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Can you Put the DLC Number to the Mod Name at the start of a new game?

I.e. 12) Finals and Ordeals

Or 13) Your Lucky Number? ;)

This way we can see direct at starting of new game if it is the curent DLC or a older.


Is it intended that the Background Tutoring: Grifter and Black Sheep not excluding each other?

I ask because with both selected you get the Merrit of both but with just the downside of one.


Oh. Just a other Idea how about a Background Choise for year 2 that allows the char to work of his Black Sheep status trough the summer vacation?



Wouldn't it great if Scenes from a Dialectic Class 01 is force started at 1. Athonos?

A Lesson like this sounds realy like the first day in this class.

In general I would love to have this "Adventure" Steps force started on different days with the first starting at the 1. Athonos and the last a vew days bevore the Mid Term Exam (because of the Study level I don't think it sould be later).


Edit2: What happend to my suggestion to the Starting Effect that hit every 1st year when they enter the Academagia that reduced the chance of Events and also the chance for Hostile actions for the first days? Was it denied by the team?

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We've actually looked at putting the DLC Name first in the save- unfortunately, it's a bit difficult. I am not sure we'll end up doing it in Year 1.


The Backgrounds probably aren't intended- I'll send that along for 13, along with the others. I'm pretty sure it's not planned to be so easy to work off Black Sheep in a single summer...;)


For your earlier suggestion about lowered starting Difficulty, it was considered, but there are some issues with the implementation. Nothing that couldn't be overcome, I think it just has a lowered priority.






Good suggestion! That Description does need to be cleaned up- we'll see if we can get it into 13. :)

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What I asked is that the Nameing of the Mod is changed from "Finals and Ordeals" into "12) Finals and Ordeals" and no change in the game itself. Or is the use of numbers at the start of the name a problem?

I know automatic would be much more easy but this need for sure a code change and so all I ask for is the change of the name we get displayed.

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It would be great if persons who drop the merrit of a college i.e. by a total of 10 or more will see theyr relationship with the other Student of theyr College drop.

And the oposit would be great also (but the probably more like 20 needed for get a boost).


Whats about my suggestion that the Dialectic Class Adventure will changed to be forcestarted on different days?

With now even more abilitys that can give a player temporary +X to study I think a change would be great that this temporary effects can go past 10 but with the limit that only one of this effects can be active at any time.

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As the DLC 12 bug topic suggests i'm doing the Neta adventure as a boy and i'm wondering why i'm not affected by whatever it is going in with the other boys.


I'm guessing it's too much work to differentiate how the adventure works depending on gender, but there could be an option added to the start where you have to fight off the effects with a concentration or willpower check? (For a girl the adventure would start as is)

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How about she split the team in 2 or more groups. The other groups are lead by 4. or 5. year who will lead groups of 2.-5. year while the Regent here self takes care of the group of 1st year.

This way it just have to be mentioned in the text without any effect to the story or any rolls.

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I do hope nobody mentioned it before, but 73 pages are a bit much to scan through, so bear with me.


I would really like it if, when actions like befriend fail (or flirt, or flatter, social things),the NPC name it failed to work on will be maintained, with a link. For some reason, the relationships screen sometime get stuck on me (it won't scroll) I can't check to see if that NPC I am trying to befriend is already in a clique, if they hate me, etc', so so having a name link from the day's result would save a lot of grief.

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Item descriptions inside a shop should have an item type in the description. While I can buy an item check where it fits on my character and sell it back while I trade with a shop, I can't do that with Catalogs (which seem more abundant). Sometimes it's hard to figure out what category an item actually is.

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If Merit Prize numbering is supposed to follow real life roman numerals (for all I know it may use some Elumian numbering thing that's just similar) then Merit Prize XIIII should be Merit Prize XIV.


Also if a merit prize increases something at random it would be nice to see what in the daily report. (like Merit Prize XIIII giving relationship with a random instructor)

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If Merit Prize numbering is supposed to follow real life roman numerals (for all I know it may use some Elumian numbering thing that's just similar) then Merit Prize XIIII should be Merit Prize XIV.

Acording to some one other XIIII is fully legal if using Roman Numbers and so both XIV and XIIII is correct. But the later is much easyer to handle for the computer.

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