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KS Update 105


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I’m voting 4

Surpise pupper is always appreciated. Hopefully sometime she’ll get in a duo. I think it’s time for her to prove the statement “permission to use appallingly foul language.” preferably to a more uptight Belle

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I did nazi this coming and am Thorn on the feastabilities.

Option 4, so I get to influence the decision towards the german possibility I prefer.



Please resume to capitalize all the nouns in German. Kthxbye


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  • 1 month later...

So reading the text and I found a mistake in the text. When ORP Wicher talks and uses the word Kapitan should Kapitanie - because it is related to the Polish grammar and respect for the rank of military man. When he does not talk to him or  he is not in a room, for example there should be a Kapitan.

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