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How goes the Progress for Y2?


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Will the player decisions in Y1 already have influence what education resources the character will have in later years, beside what is already direct handed out?
I.e. for the Vernin adventure where you visit the wall I could imagine that a player who also show religious tendencies will get earlier or later access to teaching material or even direct education from on of the religious orders.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Not this month; it's launch for VB! Other than that, though, it's steady. :)

I am impressed, and I hope that I can buy a playable copy of that game in order to help. I assume, though, that that is why my latest questions about Academagia have not been answered yet.

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I'll admit my sense of what counts as a long bit of text has, oh what's the word...gotten messed up recently? In any case please pardon me, I'm due to break YT's comment unstated character limit twice over for the...thirtieth time or so 🙃.


I'd say "send help", but there is no help at this point :rolleyes:.


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