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Vitality healing question


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On my new Character ( Victor Von Wulfen) I started with a Fitness attribute of 3. This gives me a starting Vitality score of 6. On starting my game, before I have done anything on the first days 3 free periods my vitality is at 4 (Red). I'm not sure why it's at 4 and not its max of 6?

Are there any abilities, actions, spells etc that can heal my vitality to full other than resting?

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It's a bug with the Family: Sports background increasing your Fitness (and, in turn, Vitality Max) but not your starting Vitality score. Call it a sports injury you got right before Juvenalia or something.

There's plenty of stuff that restores various levels of vitality, but nothing other than Rest that always restores it to full IIRC.

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1 minute ago, Metis said:

It's a bug with the Family: Sports background increasing your Fitness (and, in turn, Vitality Max) but not your starting Vitality score. Call it a sports injury you got right before Juvenalia or something.

There's plenty of stuff that restores various levels of vitality, but nothing other than Rest that always restores it to full IIRC.

Many thanks, Metis.

I'm looking through my abilities and known locations (Very limited as it's my first day). I can see some to relieve stress but have yet to unlock any for Vitality. Can I ignore it for now or will it have a negative effect on me during the game like penalties etc?

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3 minutes ago, Metis said:

There is no penalty to walking around with less than max vitality as there is with stress, except that a string of bad luck will drop you to 0 vitality or lower, forcing you to skip an entire day due to injuries.

Many thanks, Bellatrix got away with just 4 vitality ok, ill ignore it for now until I find an action or location that will be more beneficial to using a free rest period :)

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