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Canadian Pride!

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Well, I'm now genuinely afraid of coming here that it took me since I last replied to come here + having to wait after work to even consider checking what messages are here.


Why are you afraid? There is no reason to be afraid of different opinions.




It's not really how I'm saying it, more like jealousy that patriotism is southern owned.


Actually, it -is- how you are coming across. As a fellow Canadian even I can see that. No, Patriotism is not just owned by the US. However you need to understand that without tone of voice meaning of text can be lost.



But ya. I made a similar thread in another forum with someone trying to stir up crap by bringing Steven Harper into the mix then I called him out for it with me trying to stay neutral. I was told to take a chill pill when I wanted a neutral topic that mocking, taunting, and bullcrap is going to happen regardless........


What you do or say on another forum has virtually nothing to do with here. They run that forum, BCS runs this one. I doubt many from here are over there.



And I had a nice laugh that BCS took the Japanese route (through voting, or not) that it's neither Canadian, nor American, that it's straight Japanese. Hiryuu being the one with the lovely stern in KanColle when she's damaged. Her stern shows off nicely. WHen I saw that e-mail notification after playing Rising World for Canada Day it just made me laugh. I have yet to read it, yet I did skim through it. I lacked the time to do it that Sunday & Monday shall give me a good time to catch up on whatever I may have missed.


She was voted for. Topic is here: http://academagia.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3300



But at least you know how I feel when I have to stare at US fanaticism all the time that being proud of any other 'minor navy' is not allowed; shunned at; disrespected. Your little jab with the 'deculture' was off putting that I feel you're tied to me a bit too much. I mean, a bit comical yet worrisome. A little breathing room be nice :). That, and I get the same crap even when my neutral Canadian topic on another game forum gets ruined by anti-Steven Harper bullcrap when I simply said 'Happy Canada Day!' that There's just no winning.


It's not about 'winning' anything here. Being proud of our country is great whomever you like/dislike leading it. Also once again, another forum is -NOT- this one. There is no need to bleed drama from another site onto here.



That, when I say irony is that when I'm trying to, for once, respect my Canadian navy that it's not allowed.


Not one person has said that. Not one.



I want to bring race into this, yet I'm not going to because I just can't word things properly enough. I'm already 'fearful' of opening up this damn thread as it is.


Again, fearful of what? Different opinions than your own? That shouldn't be something to fear. It's something that should be welcomed and a chance to explain your views and share your excitement in a well thought out, even toned debate.



Oh, and if anybody is wondering may probably be happy to hear my Canada Day was absolute crap. It wasn't patriotic to me at all so I guess you guys shall view that as karma. I did enjoy the two nasty thunderstorms I had in the nation's capital, yet it didn't feel like Canada Day at all.........Moving on......(Came here to search up two midget submarines I made note of for another game. Italy's CB-Class Submarine......)


This last part was wholly unneeded and comes across (intended or not) as an attempt to guilt trip people into sympathizing with your comment. My Canada Day wasn't the best either but that's neither here nor there. What matters on the forums is what's on the forums.

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To be fair, the deculture thing was a result of me not knowing the reference you were referring to and making an inference based on how the word was constructed and your previous comment on how Pola didn't look Italian.


And I don't believe I ever said or did anything to say it wasn't allowed. Only mentioning that the Belle was a Japanese Belle, not Canadian as you mentioned "If the next Belle isn't Canadian then there was a missed opportunity", and clarifying your statement about me. You still somehow believe that I'm against showing off Canadian pride in any capacity, which is wholly incorrect.


Glad it was kept in good fun so I had some nice laughs out of that. Over the Deculture confusion. Sweet :)


In hindsight I did word that bluntly, yet tried to spin the 'missed opportunity' in jest, yet still came out in haste before having to run off that I'm hating out that came out. I don't believe any more RCN to come out because that's just the nature of things. *shrug*


Now need time to read Nel's posting.

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@ Nel:


This feels like a broken record that it just keeps hitting the same point on my end.


A) Once again, I'm just frustrated that I have to be whiny to even see Canadians or even other nations. Just because Canada is my home I'm forced to be whiny & loud, and then pissed off when I see my fellow American buddies whining to appear in KanColle or others that Cnadians just get left out. Think of that feeling when you were last to be picked for a team in elementary school team gym class, or something. It's that feeling of being left out, yet here.


I find my loudness & rudeness necessary when having to also be in competition with others.


B ) I was just making note that any Canadian topic or fun simply gets ruined either by mockery, politics by the Liberals for trying to smash the Conservatives on every front, or Pokemon fun, or whatever. It never ends well, and neither does here that it simply hurts to be be simply or loudly proud of anything Canadian. It feels like a guilt trip.


C) Ya, am sure she was voted for that any guests for July 1st or July 4th would be off. Was hoping for the unexpected, yet wasn't expecting anything. As I just told Wellington, expecting anything for Canadians is too much to ask for that it's always handed to the Americans, if at all. It's why I enjoy European & Japanese games that take the effort to visit everything in detail, such as Ubisoft Romania for Silent Hunter 3.


I forgot to mention this in my haste also, yet it's minor, yet still noteworthy which someone sent me: http://worldoftanks.com/en/news/pc-browser/21/The_Chieftains_Hatch_Canadians_Ortona/ - Something rare.


D) Same as above, not trying to bleed. Just trying to say/show an example how everything Canadian in anything simply gets ruined or twisted. It's a sense of defeat when you see being twisted a lot. It's even harder when you see stupid jokes.


E) Check back because it's right in this thread about 2-3 times. Ah well, whatever.


F) Fearful of always getting smacked for admiring anything Canadian that even mockery finds its way in somewhere. It's not necessarily opinions, just more like guilt trips and such.


G) Ya, you're right there because I was a bit frustrated & exhausted that I edited that in when I shouldn't have. Wanted to note something in last minute that it popped in there as a frustrated & defeated side-thought of what I was thinking before I popped off the forum again. Alright, that last bit I admit is 100% stupid, but it didn't feel like the past Canada Day I had. It was simply a day an event happened which I was disconnected from with stupid things happening. It was underwhelming that there was no fun to be had that day, minus two awesome storms.




[Edit: What I should actually be saying is that my pride is actually the result of not seeing something to then seeing BCS adding in HMCS Saguenay that it's like seeing something surreal. A major culture shock that it's even happening because it's a taboo in war games to have Canadians in a war game, except for Victory at Sea, Victory Belles, & Silent Hunter 3 (naval games). I'm proud to have something to connect with, thus being obnoxious about it. A kid in a candy store, type thing.]




Alright, now what do I do with this thread.....I guess another hiatus until something Canadian happens again? I guess I"ll just do what I always do an allow it to blow in the wind to see where it travels.

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@ Nel:


This feels like a broken record that it just keeps hitting the same point on my end.


A) Once again, I'm just frustrated that I have to be whiny to even see Canadians or even other nations. Just because Canada is my home I'm forced to be whiny & loud, and then pissed off when I see my fellow American buddies whining to appear in KanColle or others that Cnadians just get left out. Think of that feeling when you were last to be picked for a team in elementary school team gym class, or something. It's that feeling of being left out, yet here.


I find my loudness & rudeness necessary when having to also be in competition with others.



- You can respond with valid points, documented facts and information without the need to use "loudness & rudeness" to drive your point. If anything, those detract from what you are trying to achieve. Also, again, Canada is my home too. I do not need to use these methods to clarify my points nor show my own pride in our county. What other games do or do not with the countries and ships is their choice. VB has already offered us at least one Belle from our nation. There is always the chance for more.


The BEST way to make that happen is with calm rational discussion, presented facts and interesting ideas.




B ) I was just making note that any Canadian topic or fun simply gets ruined either by mockery, politics by the Liberals for trying to smash the Conservatives on every front, or Pokemon fun, or whatever. It never ends well, and neither does here that it simply hurts to be be simply or loudly proud of anything Canadian. It feels like a guilt trip.


I was taught when young that there are three things you don't discuss in public settings. Religion, Politics & The Great Pumpkin. Again, you can be a proud Canadian (there are a few examples on this forum, myself included) without the need to be combative and aggressive against other members here. You are actually acting worse than those you claim to dislike.


C) Ya, am sure she was voted for that any guests for July 1st or July 4th would be off. Was hoping for the unexpected, yet wasn't expecting anything. As I just told Wellington, expecting anything for Canadians is too much to ask for that it's always handed to the Americans, if at all. It's why I enjoy European & Japanese games that take the effort to visit everything in detail, such as Ubisoft Romania for Silent Hunter 3.

I forgot to mention this in my haste also, yet it's minor, yet still noteworthy which someone sent me: http://worldoftanks.com/en/news/pc-browser/21/The_Chieftains_Hatch_Canadians_Ortona/ - Something rare.


Yes, she -WAS- voted and we were promised one Belle interview a week. That would have been a great opportunity but would also have set a precedent in my opinion that every country would need a Belle interview on their major holidays. With America's 4th of July only 3 days later I personally did not want them to feel pressured to rush out another Belle interview just to meet that kind of precedent.



D) Same as above, not trying to bleed. Just trying to say/show an example how everything Canadian in anything simply gets ruined or twisted. It's a sense of defeat when you see being twisted a lot. It's even harder when you see stupid jokes.


You can either accept that people will make jokes and poke fun or don't. That however is on you as a person, not us as a people. You don't get to decided that. I find some of them funny and usually poke back with jokes as well. Not everything is an attack of Canadian Pride. You need a bit more flexibility.


E) Check back because it's right in this thread about 2-3 times. Ah well, whatever.



Re-read the entire topic from stem to stern. Nothing. Please cite examples with links.



F) Fearful of always getting smacked for admiring anything Canadian that even mockery finds its way in somewhere. It's not necessarily opinions, just more like guilt trips and such.


You are not allowed to play that card. I'm sorry but no. You've attempted in several posts now to enlist guilt trips out of other members here VERY OVERTLY.


G) Ya, you're right there because I was a bit frustrated & exhausted that I edited that in when I shouldn't have. Wanted to note something in last minute that it popped in there as a frustrated & defeated side-thought of what I was thinking before I popped off the forum again. Alright, that last bit I admit is 100% stupid, but it didn't feel like the past Canada Day I had. It was simply a day an event happened which I was disconnected from with stupid things happening. It was underwhelming that there was no fun to be had that day, minus two awesome storms.


At least you could go outside and enjoy it. Be thankful for that.




Alright, now what do I do with this thread.....I guess another hiatus until something Canadian happens again? I guess I"ll just do what I always do an allow it to blow in the wind to see where it travels.


Or you could visit the forums as a whole. Read topics, contribute to the discussion, debate in good faith. There is lots you can do here without the need to have the equivalent of an ePityParty.




[Edit: What I should actually be saying is that my pride is actually the result of not seeing something to then seeing BCS adding in HMCS Saguenay that it's like seeing something surreal. A major culture shock that it's even happening because it's a taboo in war games to have Canadians in a war game, except for Victory at Sea, Victory Belles, & Silent Hunter 3 (naval games). I'm proud to have something to connect with, thus being obnoxious about it. A kid in a candy store, type thing.]


Then be proud, not demanding of more. If you want to use kind in the candy store analogy, don't be that kid who in on the floor kicking and screaming for mom to buy them more candy.

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I'm also going to mention that no one is competing with you. You're the only competitor here. No one else is whining, no one else is being loud and rude.

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Oh, I've been calm for many years at first with me constantly obtaining the same useless card each & every time that Canada didn't contribute anything to the war. That they're small, useless, have a tiny navy, among many other things. That, and that they shouldn't even be in a war game of any sort. I've also tried being rational & discuss with constant mockery happening regardless. It's always the same thing as now that the results haven't changed. I've tried neutral. I [was] highly excited to see HMCS Saguenay in BSC which felt highly surreal when she finally popped up. Her, and HMCS Haida as fan-art for KanColle. Yes, I shouldn't be greedy, yet it's still 'too far & few in between', just like how all the WW2 naval games are too few & too little. Nothing can compare with Silent Hunter 3, even UBOOT. If I had the necessary skills to make my own game then I'd be doing that right now, yet still seeking out a suitable user-friendly game engine, and such.


About D) is that I've accepted to be disappointed with what I was shown & presented outside of the BCS jokes & gags bubble. Not insulting BCS, just saying everything outside the community with the same things being shown time & time again that there's nothing new or fresh. Always the same useless jokes. :wacko:


F) Oh, this one annoys me a hell of a lot because I've seen countless guilt trips with them being seen as logical & perfectly fine, yet somehow this one has to be a major one. It was perfectly fine to have those other guilt trips which I want to apologies for, yet not knowing how to.


G) Never did, and couldn't. Situation wouldn't allow me to venture anywhere, just to admire the storm from within with a nice natural light-show with dark-as-night clouds.




About visiting the other parts of the forum: I have, yet the minor nation one was silent. I also visited the general section numerous times, and such. All interesting in their own nice manner. Been wanting to post up my 'Fog' in Canadian theme in the creativity corner, yet with the way this thread has been going I felt it unnecessary to be doing that until the figurative fire burns out on anything Canadian. Again, fearful of going onto this forum because of these kind of postings with everything being my fault for being loud & etc. And that I'm somehow guilt tripping, and etc. :wacko:




[Edit: What I should actually be saying is that my pride is actually the result of not seeing something to then seeing BCS adding in HMCS Saguenay that it's like seeing something surreal. A major culture shock that it's even happening because it's a taboo in war games to have Canadians in a war game, except for Victory at Sea, Victory Belles, & Silent Hunter 3 (naval games). I'm proud to have something to connect with, thus being obnoxious about it. A kid in a candy store, type thing.]

Then be proud, not demanding of more. If you want to use kind in the candy store analogy, don't be that kid who in on the floor kicking and screaming for mom to buy them more candy.

Oh, I am, yet I'm being called out for it. That's also a wise advice, yet I haven't seen myself go that far yet. Highly obnoxious, yes...just not brainlessly stupid. I've only been highly frustrated that nobody is bothering adding in Canadians while guilt tripping or making excuses as to why they shouldn't be in war games. Some excuse in other games for small navy & useless army. Again, I'm simply happy that BCS added in HMCS Saguenay while hoping to see it brought out to its full potential in appropriate time that anything viewed as demanding is just me brainstorming loudly [bit about having own nation to take control of Halifax & Vancouver, among others]. I had my moment of fun, then I stopped with it turning into me being back to annoyed with every war game, or that's how I see it.

Once everything settles down, and I feel I can have fun again, I'd try and wander over to ArmA to check out their Canadian mod. Same with Rising World with their Canadian mod, among others. Being told I'm insulting people just doesn't feel right with anything.

I guess I can't deny the 'epityparty' when I just can't find any proper free-roaming games, or similar. I can't deny it in any way that my postings are going in that direction with how frustrated I am looking at the lacking variety of options & features to play with.



I'm also going to mention that no one is competing with you. You're the only competitor here. No one else is whining, no one else is being loud and rude.

Hmm........Yeah, not here because I have HMCS Saguenay, yet in every other WW2 game I have to poke around to find something Canadian, Slovak, or even Czechoslovakia (IL-2). Just about every comrade I have in the Anime community can connect with some national Belle. My American, French, Dutch, Japanese, among others. There's no Mexican yet, though that be sweet.

Outside of VB I have to weed-wack to find everything I need, finding the occassional person saying why I can't have Canadians in KanColle, or whatever war game. If you're curious as to where my frustration started then check out Battlefield 1942 with how I VERY loosely desired Canadians, yet felt we we were just a 'token' nationality there. I then saw the Italian expansion with me just dropping the whole anger bit. The only two games between then & now were Silent Hunter 3 & Company of Heroes. No game which allowed you to play full-on Canadian. Then it's just dead (2006 to 2014, or so). Go over to KanColle forums & Wiki you'd see people throwing a fit about why they don't have USN destroyers & battleships when they conquered Japan.

And if you're still curious about my 'Insulting Canadian Pride' (or just loud) then it comes from me simply desiring to see the Canadian vessels, none of whom I was familiar with before, being both in existence, and being awesome at that. That, and I can see ANime & Anime RPG elements in them which could, in theory, also be a game of their own. I'm "fiercely" proud because

1) I see Anime RPG elements in them, as one would with Kanmusu & Pokemon style. Even Neptunia, or Valkyria.

2) Being a crude creator I tried forming my own to only fail because I can't draw, nor can i draw accessories on a whim. Basically stuck 'on paper', having no way to behave in any game.

3) I can finally connect with something of my nationality, yet feeling constantly threatened & in competition. Not in BCS, just elsewhere in the KanColle that NOW I'm feeling guilty of bleeding it over here. Again, why I'm feeling surreal pride of finally seeing Canadians in a war game.

I somewhat have to blame KanColle for opening up a box of its own for curiousity that I've gone around irritated as to why people focus in one field, not wanting to spread out as they are in Victory Belles. Checking all the Russians, Swedish, and etc. The same curiousity which led me to the Canadian navy side of things.


Again, I'm simply here because of variety with HMCS Saguenay being a lovely bonus on top of a cake. I really do want to strongly apologies for any unintentional guilt trips, yet I had a massive share of my own that I just don't know what to do with them, nor how to apologies. I can't even apologies to Nel because that would feel cheap after everything. But I will say that I'm trying to build a 'Canadian Tower' (something for Canada Day in Minecraft, now in Rising World) to eventually frame up her awesome Canadian wallpapers of Saguenay. It however highly resources intensive to build that it'll take a few weeks to build & frame properly.


*Tries to take some deep breaths*

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I would personally like to see some Canadian belles. Possibly particularly important corvettes as event drops. They don't have to be powerful, but they did contribute well to the anti submarine efforts in the battle of the Atlantic and would do nicely as token prize ships to represent their part in the war.

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I would personally like to see some Canadian belles. Possibly particularly important corvettes as event drops. They don't have to be powerful, but they did contribute well to the anti submarine efforts in the battle of the Atlantic and would do nicely as token prize ships to represent their part in the war.


Having corvettes might be nice. There's some British corvettes too that did really well, and corvettes in general were the workhorses of the Battle of the Atlantic

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Oh, I've been calm for many years at first with me constantly obtaining the same useless card each & every time that Canada didn't contribute anything to the war. That they're small, useless, have a tiny navy, among many other things. That, and that they shouldn't even be in a war game of any sort.


- Again, bringing outside experience into BCS expecting us to be the same. If you come in armed do you really expect others not to have defenses up?


I've also tried being rational & discuss with constant mockery happening regardless. It's always the same thing as now that the results haven't changed. I've tried neutral. I [was] highly excited to see HMCS Saguenay in BSC which felt highly surreal when she finally popped up. Her, and HMCS Haida as fan-art for KanColle.


- When you have been rational, I've had no problem with how you've acted. I've only brought up points when I felt you've gone to far.


Yes, I shouldn't be greedy, yet it's still 'too far & few in between', just like how all the WW2 naval games are too few & too little. Nothing can compare with Silent Hunter 3, even UBOOT. If I had the necessary skills to make my own game then I'd be doing that right now, yet still seeking out a suitable user-friendly game engine, and such.


- You can't force people to put things into games they don't want. It's their artistic vision. If they want to include Canada, that's great! We should compliment them and spread awareness, not attack others that do not include them.


About D) is that I've accepted to be disappointed with what I was shown & presented outside of the BCS jokes & gags bubble. Not insulting BCS, just saying everything outside the community with the same things being shown time & time again that there's nothing new or fresh. Always the same useless jokes. :wacko:


- You say that like I've never heard the 'do you have running water up there?' or 'do you live in an igloo?" or even 'I thought it was always snowing up there." Sure some of them get old, but you gotta roll with the punches man.


F) Oh, this one annoys me a hell of a lot because I've seen countless guilt trips with them being seen as logical & perfectly fine, yet somehow this one has to be a major one. It was perfectly fine to have those other guilt trips which I want to apologies for, yet not knowing how to.


- You opened with the first set of guilt trips here.



G) Never did, and couldn't. Situation wouldn't allow me to venture anywhere, just to admire the storm from within with a nice natural light-show with dark-as-night clouds.


- I didn't say you did. I said you could.



About visiting the other parts of the forum: I have, yet the minor nation one was silent. I also visited the general section numerous times, and such. All interesting in their own nice manner. Been wanting to post up my 'Fog' in Canadian theme in the creativity corner, yet with the way this thread has been going I felt it unnecessary to be doing that until the figurative fire burns out on anything Canadian. Again, fearful of going onto this forum because of these kind of postings with everything being my fault for being loud & etc. And that I'm somehow guilt tripping, and etc. :wacko:


- Again, blaming others for your actions. Take responsibility for how you are behaving rather than acting like we're big bad scary people out to get you and crush Canadian Pride.


Oh, I am, yet I'm being called out for it. That's also a wise advice, yet I haven't seen myself go that far yet. Highly obnoxious, yes...just not brainlessly stupid. I've only been highly frustrated that nobody is bothering adding in Canadians while guilt tripping or making excuses as to why they shouldn't be in war games. Some excuse in other games for small navy & useless army.


- And again, that is other companies not BCS. Stop bleeding outside drama into here.



Again, I'm simply happy that BCS added in HMCS Saguenay while hoping to see it brought out to its full potential in appropriate time that anything viewed as demanding is just me brainstorming loudly [bit about having own nation to take control of Halifax & Vancouver, among others]. I had my moment of fun, then I stopped with it turning into me being back to annoyed with every war game, or that's how I see it.


- Bolded and Underlined where you were demanding content in this thread,




Can't wait to see more as they're released weekly on Friday. Curious to see HMCS Skeena next :)


The hype is real, but now I feel I'm being far too obnoxious. Even so, I felt myself being knocked down a few pegs after reading a few things that some may be purposely delayed by my wordings & such. Even so, I took the time to rediscover what my flag looked like back then (even though I know; Ontario style), yet was wondering if we could get away with some few 'playful' modern era Canadian flag in alternate costumes, or diplomacy type styles. The bright red & white that makes me & my fellow Canadians proud in our current era; Red Ensign to those older folks.


- Red Ensign:



- Canadian Flag:


(Obvious, yet sharing anyways.)


I wonder if it's even possible to have both. Mainly the 'Red Ensign', yet also the Canadian flag in alternate for 'alternate costumes' type thing. I feel more proud to the Canadian flag, yet the veterans of old (WW2) feel more attached to the Red Ensign. When the flag was supposed to be modernized the veterans threw a major uproar, same with the civilians. Just as they are attached to the old, I'm attached to the new, yet I can let it slide.


Now I feel like I'm demanding things that I feel horrible. I now hate this feeling because I shouldn't be feeling, nor saying this in the first place. Feels like I'm walking on a thin wire which nothing further could be done. Honestly, I feel paranoid.



Thought I'd recap a bit trying to figure out how to view Canada, IF they are actually in the damn game or not. I'm being frustrated I can't seem to find a solid information if they're an unlockable playable or not, or if it's tied to Britain only to tap into the 'Canadian Friendship' thing. The example I was given basically popped that bubble of Canadian pride I had (much needed) that I'm trying to re-evaluate the information we've encountered.


Canada would have two Naval bases:

- CFB Esquimalt (or just Victoria/Vancouver area on the west coast)

- Halifax (Eastern Coast.


Canadian Belles would have to go north (past Alaska & through the arctic, and down to Newfoundland & Labrador. Either that, or go fully south towards the Panama Canal. HMCS Skeena and the three Prince vessels made there way to both coastal sides to reach the Atlantic & Pacific campaigns.


Canadian Vessels of Interest/Belles:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_of_the_Royal_Canadian_Navy <- A list for reference.

  • HMCS Saguenay - River-Class Destoryer (Already in, & front page)
  • HMCS Skeena - River Class Destroyer (Saguenay's sister)
  • HMCS Assiniboine - River-Class Destroyer (U-210 rammer)
  • HMCS Haida (G63) - Tribal-Class Destroyer (Canada's pride, and at times a flagship. She's now a museum ship.)
  • HMCS Huron (G24) - Tribal-Class Destroyer
  • HMCS Iroquious - Tribal-Class Destroyer. She even escorted Prinz Eugen.
  • HMCS Athabaskan (G07) - Tribal-Class Destroyer (She perished in a torpedo attack, yet had a reincarnation as (R79), nicknamed 'Athabaskan II' post-war.)
  • HMCS U-190 - A German submarine which sunk HMCS Esquimuilt (in a sleeping state) which then was used in a Canadian manner. I doubt it, yet I'd love to see her as a German, then with a Canadian personality in the game.
  • HMCS Prince Robert - Armed Merchant Cruiser & an AA vessel. One of the three Prince vessels acting as a navy apart.
  • HMCS Prince Henry - Armed Merchant Cruiser & Troop Transport. One of the three Prince vessels acting as a navy apart.
  • HMCS Prince David - Armed Merchant Cruiser & Troop Transport. One of the three Prince vessels acting as a navy apart.
  • HMCS Uganda - Crown Colony Class Light Cruiser which saw battles in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, & even Pacific. Her radar assisted in spotting Japanese, even daily of Japanese morning air-raids. She even had her episode of mutiny when her Canadian identity was being suppressed by Americans.
  • HMCS Ontario - Minatour-Class Light Cruiser which was in service during WW2, yet came too late to see action. She was in the Pacific, and visit Japan, yet turned into a training ship.

These are the major ones I'm expecting, and the ones I care about. If I can have them in Victory Belles then I shall be a happy & proud Canadian. I don't care if it's just them because I'll be aiming for Bismarck, Tirpitz, Nera, Admiral Graf Spee, Graf Zeppelin, & others. If I can have Canada as their own, with Vancouver & Halifax as the bases, then everything else is fair game. If I need more Belles then I'll recruit them. I'm not expecting ALL the RCN related WW2 belles, just the ones I listed [Note: Not 100% because other Belles need to be in, just that I'd expect the ones listed as major players.]. They must be in, not just for me but other Canadians also. I may have also missed about 2-5 River-Class & some others, yet this should do. If we ever get 'Flower-Class Corvettes' then the list should go up to a nice 15, or even 20 Canadian Belles.




& those comedy videos is setting me off that I think I might as well just give up; Play Rising World instead to cool off once again. I find it typical that I'm just seeing the 'same-old', even if it's jokes/jests/comedy :wacko:.





Once everything settles down, and I feel I can have fun again, I'd try and wander over to ArmA to check out their Canadian mod. Same with Rising World with their Canadian mod, among others. Being told I'm insulting people just doesn't feel right with anything.


- Other games, other communities.

I guess I can't deny the 'epityparty' when I just can't find any proper free-roaming games, or similar. I can't deny it in any way that my postings are going in that direction with how frustrated I am looking at the lacking variety of options & features to play with.


- Yes it sucks, but no need to throw tantrums about it. Rather it's more constructive to formulate ideas and suggestions rationally and present them to the companies in question. But again, Other Games, Other Communities.


Hmm........Yeah, not here because I have HMCS Saguenay, yet in every other WW2 game I have to poke around to find something Canadian, Slovak, or even Czechoslovakia (IL-2). Just about every comrade I have in the Anime community can connect with some national Belle. My American, French, Dutch, Japanese, among others. There's no Mexican yet, though that be sweet.


- Other Games, Other Communities (OGOC from this point on)

Outside of VB I have to weed-wack to find everything I need, finding the occassional person saying why I can't have Canadians in KanColle, or whatever war game. If you're curious as to where my frustration started then check out Battlefield 1942 with how I VERY loosely desired Canadians, yet felt we we were just a 'token' nationality there. I then saw the Italian expansion with me just dropping the whole anger bit. The only two games between then & now were Silent Hunter 3 & Company of Heroes. No game which allowed you to play full-on Canadian. Then it's just dead (2006 to 2014, or so). Go over to KanColle forums & Wiki you'd see people throwing a fit about why they don't have USN destroyers & battleships when they conquered Japan.



And if you're still curious about my 'Insulting Canadian Pride' (or just loud) then it comes from me simply desiring to see the Canadian vessels, none of whom I was familiar with before, being both in existence, and being awesome at that. That, and I can see ANime & Anime RPG elements in them which could, in theory, also be a game of their own. I'm "fiercely" proud because


- Honestly, fiercely isn't how I would describe your display here.


1) I see Anime RPG elements in them, as one would with Kanmusu & Pokemon style. Even Neptunia, or Valkyria.

2) Being a crude creator I tried forming my own to only fail because I can't draw, nor can i draw accessories on a whim. Basically stuck 'on paper', having no way to behave in any game.
3) I can finally connect with something of my nationality, yet feeling constantly threatened & in competition. Not in BCS, just elsewhere in the KanColle that NOW I'm feeling guilty of bleeding it over here. Again, why I'm feeling surreal pride of finally seeing Canadians in a war game.



I somewhat have to blame KanColle for opening up a box of its own for curiousity that I've gone around irritated as to why people focus in one field, not wanting to spread out as they are in Victory Belles. Checking all the Russians, Swedish, and etc. The same curiousity which led me to the Canadian navy side of things.


- It's good that it inspired interest. A good product seeks to make people more interested and to learn about new things.


Again, I'm simply here because of variety with HMCS Saguenay being a lovely bonus on top of a cake. I really do want to strongly apologies for any unintentional guilt trips, yet I had a massive share of my own that I just don't know what to do with them, nor how to apologies.


- Well first you can start by apologizing for the ones you've caused as well as the one earlier in this very post. You can't throw them out and say they were unintentional when you clearly state you feel others are when they are clearly not. There is a lot of shelling back and forth here and honestly I think it's best if the constant guilt-trip attempts from any and all parties from this point forward stop. Period. End of discussion. If someone points one out, apologize and try re-wording what it was you were trying to say if it honestly was not an attempt at one.


I can't even apologies to Nel because that would feel cheap after everything.


- Yes you can. I'm right here and I'm a big girl.


But I will say that I'm trying to build a 'Canadian Tower' (something for Canada Day in Minecraft, now in Rising World) to eventually frame up her awesome Canadian wallpapers of Saguenay. It however highly resources intensive to build that it'll take a few weeks to build & frame properly.


- That sounds pretty cool and I think I'd like to see that when you're finished.






I'd like to state that for the record going forward pride in our country is a good thing, but it also needs to be within reason. We did amazing things in the Atlantic theater, but don't mistake our outstanding convoy duty as being militarily on par with the German, British or heck, even the Italian Navies. Especially for 1939. At Sept 1st, 1939 Canada had in total, 4 destroyers and a single cruiser (or was that 4 cruisers and a single destroyer). Either way, it was a total of five ships. By the end of the war, we had aprox 450. Yes, that's impressive for us and I'm proud of that. However even I will admit that the American production efficiency blew us out of the water. Where as it would take us weeks at a time between commission-able ships, the US was (by the time they entered the war) producing a commission-able ship EVERY DAY.


Do I want to see more Canadian Belles? Hell yes I would especially my lovely ship I found (that you referenced learning about from my reddit post) the HMCS Assiniboine. I do hope that it comes to bare at some point, but I also know that I need to write up a well detailed idea for such. In regards to that, I'm actually attempting to do some full on in person investigation work and hopefully will have something to show for it down the line.

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Well, not sure what to say to that except that I feel like Subaru from 'Re:Zero' ep 13 & 14 anime. I still feel there's heavy misunderstanding & etc, etc, yet that's just not going to get resolved no matter how many times I try to clarify. I know this ain't a game, but you win, I lose. I've been shredded to pieces that Re:Zero ep 14 ruined me all that much more that I need a sane mine to respond back to everything.


And about blaming myself? I've done that way too many times that I've hurt myself way too much to do so any more to the point I may be a masochist. Was mentioned I'm one so to the point I get severe stomach pains being unable to relax.. Ninja & Wellington tried moving things forward so I think I'll leave it to them while I feel harshly shredded like cheese on a shredder. I'm too ruined, more so thanks to Re:Zero ep 13 & 14.






Do I want to see more Canadian Belles? Hell yes I would especially my lovely ship I found (that you referenced learning about from my reddit post) the HMCS Assiniboine.


:D Where's a thumbs up emote when you need one. And that's what I've been trying to say all along, yet also trying to say that unable to on the official side. I'll just leave it at that because I'm just burnt out. Re:Zero ep 14 now.

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Disclaimer: this is not referring to yourself in any way; I'm purely reacting to and commenting on the show. That said, I don't think that was the best analogy to use.


Subaru in Re:Zero is kinda a useless main character. He's not terribly intelligent, he's disturbingly unwise, he learns nothing from his mistakes, he makes no attempt to blend into the world he's dropped into, and he's a Paris-of-Troy-tier Narcissist. As many problems I the series as he solves are caused by his stubbornness and refusal to pay attention to his surroundings, and as a person he's horrendously unlike able. I see basically no reason for any of the female leads to actually like him, and I believe he got exactly what he deserved when Emilia dropped him.


It should also be noted that in episodes 13&14 it's made rather clear that most of the show's characters understand him and see his point of view, and they like the audience recognize that it's a stupid point of view that will only lead to failure and despair. Subaru has a long way to go before he's worth being the lead character. Subaru's a little shit and either needs to get his shit together or get out of the way of those who know what they're doing.


Rant over, you may continue your Canadian pride thread.

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- Subaru & Re:Zero reply:




Yeah, it's Subaru's problem for wearing his 'visual novel' glasses in that 'NEET' manner. He's trying to view things from a game point of view because that's what we're exposed as, and I guess it's also a subtle way of telling us viewers & anybody watching not to mix reality with the 'fictional' by actually knowing what's what. I guess Subaru is a good relatable character because he also shows why kids shouldn't pretend to be Naruto by jumping off rooftops, nor pretending to be Pidgey from Pokemon by jumping off apartment balconies (an actual old story when Pokemon was new & fresh). Subaru believes himself to be both superior & inferior at the same time, with special thanks to his NEET ways of the anime VN World. He knows this, yet he's also shoved into a spot where he has to make unique improvised decisions, one where he also sees himself getting killed. All this being heavily outside of his comfort zone, and more so out of his experience. We're just loud obnoxious viewers unable to experience what Subaru is dealing with so we believe we know what he's going through, yet the sensation of death is insanely brutal. Even when I had that severe illness over in Europe I can still only imagine (yet not wanting to) recall the sensation of death through an insanely severe stomach food poisoning. Constant divides between illusion & reality, as well as being unsure if you'll live or not. Subaru has it much worse than that with me being able to respect him & his sanity, even if he's lost it heavily.


As much as we all want to knock him, and as much as I want to knock him down myself, I feel I can relate to him heavily for similar social pains. Maybe not death, but the general side of things of how he acts in that NEET level. It's not easy when you went from hiding in your cave to suddenly having to socialize with everyone.. Also, maybe not as obnoxiously, just trying to make sense of everything while taking various gambles. He's put into a position where he's forced to be a jackass. He has no choice but to gamble, be stupid, and to also draw upon his NEET ways, even if it's a nasty double-edged sword. That, being unable to discuss the 'Witches Curse' to anyone, and such. Granted, he has to regain his sanity with someone needing to burn away that heavy mist/fog of a fear by gradually allowing him to forget about the 'Witch's Curse' side-effects, as well as gradually adapting to be your "everyday human". The village with the kids would have been a good spot for that, minus that demon dog.


Also, of course Emilia would drop Subaru because of that misunderstanding, special thanks to the Witch's curse. That, and because of Subaru's stubbornness, among the various others we all know & noted. Subaru did ask for it, yet he was also chained while being unable to easily fix damages done that any extra damages dealt shouldn't have been dished out. That, and with how carelessly stubborn he is. With that sort of mindset, and with him being a NEET, It's so easy to be betrayed by being thrown out onto the street, the again under the bus.


Yeah, I can understand and relate to him in certain ways because I've been through 'relatable' situations. Granted, not exact, yet similar.







Canadian Over-hyped stupidity reply [Variety].





And I'm again thinking that everything is still misunderstood that I once again feeling highly frustrated and like shit by everything RCN side. I'm just god damn happy to finally see something Canadian (HMCS Saguenay is special), yet hopefully that Canadian door is still open (only going to get wider), regardless of my actions in here in a war game which advertises variety, among many future ones where people finally know what "variety" means with other Belles from other nations. Same/similar with 'Victory at Sea' (yet that game is struggling heavily all around) trying to add many, yet putting them under main nation banners. VaS suffers from development issues of trying to do too many things at once with other games, and such. I'll obviously take that loss from Nel because I'm not meant for 'logical' well thought out arguments. I always lose to them because I don't want to go into a dragged out 'all-out' war for pages on end, just vent what's on my mind. As it was put, just me being a tantruming child when simply venting loudly like a child that someone has to be brave enough to fill in the void to not just add in Canada, but many others. Canada is my focus because that's where I'm from. BCS is safe here though because they're brave enough, and wise enough. Every time I knock USA is just me seeking variety, yet that part doesn't get noted, yet twisted into me being anti-American when it's me simply nudging for variety. Spotlight another forgotten nation somewhere, that's all.. That part gets skipped, or misviewed. The 'variety' part is overlooked in my post (well, maybe not when I now recall the Russian posting in games), yet still......


Black Chicken Studio & this 'Victory Belles' game is 100% safe, yet my frustration still exists until I my childlike Canadian curiousity & pride is satisfied when I can actually play, raise, & see a Canadian Belle/Kanmusu in action; When seeing some or more RCN related ships interactable like KanColle in some game by seeing HMCS Haida, HMCS Ontario, HMCS Uganda, and possibly even HMCS 'Trio Prince' vessels in either KanColle or Victory Belle. It won't stop until that void is filled in on both the 'patriotic' (variety) side, as well as the RPG side of things. Again, I blame KanColle for this heavy curiousity because it made me aware that Canada has awesome noteworthy vessels, one of whom was already noted by BCS as HMCS Saguenay. I admit and accept that I'm an overly loud, obnoxious, and aggressive Canadian, but that's because I've been searching over the years for a game to play as the Canadians, yet there's none that just gives Canadians as a playable faction in anything. BCS attracted me by hovering something which could entertain my curiousity, and my desires, if in that 'cherry on top' manner. I'm assuming they (the devs) dislike how irritating I'm going on about this, just as you hate how I'm going about this, yet that god damn void! That void....That void! That variety, and that void. It can't be helped. There's no other way around it but to fill in that void....It's 2016, soon going into 2017 when someone has to make a game to add in all the nations where games can't afford to straggle behind like those figurative oil tankers to Uboats. Someone has to keep pushing game advancements further also. Someone has to push the developers to keep pushing the limits in gaming, or else games won't evolve. But I do agree that BCS is 100% in command of what they put into the game, and I can't argue with that in any way. I said that before, yet that part gets ignored.


It's been said I shouldn't compare Canada's might to that of Germany & USA. That's true, and I'm not. They're not even close, just that they should at least be there as a pickable faction in Victory Belles, and in any other future war game. I did at one point assume Canada held far more naval power when I discovered HMCS Prince David, assuming she was an actual Light Cruiser, mistaking her for a Heavy Cruiser in feeling but that's been just as quickly fixed in my POV. We're an escort nation, not an offenssive one. However, not seeing any 'Canadian' options to pick as sides in games is just highly depressing. Not even as a little fun 'extra element' in variety, or anything. All this 6 pages comes down to is a simple thing called VARIETY in a WW2 game, and heavy misunderstandings. That's all. Variety. Variety. Variety. That, and the ability to finally play as the Canadians that I'm more than overjoyed in finding HMCS Saguenay in a war game, after many years of searching. Who wouldn't be this loud & proud when searching for years? It's not about patriotism 100%, but Variety, and Canadians, as well as finally being given the ability TO CHOOSE Canada, or at least Belles under a British banner. BCS & Victory Belle being safe here because they're taking that much needed, and highly necessary, variety route. I'm not blaming BCS for anything, not unless they hold back after a few years by not eventually expanding on Canadians. Everytime I knock on USA is because there's no variety, yet tunnel-vision. No Romania, no Dutch (Pacific Storm is exception), no [Minor Nation rambling thread] and such, because everything was tunnel visioned purely on USA. That's all it is, yet it blew up to a 6 page fear factory & misunderstanding because of my shitty command of the English language and frustration. Variety & unable to play as Canadians. Variety, and being able to play as the Czechoslovakia, or the falsely liberated 'Slovaks' in IL-2 Sturmovik game. IL-2 did things nicely, as it should be.





In Short:


Summary of this stupid thread & my poor command of the English language with my wording choices:


Everything else is just a bunch of hot air that I lost track of now, yet it all it comes down to [Half Canadian Patriotism in connection, searching for years to play as Canadians in a game, and that I'm more than 'over-joyed' to finally see Canadians in a war game. Even seeing RPG-like elements finally being put into motion under the Canadian banner which I'd like KanColle to see also.]. This won't stop until I'm given enough Canadian toys because I'm a loud hungry Canadian child wanting to finally play with his Canadian toys (Belles/Kanmusu) in some war game. I can wait till March 2017 though, if nothing stupid happens between now & then by either me or someone/something else. :rolleyes:

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Well I never seen someone so patriotically Canadian before. XD


Recently, a Chinese KanColle-like game called Warship Girls had revealed several new ships to be added in the future, one of them is HMCS Haida:


I think she's pretty cute. :3c

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Well I never seen someone so patriotically Canadian before. XD


Recently, a Chinese KanColle-like game called Warship Girls had revealed several new ships to be added in the future, one of them is HMCS Haida:


I think she's pretty cute. :3c




I'm highly shocked & surprised. So, BCS & now a Chinese studio being the brave studios to tackle this, yet KanColle/Kadokawa still slacking on their end. As comical & stereotypical as that is, I think this is the first time that an RCMP Mounti outfit has been done so stylish that I'm not being hateful about it. Having seen so many stupid stereotypical jokes about Canada that this has been done so nicely that I'm not being hateful. If I had the ability to, I'd go hunting for her right this second. I'm loving the nice trim & those linings on her cape, as with the boots. They're perfectly trimmed in colour scheme that I can't dislike it. It's actually nicely done, almost in a futuristic PSO2 type manner. Canadian flag style, even in that modern painting sense being all 'clean', 'Classy', & 'noble' sort of thing.


I spy 'Kill la Kill' type art on the chest. That, or an owl type eyes, if unintentional & coincidental. HEY! I spy a Haida tribe emblem on the cape, the type of suggestion I gave to BCS, yet we're still in something like 1939. She's a mixture of tribal & Canadian stereotype, if done with most (not all) care. That in itself is surprising with what care has been put into her.


That's such a tease though. It's in a game I'm not playing, and I wouldn't know where to start, nor how to proceed. This is such a tease. Kadokawa, please add in HMCS Haida, or someone similar/related, so some of the void can be filled in. Aso, only this patriotically proud because there's a void needing to be filled after years of desiring to play Canadians in Civilziation games & such, yet unable to do so. Too many developers took the easy route out, or similar. Or just couldn't find the budget, or value in them, or whatever the reasoning. Small navy, etc.. Found us to be "too small" or trivial that we never were added, yet mentioned why above in spoiler. But ya.....Seeing HMCS Haida in this Chinese game is actually quite shocking to me, even surreal. Why add in Canadians when we're so inferior?


This is a big shock to me......I'm happy, pleased to see more Kanmusu popping up (gradually), yet feeling surreal feelings.

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Sometime I'll make a general Warship Girls thread on the forum if there's interest.


Sadly, I have a feeling the only other Allied navies that will be included in KanColle is the Royal Navy. I heard that the German and Italian ships are considered "guests" and they're pretty hard to get. :\ (Still a bit salty missing out on Iowa due to E7 RNG bullshit ugh ugh UGH) Just the amount of hoops to even get Bismarck is nuts...


I hope VB adds in Haida when 1943 rolls around in-game.

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Sure! Go for it. Feel free to make a thread on here on a whim because I have two free days that I could use to speed my way through that game in basics form. Either that, or I can jump back onto Rising World to continue building my 'Canadian Tower' as a Canada Day related celebration for 2016. Even wanting to frame Nel's two Saguenay posters up properly somewhere.


Then I guess KanColle is just going to piss me off that way, yet British ships are fine. I rarely see them getting that same attention, but they do get a nice chunk of it. Germans & Italians are hard, yet also easy at the same time. I managed to get a nice chunk of all them thanks to the various events, even pre-event drops when coming to 4-5, or similar (Libeccio). I guess you have to be there at the right time to get there to get them when they're easy pickings. Bismarck was a pain in the rear, yet I now have her, in Drei, and have yet to make her lvl 99 to wed her. I might wed her either Thursday or Sunday, or just generally colder to allow me to celebrate Bismarck being wedded.


The last event's RNG was just outright bull. There was so much crap, poor planning, and no mercy to the new & veteran players that it was just an outright mess. I don't want to sound Anti-American here, yet I'm still believing it's Japan's way of showing dislike towards Iowa with that sentiment still being there from war time. Her voice actress also not being as skilled as the VA for Kongo, and such. Everything was a mess that I'm hoping Summer 2016 shall be better planned, even allowing for those missed & such.


I've heard/seen interest from BCS to add in Haida, "just 1939 first" type comments. First the first wave, then we could see Haida. As for Ontario & Uganda, we'll have to wait ages.....I'm still worried about the 'Trio Prince' vessels though......Even curious about Haida's sisters, and how they would appear (if they ever will). Haida really needs her serious Haida cape that I hope Warship Girls is a learning experience for BCS. If not for Haida, then for other Belles also of similar style, fashion, and type. :D We're only going to get a handful which worries me greatly. That, and I'm hoping to eventually be given command to be based in Halifax and/or Vancouver under the Red Ensign, if it all survives until then. Belles may sway how things behave though with the more we enlist.


I'm still feeling surprised & that 'surreal' vibe of seeing something Canadian in another game. So used to being given things similar to excuses as to why I can't see them.

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Sure! Go for it. Feel free to make a thread on here on a whim because I have two free days that I could use to speed my way through that game in basics form. Either that, or I can jump back onto Rising World to continue building my 'Canadian Tower' as a Canada Day related celebration for 2016. Even wanting to frame Nel's two Saguenay posters up properly somewhere.


Then I guess KanColle is just going to piss me off that way, yet British ships are fine. I rarely see them getting that same attention, but they do get a nice chunk of it. Germans & Italians are hard, yet also easy at the same time. I managed to get a nice chunk of all them thanks to the various events, even pre-event drops when coming to 4-5, or similar (Libeccio). I guess you have to be there at the right time to get there to get them when they're easy pickings. Bismarck was a pain in the rear, yet I now have her, in Drei, and have yet to make her lvl 99 to wed her. I might wed her either Thursday or Sunday, or just generally colder to allow me to celebrate Bismarck being wedded.


The last event's RNG was just outright bull. There was so much crap, poor planning, and no mercy to the new & veteran players that it was just an outright mess. I don't want to sound Anti-American here, yet I'm still believing it's Japan's way of showing dislike towards Iowa with that sentiment still being there from war time. Her voice actress also not being as skilled as the VA for Kongo, and such. Everything was a mess that I'm hoping Summer 2016 shall be better planned, even allowing for those missed & such.


I've heard/seen interest from BCS to add in Haida, "just 1939 first" type comments. First the first wave, then we could see Haida. As for Ontario & Uganda, we'll have to wait ages.....I'm still worried about the 'Trio Prince' vessels though......Even curious about Haida's sisters, and how they would appear (if they ever will). Haida really needs her serious Haida cape that I hope Warship Girls is a learning experience for BCS. If not for Haida, then for other Belles also of similar style, fashion, and type. :D We're only going to get a handful which worries me greatly. That, and I'm hoping to eventually be given command to be based in Halifax and/or Vancouver under the Red Ensign, if it all survives until then. Belles may sway how things behave though with the more we enlist.


I'm still feeling surprised & that 'surreal' vibe of seeing something Canadian in another game. So used to being given things similar to excuses as to why I can't see them.


What BCS does with the design is up to them. Can't expect them to follow the same as another game. If they borrow too much, they might be accused of ripping straight off. Maybe in an alternate design, maybe. And again, it depends on how BCS wants to go. If they make Canada separate, then that's fine, but if they don't, that's fine too. Variety for variety's sake is worse than not having variety at all, and you can't give every nation that had a navy in the Second World War their own nation in VB, otherwise it would be a mess. I think the nations they have now are enough, and they can maybe expand on them in the coming years as they see fit, but that's speculation and assumption. No one can tell them how to do their jobs or what to do with their game, no one can demand and no one should demand specific things. In fact really the only thing that should be demanded if anything is their best in delivering the project, not to add more ships of a specific minor nation or making more minor nations available.


And why should getting only a handful of Canadian Belles make you worried? Canada didn't have much of a navy, so even having as much as 10 ships should be lauded. They got Sagueny or however her name is spelled in, they might bring in more as time goes on. You're free to SUGGEST, but in the end it's their product.

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Yeah, again that everything I'm aware of...It's 100% up to BCS, yet I'm free to give feedback where it's due that I can say the designs might look best from our POV so they can try improving it on their end as well to please both fronts. I was told by a game developer before that I shouldn't stay silent & that I should keep speaking up, so that's what I'm doing. Both Petroglyph games, and an Indie developer stressed highly that they seek players input so they can keep improving games, so that's what I'm doing. Myself & others saw faults with Belle designs so we voiced our opinions. We voiced our opinions on American Belles sounding falsely cute & trying to be falsely intimate, when they shouldn't. Trying to be flirty (nearly insulting) that we all made note of it with Nera coming out as being a high-praised Belle. Don't try to impress us, yet just speak out as you should. Allow the Belle impress us, not false flattering voice overs. There were some, if a few, issues with HMCS Saguenay appearing highly generic, maybe even fantasy, yet I found out that even my sources couldn't bring up a major tribe to note in that area so I let Saguenay pass, hoping sometimes later down the line we'll see some alternate art to switch between. Seeing such, I'm just trying to help Haida command the type of respect she earned, and maybe some extra of my bias along there. But yeah, that cape can't be ignored, even if I say it or not. That Haida emblem & a cape. Other than that highly important Haida cape, the rest is all up to them regardless of what I've been saying. It be nice to have the whole Canadian playable side though. It be a "breath of fresh air" after what I had to deal with in games >_>


This whole demanding thing is really bugging me, and I guess I can see why, yet from my POV I simply view that as feedback. Maybe agressive feedback, yet still feedback there's a void to be filled that someone (for the 1000 time) has to fill. I couldn't pick Canadians in any game that at least one game should. If BCS doesn't then that's fine. Yet, noting from IL-2 Sturmovik, Civilization games, Silent Hunter 3 (Allied shipping), and even 'Victory at Sea' (menu wise), yet mostly in the skirmish side of things, not the campaign. It wouldn't hurt to experiment in some form though to allow for more, even with fears of complications, because it just might work (at least in dev mode). You never know until you try (at least in dev mode). If it's enough as it is now, then that's fine, yet having more options (again, I keep bringing up IL-2; Morale booster) that it possibly 'might' help it in the long run of variety. You never know. Long term replayability for those that steam-roll through the game.


Can't tell them how to do their jobs, yet feedback is feedback, and they can do whatever they want with it. They can mute me for all I'm aware of, and I'd be fine with that, if bothered & buzzkilled slightly. If I've been told by developers to be vocal, then I'll be vocal. If they want to go left, then go left. If they want to go right, then go right. BCS is at the helm, yet I'm just a messenger/passenger on the same boat :P. If they want to ignore the loud stupid Canadian passenger/messenger, then so be it.


Why should a handful of Canadian Belles make me worried? I'm happy with 10; 20 being a stretch with Corvettes added in, yet it's still a worrisome note. RPG elements again. The whole RPG element of building a character profile up for each vessel. Someone has to do it, somewhere. Learning their personalities, their appearances, styles, weaponry choices, as well as raising them up in that RPG Pokemon-KanColle-etc style. Raising them up to be awesome Belles/Kanmusu, just as you're seeing with your Bulldog & that highly courages Merchant Cruiser attaching the two Germans. I'm worried about the selection of whom we'll encounter, and whom shall be culled from that list. Granted, they can always add any missing ones later, yet who knows how long things lasts in this world. I've already been waiting since roughly 2007, and then more seriously from KanColle beyond. Who knows how much longer I have to keep waiting. I worded in a way I want more, yet it's just me being curious about each one in that RPG curiousity manner, and of them being somewhere playable & touchable in that digital manner in how they appear in the KanColle/Victory Belle/Arpeggio of Blue Steel universe. I'm curious in a greedy manner.


Yeah, I really should get back to concepting the Canadian Kanmusu/Belles/FOG to at least fill some of that irritating void because I also held off too long with too many backlogs. I have to once again salute Myuto for HMCS Haida & her sisters on the KanColle fanart side. Even with Warship Girls for surprisingly adding in HMCS Haida in a serious stereotypical manner. Guess I'll finally post that FOG thread seeing if I can summon more RCN related ship girls on my end. Maybe a new mindset should help me give them proper form, yet poor drawing skills. Can't draw for crap.


[Edit: Editing my typos & some line of thoughts. I can see why there's so much misunderstanding when I haste post.)

Edited by ArcticuKitsu
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Not wanting to be any more obnoxious, yet there's no helping that now at this rate.........I hate double posting because it means something went wrong somewhere.


Alright, a quick note because a post came & went that I still felt the need to make note of it. It mentioned that since KanColle was an Axis-only game that I shouldn't really expect Canadians in there. That's true, yet that was also true for not expecting any Allied units, for a time. Iowa was simply handed to the American players on a gold platter, if hidden behind stupidly planned RNG walls, yet tons of Iowa Kanmusu's out there. One of whom also scrapped by an 'worse-than-ignorant Admiral', but that's beside the point. People claimed time & time again that KanColle was a 100% pure Axis game that no Allied unit would appear, yet Iowa opened the gate for that. Iowa stirring up a ton of chaos & drama on the Allied side of things that everything is like a nasty Florida thunderstorm. Once I read the part about how no Allied units would appear had me instantly disregarding everything said about the whole post.


Yes, I wouldn't really expect Canadians in KanColle because KanColle itself is more 'Mainstream', and more Japanese. Everything is Japanese that everything is more "At a glance". What you see at first is what you add into KanColle, yet all in detail Japan side. Tirpitz has yet to be added German side, as with any Adua-class for Italy. 'VB' wins by adding in a nice Adua-Class, to my surprise, that VB is winning most of the 'variety/diversity' points. More "at a glance" & what they feel like adding at random.


The way I see it for Kadokawa would be going the 'Royal Navy-Dutch-Russian' route for Allied units. Dutch, only because the Dutch managed to respect the Japanese properly by mimicing them throughout history that Japan respects them for that. Even making a full on Netherlands town being purely Dutch-town. Screw Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders. Sucks to be considered minor when it comes to KanColle. That's where the appeal of BCS comes in, and I'm simply along for the ride. I'm just a gamer here, and a backer with BCS in control of everything so I have to "wait & see" :D. If I see HMCS Haida in KanColle then that would be a miracle, similar with what was seen for 'Warship Girls'. Everything other would be an even heavier related miracle. I don't really see Haida's other comrades jumping in. I'd at least expect ORP Blyskawica on the Polish side, if anything, yet that's even rare chance on the KanColle side.


If I'm to see any more Canadians then do note that it shall always feel surreal after being denied for so long. From "not being allowed" to then "you are allowed" is a harsh 180* change when I can finally connect with my Canadian comrades from WW2. I can't expect Canada for KanColle, yet the amount of happiness is hard to word. To finally be able to connect to something in a game, priceless. Oh, I can't wait to at least try and get HMCS Saguenay. Just one Canadian Belle to see how I even react with that day's worth of thoughts.






-Royal Navy because of Kongo & her sisters also.

- Dutch, because of how influential they are to the Japanese. How respectful. HNLMS Tromp?

- Russians, because of Hibiki as Verny & their love with Russia.


Canada would be like that 'Air Canada' sign in that K-On movie, or something.

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One thing I'd like to note, at least in regards to KanColle. It seems to be based (at least at this time) to be set in the pacific theater with Axis guests and now Iowa (who served in the pacific). According to some short research there was planned 60 Canadian ships to be sent to the Pacific front but the war ended before they even left port.



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Interesting. You only learn about the Canadians in the pacific in random 'Shoppers Drug Mart' war magazines. Maybe even Walmart, yet seen one at Shoppers though. I've never seen those elsewhere, not even history books. I guess at the library, yet I'm not one to read giant books. It has to be magazine format, or what Nel linked. It has to be short like a skirt, and interesting to read/view. Wiki page 'skirt' format :P


If we're going 'Pacific only' then I have to nominate 'HMCS Uganda', 'HMCS Prince Robert', HMCS Prince Henry', 'HMCS Prince David', & 'HMCS Skeena'. Even the belated HMCS Ontario. I guess however I say it it'll wouldn't be different each time, yet I guess Corvettes & destroyers would be the Atlantic pick.




- HMCS Ontario: Late, yet was enroute so I guess you could add her, yet she would be a mystery that I'd see her displaying British-Canadian appearances while priding herself as Ontario with the Trillium.

- HMCS Uganda: Was there as AA support & her superior radar. She provided AA & radar support, even had an anti-American rebellion for having her Canadian identity suppressed by the highly strict American command. Had another incident when the enemy she was facing [Japan] wasn't the enemy the Canadians were told they were fighting. They wanted to fight against European Axis, Japan.

- HMCS Robert: WIth her two other sisters, she provided resources escorts. She captured 'Weser', plus was eventually turned into A/A vessel, similar to Uganda's role.

- HMCS Henry: An escort with her other sisters. Turned into a troop transport in the Atlantic campaign.

- HMCS David: An escort with her sisters, and a movie star having stared in a movie 'Commandos strike at dawn'.

- HMCS Skeena: She visited the Esquimalt area, docked in Vancouver, and was present in the Pacific. Also Saguenay's sister.




The rest were being given tropical refits, or planned to, yet were cancelled halfway through thanks to USA's atomic bomb drop. HMCS Uganda gets the top nomination, as well as sporting some AA & radar boost stats, for being the only one actually seeing Japan eye-to-eye in combat. Even having a plane drop on her deck.. That, and pride in her Canadian identity while having a bit of a dislike to strict American naval authority. I wouldn't see her as black, yet maybe 'vacation' tanned from the pacific campaign. A British dark tan. If BCS does eventually decide to fiddle with Uganda then I guess I'll be seeing a dark skinned Canadian unit, which is fine. I have to be highly patient to see what they do, if they do such. I'll wait to be surprised.


I guess if you want to stretch it you could add HMCS Haida to the Pacific side, her surviving sisters, among any still receiving tropical outfits. Their 'what if' Kai Ni could make them a candidate for them in being added. I don't really see it as being a Pacific thing when looking at Bismarck, Roma, Italia, and such. Similar to the Allied thing not happening. It's highly unlikely, just not impossible. Weird barriers. To me, the guest thing throws everything off when making note of things.


But yeah, I'm waiting to be shocked, surprised, and such on the KanColle side. Do surprise me. At least I have to hold onto my patience till March for Victory Belles. That, and maybe the suggestion of combining Saguenay's interview with a voice actress sample in one. Save that interview when the voice actress voices her. Would be highly valued interview.

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Not wanting to spam the sub-forum, yet you're free to divide this back up if you see it necessary, yet I'll post it here to keep things somewhat tidy. My Dutch comrade (out of nowhere & from a hiatus) linked me this Canadian & Dutch naval exercise against the USA Carrier & Escort fleet that we both found it amusingly entertaining. That, and I myself found the salty comments following such to be popcorn worthy amusement.




Canada & Dutch Submarine exercise verses American Carrier Fleet [1980's & beyond]:


Link: http://defence.pk/threads/dutch-submarine-sinks-half-of-us-navy-ctf-in-1990-and-more.142292/



Roger Thompson is Professor of Military Studies at Knightsbridge University and a Fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.

In 1981, The NATO exercise Ocean Venture ended with much embarrassment for the U.S. Navy, and more specifically, its enormously expensive aircraft carrier battle groups.

During the exercise, a Canadian submarine slipped quietly through a carrier's destroyer screen, and conducted a devastating simulated torpedo attack on the ship. The submarine was never detected, and when the exercise umpire, a U.S. Navy officer, pronounced the carrier dead, his official report was promptly stamped classified to minimize the potential fallout. Unfortunately, a Canadian submariner leaked the story to a local newspaper, and indicated that this successful Canadian attack on an American supercarrier was by no means an isolated incident. This news caused quite a stir in Congress, and the U.S. Navy had a lot of explaining to do. Why indeed had a small, 1960s-vintage diesel submarine of the under-funded Canadian Navy been able to defeat one of America s most powerful and expensive warships, and with such apparent ease?

There are several possible answers. Firstly, Canadian submariners are extremely well trained and professional. Secondly, at that time, the Oberon submarines used by the Canadian Navy were probably the quietest in the world. A third possible reason, not so commonly stated, and with all due respect, is that the mighty U.S. Navy is simply overrated. It is my humble contention that the U.S. Navy is not all it's cracked up to be, and that is the focus of the present article.

Diesel Subs Feast on U.S. Carriers

While Canadian submarines have routinely taken on U.S. Navy carriers, other small navies have enjoyed similar victories. The Royal Netherlands Navy, with its small force of extremely quiet diesel submarines, has made the U.S. Navy eat the proverbial slice of humble pie on more than one occasion. In 1989, naval analyst Norman Polmar wrote in Naval Forces that during NATO s exercise Northern Star, the Dutch submarine Zwaardvis was the only orange (enemy) submarine to successfully stalk and sink a blue (allied) aircraft carrier Ten years later there were reports that the Dutch submarine Walrus had been even more successful in the exercise JTFEX/TMDI99.

During this exercise the Walrus penetrates the U.S. screen and sinks many ships, including the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71. The submarine launches two attacks and manages to sneak away. To celebrate the sinking the crew designed a special T- shirt. Fittingly, the T-shirt depicted the USS Theodore Roosevelt impaled on the tusks of a walrus. It was also reported that the Walrus also sank many of the Roosevelt's escorts, including the nuclear submarine USS Boise, a cruiser, several destroyers and frigates, plus the command ship USS Mount Whitney. The Walrus herself survived the exercise with no damage.

Not to be outdone by the Canadians and Dutch, the Australian submarine force has also scored many goals against U.S. Navy carriers and nuclear submarines. On September 24 2003, the Australian newspaper The Age disclosed that Australia's Collins class diesel submarines had taught the U.S. Navy a few lessons during multinational exercises. By the end of the exercises, Australian submarines had destroyed two U.S. Navy nuclear attack submarines and an aircraft carrier. According to the article: The Americans were wide-eyed, Commodore Deeks (Commander of the RAN Submarine Group) said. They realized that another navies knows how to operate submarines.
They were quite impressed.


I'll leave the actual sourcing & accuracy to others because that would spark interaction, and that's something we should be doing. That, and I Googled all my tumblr bits making sure what's posted is legit. I however still have to laugh that we Canadians shocked the Americans again, similar reaction with the Dutch & the Australians. Just as USA enjoys teasing us, we return the lovely poking & jabbing. All in good harmless fun. One thing that I will take away from the posters being salty is the mention of torpedo tubes probably alerting the Americans, yet that was the disadvantage they were given that it was complete silence exercise. If the tubes were active they "could" have reacted. Even so, it's still comical side of "shoulda, woulda, coulda" related comments. What happened, happened.


Unrelated, and still in tasteful fun, that thread made me think of this scene:




It is true that an AVRO Arrow test pilot DID NOT buzz an American military air base with an AVRO Arrow. However, it IS TRUE that an AVRO test pilot did buzz an American air base south of Lake Ontario. The pilot was flying a 'test bed' AVRO Lancaster, modified in many ways. This special aircraft had all superfluous weight, armaments, turrets, etc. removed and aerodynamically faired over. The outer RH and LH engines had been replaced by AVRO Orenda turbojet test engines. The P-47D Thunderbolts of the U.S. National Guard never had a chance in hell of catching this aircraft - they did try. Pictures of this Lancaster can be viewed in Randall Whitcomb's book about the history of AVRO aviation in Canada.




Edit: Had this in another thread, yet seeing as how it turned Canadian POV I'm putting this in this thread.

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The little curiosity about Avro Canada CF-105 "Arrow"


The design work on the aircraft Avro Canada CF-105 "Arrow" was involved a group best of Polish builders, which was during the Second World War in Canada. They were: Eng. Zygmunt Cyma, Eng. Waclaw Czerwinski, Eng. Kazimierz Korsak, Eng. Kazimierz Księski, Eng. Wieslaw Stępniewski, PhD. Eric Kosko.

Renowned Polish
experimental pilot - Janusz Żurakowski began in April 1952., Work in the Canadian company Avro Canada in Toronto. He flew aircraft Avro CF-100 "Canuck". Later he is performing flights on the aircraft Avro CF-105 "Arrow". The first test flight of CF-105 number RL 201 made 03.25.1958. Supersonic speed, Żurakowski already reached in the seventh flight of the prototype RL 201. As the first Pole by plane exceeded the speed of sound and the speed of 2000 km / h. In August of 1958. Prototype flew RL 202 and RL 203 in September, while on the latter exceeded the speed of sound in the first flight. In total, CF-105 Żurakowski made 22 flights, the last on 09.14.1958. For his contribution to the development of aviation nickname "Zura" received in the same year McKee Trophy.

Team of four experimental pilots "Arrow" was also the second Pole - Wladyslaw Potocki (former commander of 315 Polish Squadron). It has the largest raid on an airplane, "Arrow". I could extruded with a razor all the skills. He was the first Pole who has exceeded the speed Ma 2 (according to other sources has reached 1.96).

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