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I can't remember which Familiar Event it is, but it's the one that involves your familiar getting their hands on your wand while you try and distract them with a treat. I'm not sure if Pamela is allowed, but if she is, she should probably should be disabled, but the one I've gotten it with is Shade, who the event doesn't seem to fit with. Shade is well able of holding full reasoned conversations (heck, he's more capable then some of your classmates are XD), so having him take the wand, and then only release it when you hold out the 'Shade Treat' (...which sounds very dubious and scary) and make kissy noises seems a bit beneath him.


...Or, failing that, an exit could be added for Shade/Pamela/Sprite (and any other talking familiars?- I can't remember if the PC has any others), where they do a perhaps, "(Negotiate) FamilarName, put that down, it's dangerous. I'll play with you after I'm done with this project, okay?"

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Random Event Revenge 5 Exit 3 (Planning) I personal would prefer the Benefit to be Poisons instead of Reason.


Edit: I think it would be great if the chance of getting Detention from skip class would go down at the month Cheimare and Kaliri because the Prof. have to focus on the Exam and can't watch the Student's not having exam this extensive. Also would it great if the NPC Students skip class in this time also a vew times.

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I think it would be great if we can hide/unhide Abilitys/Actions form the selector of the Timeslots via a checkmark.

So we can remove Actions that aren't usefull any more and become a bether overview whats still usefull.

I probably would use other actions beside the Sphinx a lot more if it wouldn't so a pain to check all the Abilitys for the usefullnes again and again.

Or even bether can sort them on our own to the 3 Slots we have (Choose Action, Use Item and Use Ability) even if this means Use item would have be renamed.

And don't tell me you have some kind of usefull sorting there right now because to me it makes not much sense anymore.

At DLC0-1 it was maybe meaning full but by now the DLCs have mixed it to much.

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It is one of the things I was actually thinking of proposing (especially the study options, once you've reached 10 in all your studies, or linguistic sections-professors for example)...


I think it would be great if we can hide/unhide Abilitys/Actions form the selector of the Timeslots via a checkmark.

So we can remove Actions that aren't usefull any more and become a bether overview whats still usefull.

I probably would use other actions beside the Sphinx a lot more if it wouldn't so a pain to check all the Abilitys for the usefullnes again and again.

Or even bether can sort them on our own to the 3 Slots we have (Choose Action, Use Item and Use Ability) even if this means Use item would have be renamed.

And don't tell me you have some kind of usefull sorting there right now because to me it makes not much sense anymore.

At DLC0-1 it was maybe meaning full but by now the DLCs have mixed it to much.

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That is a really good suggestion! I'll need to investigate if this is something that could be done in Year 1 (I suspect no), but it's a very good idea overall, and should probably be in Year 2 in any event.


I like the idea, on the condition that it doesn't automatically eliminate the "Attend Class" events in the day if all of your class-based skills are already at 10+.

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Familiar Adventure Platypus 02c Exit 2 can the Roll for Planning replaced for a other SS? I ask because Planning is Finesse and Paradoxus only have Finesse 1

Maybe Bluff or Deceit can work for this exit? The later is Luck but with the Force Starting of the Bond Adventure Luck is increased so even Luck also starting with 1 its not this bad as Finesse.

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Ok my replacments where wrong because I messed up with the texts but still Planning would be good if get replaced with a other SS.


So about the new Suggestion, maybe some Adventure can be flaged as class because in the Student Adventure for Ana Flavia at one step the text hints that it hapends during class.

Or When Pirats attack the school this also could happen during class time and so shouldn't end in detention when the adventure started during class time.

Not to mention the Calligraphy / Dialectic Class Adventures what clearly happen during class time.

I doubt we get this in year 1 but it would be great if this could make it into year 2.

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Can we get in year 2 Spells/Abilitys that Heal X% of the max Stress/HP when used?

I ask for this because the difference of a starting char and a char at the mid of year 1 is simply to big.

At the start a Heal of 1 is maybe usfull but later it becomes useless.

Even with just 10 HP I prefer to go down to 2-3 HP and then rest instead of use any Heal ability.

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Random thought: in Durand's Day of Fools adventure, could we get a 'No, I'm interested in celebrating this the traditional (irony!) way- with costumes!' exit, that would thus pop up the original Day of Fools sewing costume event? Just seems sad to have lost it for characters that have no desire to hang out with Durand or learn more of the world's history.


(Boo to them. ;))

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