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About the Black Sheep again.


I realy think needing to spend 1 Backgroundpoint to buy of Black Sheep in year 2 + needing to do a Adventure within the Summer break should be enough because the other Background "History: Descended of Traitors" is realy easy to work of in maybe 10 actions (Unless you got some bad luck there ;) )

Especial with Study 10 giving you 5 parrent Arpoval each (30 pims for free every 2nd week) I think Black sheep became a bad way to get one more Backgroundpoint and with Traitor and this excluding each I think I dont pick it any more ;).

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Sure but wouldn't this 2 Backgrounds not exclude each other you wouldn't get this post from me because then they are not this direct compareable any more.

The cheapest addetional Background Point one can get right now is "Friendships: Actually, Bitter Hatred" unless you get one of our two special friends of this college what is just ~3 actions to get rid off. But for the Nagative Backgreounds one can pick the "cheap" ones first and the go to the more "expensive" and look if it is still wort to get a Background point from them so I dont see a problem that they are so different.


How about removing the limitation the Descedent of Traitor and Black Sheep excluding each other? Even if one is a Black Sheep in his Family dont means he dont have the stigmata of been part of this family. The reason of limiting the Background points is also no longer served trough this.

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Random Event Health and Illness 4 Exit 3

I think a negative Relationship betwean the Random Default NPC and some random 1st year girls would be good here also.



To have some Students who didn't manage the exam in year 2 when the player haved his year 1 exam who now try again would be a good addition for year 2.

I think it also would be great if some new Students cross join the Academagia from Privat Teaching or a other Academy in year 2.

For this new Students there should be a chance that "History: Descended of Traitors" trigger if the player have it from his year 1 play.

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Thinking about the traitors background, it also might be good for that to ping you in later years when you start having options to get in leadership positions. Friends will overlook your heritage when it comes to even ground: it's easy for a bunch of your friends to say, "No, you're my buddy, I don't care about that" when you're on the same wave-length. But what if you for some reason wanted to norminate a leader for your clique? (I don't know why- maybe you're playing capture the flag against another clique and a leader is just useful for that event.) The whole "Well, when his/her family was given power, they betrayed everyone..." might come even to your friends mind, then. Sort of like your character would have no difficulty playing on the Rimbal team or joining the student council activity group, but in later years if they want to be a Student Council President/Representative or Captain of sorts to the Rimbal team, there'll be more drama as even your best friends have to pause to assure themselves that you won't go mad or evil with power.


It probably wouldn't amount to anything in game but a few extra hurtles when attempting anything that has a position of power, but it could be a way for that background to come and bite you in later years even if the initial 'some people dislike me, boohoo' thing is pretty easy to charm off.

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For the other, it would be cool to have new Students come in, and we've discussed that. I can't say for certain what we will do here yet, though, although we have some fun ideas. :)


Just make the number of students more or less even per college. Avila, Morvidus and Godina need more. ;)

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It's not so much the number of students, I think, as it is the number of students who focus on competing (IE, some characters have 'Better the Collage' as a prominent AI goal, and some- well, don't). Hedi and Aranaz both have more members then Morvidus, but I've seen both Avila and Godina beat Hedi quite easily merit-wise... I usually see Hedi in last place, actually. And unless the player character is in Aranaz (in which they have a chance of running away with the thing), Morvidus is usually going to take second, if not first in the compete thing (beating Vernin in the end despite their smaller numbers around half the time, I'd say). And Godina, while behind the leads, performs much better then similarly-sized Avila (and again, Hedi)- on rare occasions, I've seen them do better then Aranaz, too. Number overall isn't as important as the number who compete.



In my head, I like to think of the imbalance of students like this: Legate said the students can at least give their word on which collage they want to be in (it's not always honored, but it seems unless they're a total non-fit for that collage or they're absolutely perfect for another one, the staff is willing to give it a shot). And what is the one thing we know about Vernin's di Lucca Alazzo? It's that he's not really the best enchanter or wizard, but dang is he good at getting people money in fundraising (...and in getting them to do his stupid errands, as his adventure shows). Students who end up with him as the instructor persona who talks to them about collage and courses probably have a higher percent chance of choosing Vernin then a character talking to another Regent has of choosing that collage.


(Durand and Hedi probably get quite a few that way, as Professor P and B are popular in their own right, which makes sense, as they're also large collages.)


But on the other side, I imagine that when Badcrumble talks to students, the majority don't end up choosing Avila, especially male students (and I wonder if male students who see other instructors might get some subtle pushing that maybe Avila wouldn't be the best choice, by describing the lodgings in Tower 8 to them, for instance). I imagine Storey has a similar problem: he's not the most friendly instructor in talking to, so people who are sent to him probably are more likely to not choose Morvidus if they have the choice. You can also make similar arguments about Sixt- but while students who talk to him might be a bit wary about Aranaz (save for those with similar personalities), I imagine the other Professors might use Aranaz as 'the collage where ambitious students with strong personalities who may be troublesome should be' and subtly push students who fit the criteria that way.


Godina presents an interesting case, then, as Massioti's attractive enough and nothing in his biography hints at a difficult personality that would make people unlikely to go with him, Incantation is probably the field of magic most interesting to 12 year olds (I get FIREBALLS! And I can make snowmen whenever I want! And I don't have to shower, I can just dump water on me! Also, I get to fly! Wee, awesome!), and Athletics to quite a few kids that age probably sounds like 'Ooo, free course!' (not that it is, but think of how sporty kids in elementary and middle-school treat gym-class). Maybe he pushes away anyone who he thinks might want to be in the Rimbal team and would suck? :P


I'm not sure if any of that is true, but works to explain things in my head.

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I'm not sure if any of that is true, but works to explain things in my head.

If you think this will make you feel much better, I want to say you just spoke most of my mind.


Incantation is probably the field of magic most interesting to 12 year olds

Marlein Knoht.

Importance of the names of herbs in their effect upon a given spell.

Possible effects of iced tea on an ice Incantation.

(Coming Soon) Pancake's effect on disc-shaped grease Incantation





For Bitter Hatred, I think it is too extreme to be a permanent rival right off at year 1 though - a permanent one would be more along the lines of "I hate Alesfan" vs our Alesfan prince where you guys just kinda tick off each other fundamentally, and it is too soon to have that.


But there definitely needs to be some resistance from letting you invest a Sunday to turn an enemy into friend just like that.




Random Event - Curio Jacaruso


This shouldn't be happening on the first day / Juvanila.

Long (14 pages), confusing for new players and being smacked around by wraiths on the first day seems too extreme.


Random Event - Gera Was Here


This too, although it was absolutely hilarious to get this along with Gera's notes!


Yeah, you might want to add in something to block this two from triggering on the *very first* day.

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Not a fan of organic asymmetry, eh? :)


If we get a host of year 1 students in year 2 to interact with then it won't be as noticeable. After all i would prefer to mentor someone with stats then just an npc in a mentor adventure. :)


But to answer the question i'm a big fan of equality. A bit OCD. :P

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Interesting addition to the student versus college discussion: Raoul Leconte

It's a student with strong bonds to nature, animals and familiars. He has friendly ties to Morvidus college.

Yet he is an Aranaz student with the "Survive the College" goal.


Prudence Cossins and Phillippe Marchant actually have goals and personality that includes removing merit from their own college.

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Shouldn't the Effects part of Question Knowledge description look more like: Expand (+5) Choice of Subskill, Expand (-1) Random Subskill. Now it says Expand Choice of Subskill, Expand (-5) Random Subskill.


Extrapolate Anatomy passive bonus (from Mammals skill) gives +3 against monsters and is thus useless in the game. Maybe change it to a bonus to some of the dueling subskills.


Seal Fate action lowers a bunch of stuff for the target, but it's type is listed as beneficial


Press Pheme: description says that it rerolls a bully action, but the name of the effect is Reroll Best Type. Would be nice to word it differently to better inform how it works. (from the name I suspect it rolls twice and picks the higher roll)

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