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Research and Bonuses


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I am beginning to write an adventure named Dear Prudence. This adventure has very little to do with music or beetles, although it does have to do with Prudence Cossins. It is primarily a way for me to incorporate some fascinating lore about her into the game that was cut from Y1, so the core of the adventure is “researching [through the research action]” Prudence Cossins, which the narrative presents as talking to her. I assume that the research mechanic in Y2 will be the same as that in Y1 [viz, each research action is associated with a lore and there are possible benefits at assigned stages], but I made it more beneficial for the PC and Prudence by having each stage of research give benefits (some major, some minor) for them. The benefits would be linked to the lore, the premise being that the research was Prudence and the PC talking about Prudence and both gaining benefit from their talks. So I have two questions.

1. Would this type of structure be possible in Y2, or are the Y2 research mechanics so different from Y1’s that it would not work?

2. Similarly, would it be possible, even in Y1’s research mechanics, to have each level of research assign a bonus in addition to a piece of lore?

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Can't comment on Y2 of course, but I believe all of that could work in Y1. The only thing I'm not 100% on is adventure stages handing out Research levels, but that's only because I can't recall a situation off-hand where that happens. In theory, I see no reason why it shouldn't work.

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@Metis: Good point. I had not considered that as a problem for this adventure (because it has only 2 parts, separated by the PC's need to research the topic Prudence Cossins), but an adventure that I wrote for Y2 does grant research levels. so:

3. Is it possible for adventures to grant research levels as rewards?

@Legate of Mineta, can you answer?

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