach you more advanced methods, does suggest you're putting in a lot of effort into your studies, it's harder to believe that you actually got tiem to mess around with forbidden magic if you are a normal student.


On the other hand, there were a few ancient wizards of the past, who were incredibly gifted and who commanded all the pillars because of a special mindset where they didn't even see magic as limited to pillars and blended magic to their hearts content.


While those Wizards were idolised they would have been considered lawbreakers if they were born in this era where their all encompassing magical skill and greater understanding included Mastery and Gates. For those superprodiges of magic it would have been hard to avoid Learning the forbidden magic. Kind of like the Einsteins of magic, or Copernikus etz, and then we got the inquisition that will chop your head off for telling them that the Earth rotates around the sun....


Maybe it's not about being a genius but rather curious, you take your time to ask the questions and ponder them even when you can't find them in the books.

In the cases where there are holes in the material, like with Mastery and Gates, it would seem Logic and it's parrent skill would be perfect for tracking down or deducting answers.


So yes, being first in your class sugest you're dedicated to your studies, doing your homework and having a good set of studyhabits and test taking skills also suggests you're very dedicated.


Unless, I don't know how common it is for them to get super intelligent wizards that break all the rules and don't Think the bans include them.


Also, it was interestign to hear that the "Dark arts of Persuation" wasn't mastery, but rather, Blackmail. I thought the Watcher meant the Mastery skilsl my characters had.... He made it sound like it was really bad(Think the Watcher is a he, not 100% certain).... Seriously?!? Blackmail can be used to Blackmail you?

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I think the limit in modern days is probably 3 pillars, and that's something that would not be achieved very quickly.


Even if I were to ignore Gates and Mastery entirely I think there will be enough to study in the legal pillars to prevent me from becoming a master of them. Perhaps even if I were also to stop learning Enchantment and Astrology in Y3 in order to really focus on the more common arts.


I know that I want the majority of magical skills that are going to be in Y2 for absolutely certain. Since my Y1 playthrough has me right on the level caps going into Y2 I expect that I should be able to kick ass in Y2 as well, but.... It's simple to see the writing on the wall. We're getting another action slot in Y2 which will potentially almost double the amount of things we can do, while the number of total skills will probably be triple if not quadruple Y1 and that doesn't count things like raised caps to 20. No matter how good I do In Y2, I'm not expecting to max out any skills as an omni and as such, Y3 is going to be the Year where I start prioritizing in order to desperately keep up with the 1-pillar specialists.


That's part of why I'm not too worried about the being discovered for being too smart. I may be learning a LOT compared to the average student in Y2, but if I start falling behind compared to a specialist it's going to be obvious that I am not the potent whiz-kid who has nothing left to study in the legal arts.


Of course we are really putting human psyche assumptions into a game which mostly follows rules. If you don't cast spells from the illegal pillars in adventures, nor in the calendar, odds are you won't get caught. Of course there is a risk that sufficiently advanced skill-raising in those arts may themselves get you caught but I am not expecting that level of scrutiny in Y2.

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I think the limit in modern days is probably 3 pillars, and that's something that would not be achieved very quickly.


Even if I were to ignore Gates and Mastery entirely I think there will be enough to study in the legal pillars to prevent me from becoming a master of them. Perhaps even if I were also to stop learning Enchantment and Astrology in Y3 in order to really focus on the more common arts.


I know that I want the majority of magical skills that are going to be in Y2 for absolutely certain. Since my Y1 playthrough has me right on the level caps going into Y2 I expect that I should be able to kick ass in Y2 as well, but.... It's simple to see the writing on the wall. We're getting another action slot in Y2 which will potentially almost double the amount of things we can do, while the number of total skills will probably be triple if not quadruple Y1 and that doesn't count things like raised caps to 20. No matter how good I do In Y2, I'm not expecting to max out any skills as an omni and as such, Y3 is going to be the Year where I start prioritizing in order to desperately keep up with the 1-pillar specialists.


That's part of why I'm not too worried about the being discovered for being too smart. I may be learning a LOT compared to the average student in Y2, but if I start falling behind compared to a specialist it's going to be obvious that I am not the potent whiz-kid who has nothing left to study in the legal arts.

Why do you study Gates and Mastery, anyway, if it's only going to wear you down in later years? Yes, it's magic, but it's so...limiting on so many fronts. Is the idea of an omni-orthographer (spelling...) not adventurous enough?


Incidentally, I personally hope Y2 actually dials back the "six different skills for every possible aspect" a bit. Not that there's much problem with there being separate skills for, say, Oratory/Debate/Persuasion/etc, but stuff like Obsevation/Character Study/Awareness/Perception is just a mess, and I'm still confused as to how Espionage and Spy are supposed to...something. They do not add up.


Of course we are really putting human psyche assumptions into a game which mostly follows rules. If you don't cast spells from the illegal pillars in adventures, nor in the calendar, odds are you won't get caught. Of course there is a risk that sufficiently advanced skill-raising in those arts may themselves get you caught but I am not expecting that level of scrutiny in Y2.

True, but a large part of the game is roleplay, is it not? If you're caught casting illegal magic I assume you're not going to say "professor X beat my Finesse/Conceal check with an Intelligence/Observation check after succeeding on an Insight/Character Study check, therefore I was caught".



Pamela's Adventure. (Cant remember if Gates was used or not.)

Language skills (Gates was definitely used)


Just thought that was funny.

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Well, I dunno. There's just something really interesting about Gates and Mastery. If going for the illegal stuff is really going to slow me down, then I'll stop it. Of all the saves I've done, only in one have I ever pulled off a full omni skillset, and even then it required a lot of luck and some sacrifice.


Most of the saves I've done have them at casual contact levels, or even don't have them at all, because it's just too hard to get all 7 pillars+enspell up to 10. It's just that as things stand in Y1. Truthfully. I expect Y2 will be no different. That's why I really want to have this character who studied Gates and Mastery to 10 in Y1 as my main. so that even if I don't have time to study those fields in future years, At least I got them raised up in Y1 when I had nothing better skillwise to do.


Besides. the Legate almost laughed when comparing a skill of 7-8 to the "boundless knowledge of the ancients" and 10 isn't really far from 8, so I'm content to believe that a skill of 10 is a relatively safe stopping point if you are only interested in knowing some of the illegal stuff for your own protection. How I go from this point on is a matter of seeing what roads are most favorable and I believe that my character has the best ability to see which roads I want to take.


Actually, I see orthography as a career choice for my character. Maybe get a place of my own in Mineta and produce unique spells for money. I see my potential interest in certain magics as a side hobby that can be ignored if the demand for my time Is great enough. But Orthography as a day job I hardly consider "adventurous"


Also, I had no problem with the various observation exits. Each are a little different. Observation is noticing a specific thing that may not stand out on it's own. perception is understanding something that you already can see, lack of awareness is what makes an absent minded professor, character study is getting into somebody's head to determine what they are likely to do. Espionage as I see it is mostly the defensive parts of spying, (and how to exploit them if necessary) and Spy is the knowledge of how to actually physically go out there and do some spying. (which espionage itself is poorly equipped to deal with)

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Unfortunately, I doubt you can just "stop" with Gates or Mastery. People will continue to haunt/hunt you for having that knowledge regardless of whether you have 10 or 30 skill ranks in it, and it's a secret you're going to have to keep forever. People might not constantly be looking for you over it, but you'll constantly know. I don't think Temptation of Gates is the only illegal magic-specific Emotion we'll see in later years, honestly...


Skillwise? No, perhaps not. I still think that pursuing relationships (read: future contacts) and student adventures will pay out more in the end than studying Gates or Mastery.


I have to wonder how much protection against illegal magic not just your character, but later year PCs in general are going to need. I suppose that'll large depend on how much they go looking for trouble, but still. Fighting fire with fire, now there's a dangerous game...as for which road to take, well, you know what I'd recommend, but your character? Who knows. Perhaps the tyke wants to play a game of Lone Wolf One-Man Army against Puppet Strings or whoever. Hey, the kid's a Lonely Sentinel, right? PS, I am still curious as to which Backgrounds you'd choose if you were following my planned "straight +7 attributes/backgrounds hand out none" rules.


If you're going to settle down and open a shop in Mineta might I recommend that you put a focus in both the Economy skillset as well as Law? You're going to need both if you want to run a business yourself (at minimum), otherwise you're going to have to look for an employer and that'll mean both a cut in pay as well as personal freedom (especially if you get picked up by a Guild, and I imagine only that or a noble family could afford your rates). Alternatively, establish some contacts and befriend someone who can cover those skillsets for you. Yes, it's probably not going to matter at all mechanically, but you know, roleplay!


You say that, but Infiltration is an Espionage skill, not a Spy skill. That's really the skill I always get hung up on the most. Spy can pick locks, but Espionage does actual infiltration? Huh?

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Well, I dunno. I'm not really interested in either spy or espionage, perse, so I haven't looked too closely on them.


I Don't know exactly what would be needed to start a place yourself but, until the time comes to actually make a choice, I'm not really going to be focusing on anything but magic. I'm very sure that all those details will be explained as they become necessary and until they become important, I'm not going to focus on them. a Lot of the Y1 skills were put in so that you can get a decent head start on them for future years but specializing in Law in y1? Even in Y2 I'm not going to do that until I know for sure.


Assuming that attributes were not put into effect as you have suggested? The 10 that I would probably choose for sheer roleplaying, in no particular order would be


Astrology: midnight (Love the all inclusivity. It's pointless though because of how easy it is to max most of them if you're taking classes)

Exploits: Shipwrecked. (Competent in emergencies and can react to various situations)

Discoveries: Libraries (Because my 'normal' habitat is definitely indoors and reading)

Family: Wizards. (Just so I could more easily impress the familiy with my omni ways, though this one is obviously a maybe for illegal reasons)

Deed: Sentinel. (I am going to kill monsters, although only going to hunt the really, really, REALLY dangerous ones as I become aware of them.)

History:traitors. (I still would take it for the negative aspects if I could get another background. Attributes be damned.)

Tutoring: Magic (from the family, probably)

Heritage: Auncish (because if you go back far enough my family comes from the real-life equivalent. Though I still like the idea of family in mineta.)

Omen: shattered mirrors (I still love it, get ready for a mighty destiny, indeed.)

Prodigy: Negation (maybe, as I don't like specializing and there are only options for this and Incantation. Either this or one of the other attribute raising ones even if they wouldn't raise them)

Well, of those that exist, those are the ones I really really like. I'd pad out the rest with other



I suppose the amount of protection you need to protect yourself from the illegal magics is probably directly proportional to the amount of knowledge you have of them. haha!

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Funny you should mention that, because my planned Aranaz kid? Yeah. It's just a shame that Espionage is, for some reason, folded into Luck and the kid doesn't have any of it.

Outside of money and whatnot, I imagine you'll need Law to know and remember the various laws and rules that a shop must follow as well as all the forums/licenses and assorted bureaucratic nonsense that you'll have to work your way through City Hall to have made official and usable. Further, if you want to stay completely independent from any Guilds, you'll likely want to know what laws they must follow and how you could use them to protect your independence (and limit the usefulness of those that would force you into enrolling at the same time). I suppose it's fair that you don't want to focus on it right now, so long before it'll ever be relevant (if it'll ever be relevant), but when it is you're going to have to put in that effort, and it'd be best to do so when you're chasing illegal magic out of a sense of boredom rather than when you have to worry about exams or after you graduate and you loose access to the Academagia's facilities and you're left standing in Mineta without an idea of where to go next. Unless your character is fine with living with his parents for as long as it takes to set everything up and possibly relying on them a bit (which is fine - no one can know and know everything by him/herself), but if he's not...

"Either this or one of the other attribute raising ones even if they wouldn't raise them"? Yikes, caught a bad case of the Attributes, I see, you mostly see that in Familiars *(Ineffective) Innocent whistle*. Either way, a monster hunter who's natural habitat is in a library? Curious. As for Traitors, what great breach of trust would your family have committed in the past?

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Incidentally, I personally hope Y2 actually dials back the "six different skills for every possible aspect" a bit. Not that there's much problem with there being separate skills for, say, Oratory/Debate/Persuasion/etc, but stuff like Obsevation/Character Study/Awareness/Perception is just a mess, and I'm still confused as to how Espionage and Spy are supposed to...something. They do not add up.\


No kidding. A really good exemple that I have found is basically Deceit, Lie and Bluff.


The problem is not about them not being different form one another but them being intrinsically linked together.


Lies and Bluffs are certainly good for Deceits to the point that a good Liar and Bluffer makes a decent Deceiver right ? after all what is a good Lie or Bluff but Deceit ?

It also works with Lies and Deceit for Bluff and so on the circular logic works pretty well... .


An other exemple of the same kind is Move Silently, Infiltrate and Hide.


Anyway I certainly hope that Year 2 links those kind of skill in the futur and limits the "generosity" in skills that Year 1 has at least when it as artificial as this.


Well, I dunno. There's just something really interesting about going for the illegal stuff


Here's your explanation :P

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Damn it, you're making me mad. metis.


I can't properly convey it to you that just because I pick one thing doesn't mean I want to make it a lifelong deal.


"Yikes, caught a bad case of the Attributes, I see," What the hell is that supposed to mean? I think that some of the stories surrounding those attribute backgrounds are better that some of the regular backgrounds That's why I would still take some of them even if they wouldn't be raising attributes. Is that really so hard to understand? I couldn't pick which specific ones I'd prefer outside of the ones I mentioned atm.


And are you serious? A wizard moving back with his parents because he couldn't find a job? I can tell you with confidence that by and large there's a lot more freedom in this setting to do stuff (within reason) than there is in real life, simply because the government is in a period of waning influence. which is the opposite of real life. If there is some orthographer's guild in Mineta (which is an if, judging on how rare it is) then maybe I'll say screw it and just go somewhere else. Maybe I'll just operate in defiance of any guild rules and turn the lawyers who hassle me into toads? Who knows? There remains the possibility that I might even find a single patron and work exclusively for them. Anyway, I have a lot of other ideas for day jobs. That's just the most obvious. there really isn't enough information to make decisions like that and according to interviews, that line of thinking doesn't really come into effect until Y4! Then again, maybe I'll just become a Professor at the Academy. After all, at least then you're no longer in the private sector where they expect results!


Edit. And also, I see Deed:Sentinel as a predisposition to right some bad situations if they come up. Just because I generalize my character as a bookworm doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of adventures done which directly conflict with that. I don't see a general rule as being forced to be the "ABSOLUTE AND NOTHING BUT" situation that can't be flexed.

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