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Two questions. (Relationships >11, Mental Bridging)

Leon Cross

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1: Most relationships can be increased to 11 through there quest lines. How does one go about increasing the maximum further?


2: I snagged Empathy and Serenity through one of the new quests, and apparently you can snag Instinct via leveling one of the two. Besides randomly rolling on various "Earn a step in any random skill / thing" like the Spinx or doing the Sync quest, is there a reliable way to snag Mental Bridging?

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1. In Y1 you generally don't, it's kind of part of how young the Y1 kids are I believe, but even so there's two ways. First, Etiquette 3 expands 1 random relationship maximum by 1, once. Second, there's a particular constellation that, if active, can be used with Astrology to get +1 random relationship max.


2. If you can get the other three you can raise the Sync parent skill, and that gives you Bond Affirmation for easy access to Mental Bridging. And yes, you can get Instinct through Subtle Calm (Empathy) or Zone of Calm (Serenity).

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Speaking of which, can I (re- <_<)ask that the Etiquette rank 3 perk be switched with it's rank 8 perk? As is if you start the game with three ranks in Etiquette the game never tells you who got hit with the +1 relationship max, and unlike skills, the game never lists relationship maximums anyway (that I know of).

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Shouldn't there be a Mastery spell that instantly raises one's relationship with another person to 50 instantly? ;)


Honestly how are we supposed to get caught using illegal magic if there aren't any tempting spells?

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  • 1 month later...

Does this mean that Prudence Cossin's quest, which grants a 2 point increase in relationship maximums - to 12 - is exceptional? How many, roughly, of the students can have their relationship maximums raised to 12 through their quests?

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I don't believe it's too rare, but I'm not willing to guess percentages because my ability to guess is atrocious.

"Exceptional", however, is a term I'd reserve for Sheary Warrington's adventure. If memory serves me right the proper exit will shoot up his relationship max straight to 13, enough to get Love if you're playing a female student. As far as I know that's the only adventure which does that. Indeed, the only guaranteed relationship you can get to 13 without either luck or reloading shenanigans.

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