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A.N: This was some thing silly I wrote in the Discord Chat.


Mahan's stares at her captain's face before looking towards his hand. "Captain, can you explain to me why you have my panties in your hands?" Her voice maintaining a neutral tone while carrying a sharpe edge.


"Because I thought it was a towel."


Sighing at the dumb response Mahan started to walk closer to her captain. Sniffing the air she could tell her captain was out drinking on duty. Not only did her captain steal her panties but he was also drinking on duty, such a poor performance could not be tolerated. Taking her panties from her captain's hand she grabbed him by the ear ignoring his yelp of pain and started to drag him back to his office.


"Captain, such a poor performance cannot be tolerated. You need to be taught a lesson, and nothing you're going to say will get you out of this."

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To avoid making the thread impossible to scroll through, I suggest writers get a pastebin, and simply link stories here.

I would actually suggest spoiler tags, since it keeps everything on-site and in one place. They are made as such:



I've put entire pages worth of text in these things, so rest assured, they work :).


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Oh, I almost forgot to ask something.


Ninjapacman, when you said that the Hendecagon was contrived and cliche, what were your feelings/reasons behind it? It was my initial purpose that the Hendecagon is a consequence of the Morgana's interference in history - It felt to me like a natural evolution of the Pentagon's status from american-only to a worldwide effort for collecting intel on the new enemy.

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It's a running gag from the Cards against humanity Victory Belles edition streams.

He means about shipping members together (i.e. Shipping you and I together or reltats and XKrieg)

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Gerrion, when I said it was contrived and cliche, it's because I see what you're going for, like the pilots in the Battle of Britain being called "The few". I also believe that it could work, if tweaked a little. The name Hendecagon, unfortunately, is somehow too odd of a name to feel catchy or brave or interesting. To me (keep in mind that this is my honest opinion, not necessarily any form of fact.) it simply lessens the impact of the importance of those first men and women. "The First 11" sounds way better. While I like the idea of being able to talk to the Belles, I feel like once they "awakened" they can talk to anyone, they just choose not to. So your 1113 people who were able to communicate or coordinate with belles are probably just people they liked, not anyone particularly special. Although now that I think about it, it's been confirmed that when belles first appeared, they refused to listen to the directive of anyone except their captain, so they could just have a list of people they like to listen to. Finally, I have an inherent bias against self-inserts, no matter how small, so I find myself somewhat annoyed whenever I read the part about you and Belfast.


Of course, almost all of this is my opinion. Take from it what you will, and I may be the only person here who believes what I said. I'm just putting it out there in the hopes that you might find it useful as criticism, and be better off for it.

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Keep in mind that the Pentagon wasn't a phrase known the world over in 1939. Not only was it not complete, but in 1939 the War Department, now known as the Defense Department, didn't have the relative power it has today. Among other things, no War Powers Act. When I read it, I'll admit it had a comic-book feel to it. That said, there's nothing wrong with that feel if that's what you're shooting for.


Think League of Nations. Not even the UN, but the very weak League of Nations. Heck, the US wasn't even a member of it even though it was Woodrow Wilson's baby. The US has always been a strange cookie... :-/


As far as the self-insert, while I myself agree with Ninja, this is facfic. To quote a new friend of mine, "No rules :)"

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Keep in mind that the Pentagon wasn't a phrase known the world over in 1939. Not only was it not complete, but in 1939 the War Department, now known as the Defense Department, didn't have the relative power it has today. Among other things, no War Powers Act. When I read it, I'll admit it had a comic-book feel to it. That said, there's nothing wrong with that feel if that's what you're shooting for.


Think League of Nations. Not even the UN, but the very weak League of Nations. Heck, the US wasn't even a member of it even though it was Woodrow Wilson's baby. The US has always been a strange cookie... :-/


Thank you Yuri, that's something I forgot to point out. The League of Nations was never as good as the UN. While they apparently managed to vote unanimously to create an International Naval Protection Force, the League of Nations is toothless. It has no power on its own to enforce what it legislates. If not a single country let their belles be a part of the INPF, the League couldn't force anyone to do it, and would still be left without a single belle to defend the seas. The League of Nations was a horribly failed dream for a variety of reasons, each of which could have probably made it a failure on their own. But I digress. Point is, Yuri is right, while they could potentially (If every single nation voted yes) create an international peacekeeping force of specific people, that force had to be funded and enforced by the Nations in the League, not the League itself, so nations with extreme national pride, such as Germany or Japan, might try to go it alone, and wouldn't send any of their people who can talk to belles to this force.

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The alternate history as publicly released by Mahan states that the captains themselves formed the force independent of their nations during a meeting on the high seas about a week into the Morganna threat. The LoN took over administration and coordination of it due to lack of any available alternative. That said, given over half the major powers in the game were not even members, it doesn't sound like the LoN really exerts much influence over the International Force.


I'll also point out something I've mentioned before and which Mahan has also noted - Germany in particular may see more benefits than downsides to the Morganna, at least initially. Britain is under FAR more threat from the Morganna than Germany.


EDIT: I just had a thought that might change my assessment. I wonder if the Morganna can handle fresh water? Smaller Morganna ships could conceivably head up the Ruhr and Rhine valleys. The Kiel canal? Most German industry in 1939 is alongside a navigable section of a river or canal...

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I'd like to add that Italy would be an eager participant of that as well.


As a country with little raw resources, the ability to receive critical material from overseas (coal, steel, etc.) was fundamental.

Therefore, with the Morganas endangering the sea lanes, quite a lot of people in Rome would be worried, and would eagerly give its approval to any initiative to fight them and defend overseas commerce.


Besides, it's not like they're strangers to off-the-book naval activities.

In 1939 they had just ended their undeclared, piratey-war in Spanish waters. :rolleyes:

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Would it make sense for the US ships to be chomping at the bit to get into the fight but they couldn't due to isolationist politicians and public sentiment. Thus would it make sense for the military to have them go on tour across the nation to rally the people? Granted I'm taking a lot from the first Captain America movie but it makes sense to me. Thoughts?

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The US may have been isolationist when it came to a European War, but I believe the Morganna threat would rouse the sleeping giant. Having merchant ships wiped out within sight of land by "stupid monster ships" would likely raise some ire.

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The US may have been isolationist when it came to a European War, but I believe the Morganna threat would rouse the sleeping giant. Having merchant ships wiped out within sight of land by "stupid monster ships" would likely raise some ire.


That and most of their Island naval bases being suddenly not self-sufficient.

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Not to mention the Philippines, or the Canal. ;)


Nah, the Canal can be supplied over land and should have few issues other than an absurdly long supply train. The philippines, however are in similar trouble to Hawaii and Japan.

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Was their rail down to the canal at that time? I'm not sure. It could be built, though, regardless.

It can be built with the resources they're sparing not making sea lanes to the outlying islands! But yeah, I don't think any place with land access to a self-sufficient continent would have nearly as much trouble as arpeggio or this game seems to make out. Especially Arpeggio.

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