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What are the Requirements for Love?


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I understand that in order to have the Love Emotion, the PC needs a relationship with a fellow student of opposite sex/gender of 13. How can this be achieved? So far, it seems that even those students with adjusted relationship maximums have a cap of 12.

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You need Affection, an opposite-gendered relationship at 13+ and not have Despair to get Love, IIRC. As for getting it with a specific student in Y1 it might very well be impossible, save for getting exceedingly lucky with the game's spread of constellations and Astrology. Etiquette 3 gives out a one-time random +1 relationship max, which you can savescum if a student's adventure tops them out at 12 to push them over the edge, but beyond that it's exceeding luck at Astrology or bust. At least as far as I know.

Actually, I do know one sneaky trick. See, those requirements are for getting Love. Keeping it only requires you to not get Despair (and IIRC Love makes you functionally immune to that, so...yeah). So if you're willing to savescum you can use Mood Swings to add Love to yourself. It'll effectively be one-sided, but hey, you'll have it.

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