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Study and Train


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There are other actions that give the study effect plus skill bonuses. That's why regular study isn't so useful. You also usually get a level of study by completing class adventures.

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Why would you train your class skill when you get them for free during class?

Except for some very difficult class (i.e. Arithmetic, Dialectic and Enchant) you get enough skill level to be at 5 during midterm and 10 at the final exam alone from attending class and look that your attributes are good enough.

Because without special actions 10 is the maximum you can reach in a skill every time slot you spend in train your class skills will end latter on in complete useless class time slots while you not be able to skip all class for extended times.

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Well if there was an instruction guide to tell me this, it did not download with the game. The game is very obscure to say the least. And I mostly had to train in botany, athletics, because i was not getting enough athletic adventures, and Dialectic. Everything else as you said trained itself. Please do not chastise me. I am doing the best I can with limited knowledge of the game

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