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Put my vote times a hundred for this suggestion, too. >.>


Kayley really shouldn't have some Gates magic from just goofing around the Library of L, and even Ceyn disapproves of the miniscule knowledge of Gates he's learned from the Sphinx (...Mastery, on the other hand...). I know that it's impossible to have those abilities 'gated' (heh) in Year One, but an option to get rid of them in Year Two when they can be blocked from random gains would be lovely as it's far too easy to pick up Magic That Could Get You Killed accidentally. ;_;

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Bright day

First a question- last time I played I started Joanna's personnal quest several steps earlier than Phillipe's and then I could not find Phillipe's in my adventure log. Do they lock out each other further in? Because that is tremendous shame - doing the whole thing from both sides is the most excellent adventure in Academagia- exept for the part where there is not final exit for these adventures that would recongize that I am helping them both. So that is my suggestion, some kind of recongition in the text of that.


So sorry if it has been mentioned before.

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I don't believe that they lock one another out, although I do know that the Content Team fiddled with it a few DLC ago. I'll double check, but it may be more likely that you do not have enough Relationship with Phillipe.



His adventure was open before I started Joanna and I even took him dancing few times afterwards to improve the relationship more.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a suggestion: In the Natural Philosophy skill descriptor, it says that '...its the study of the forces that hold up the mountains and keep celestial odies in harmony...' or something to that effect. But there's no mention of any subskill on motion or forces. IRL natural philosophy was the precursor of all the natural sciences. Maybe a subskill to reflect that-we can call it mechanics or something? Or, is the study of motion and forces considered a part of Engineering in the game universe and hence natural philosophy considered a seperate discipline?

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While I was playing I had to reload a few times because Library of the Mantle Stars insisted on giving me skillsteps in a subskill I already had at max.


It is a little strange that someone would spent time studying a subject they already know everything about instead of using it to gather new knowledge.


And another question, will there be modbase 4 release after DLC 15?

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Sorry its a engine limit that when you get Random Skill training that it also can give you skill you already have maxed or that are even forbiden by law to learn.

But you can view it that you read a book that is about something you already know but you read it anyway in hope you find new infos there.


Its already confirmed that when DLC 15 is released we get a new Modbase.

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Sorry its a engine limit that when you get Random Skill training that it also can give you skill you already have maxed or that are even forbiden by law to learn.

But you can view it that you read a book that is about something you already know but you read it anyway in hope you find new infos there.


Its already confirmed that when DLC 15 is released we get a new Modbase.


I don't understand why you can't alter the database query so that when it raises a skill it checks if you are at the max. say the max is like 10:

(I will use some general english here since i don't know your database method or if you use a database per say):


rng process to get random number

assign that number as a variable

call skill with skill id equal to variable

call player total in skill

call current max in skill for player

if player total in skill is equal to current max in skill for player repeat the operation with a different rng result

if player total is lower add to the skill



I don't know how your engine is written or whether you can legally modify it, is it not an in house engine? but it doesn't appear to be a hard task to use that sort of set up for a random skill bonus. What language/engine is the game written in?

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It is in-house, and it is possible to modify, but these things never occur in isolation. Changing part of this may have some dramatic repercussions across the system which make us leery to make the change. As always, anything is possible...with the right amount of time and resources. :)


C# is the language, by the way.

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It is in-house, and it is possible to modify, but these things never occur in isolation. Changing part of this may have some dramatic repercussions across the system which make us leery to make the change. As always, anything is possible...with the right amount of time and resources. :)


C# is the language, by the way.




Anti Microsoft Army Assemble!!!!!!!!


In terms of coding of course I can't speculate since I don't have access to the source code, but I presume there are concerns about increasing the power of actions which produce higher skills raises by trading off control over selection for extra points. The sphinx would become even more godlike that it currently is I imagine and also some of the libraries would be better, and then I suppose you would have the change the code in regards to random levels within a specific category like the library of the mantle of the stars. And I suppose increases to set skills like in mantele and long shade would become less useful later on because using it for other bonuses would still require wasting the skill up for concentration or w/e.


Are there particular code issues for altering a very specific group of code lines, or is it just in terms of changing the relative values of some of the actions?

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Sounds interesting. Sadly I don't have time to play games anymore as I am developing my own take on player based economics in sandbox mmos. I'm doing a lot of crazy things and stuff I always thought would be cool in games and boy is it fun. Well, making the design is fun, and figuring the initial problems with how to code it is fun. Actually implementing the code one I figure out how to write it is somewhat tedious. Writing a whole bunch of data base calls and number display elements cannot be anything but a grind, but ah well. I recently was forced to stop playing A Tale in the Desert because it was just sucking up all my free time. I was a sheep breeder, a brick maker, and many other things and boy was it sucking me in. I was playing 8 hours a day and it was fun but it was just getting in my way. I suspect trying to play Aca in my typical min maxer style would be similarly time sucking.

Maybe some day when the final year comes out I will have the free time to jump in and min max my way across the entire game in mere months creating an obscenely powerful character that was never intended to be possible. Still watching the development via the forums is interesting. I might drop in for 1 or 2 days once year two comes out and see what you guys did with it.

Game devving is not the friend of people wanting to have other hobbies :)

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Ah, welcome to the grand and glorious ranks of design! We'll be looking forward to seeing your first game, so drop by, at the very least, to let us know about that!


Thanks. :)


Hah, I really started to feel bad about getting pissy about various things once I actually had to design a game myself. Its sad though its really ruined the fun of whining and blaming devs for not having such and such feature that would be really cool. Hours of possible fun destroyed!

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After playing a game again using the latest DLC, I noticed a few things. The game is still a pleasure to play, nonetheless a few suggestions.


-Playing on my laptop without a mouse, I noticed how much this game requires a mouse (in particular the mouse scroll wheel),

Only some of the menus could be scrolled using arrow keys. Typically the laggy, slow menus (such as use ability) did not allow number key scrolling.

-Do the save game files really need to be 40 MB? Thats quite a lot, especially for a text adventure game where I imagine there isn't too much state information to track. This would probably also improve loading and saving times if the file size could be cut down.

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Thanks for the suggestions- Academagia is indeed mouse heavy. We've looked at ways to further improve arrow scrolling, but there are some problems of which panel is in focus at a particular time. Still, we will review this again.


The save files do need to be this large, as there is a very large number of statistics and history to track, both for your Character and for the other Students in the game. It can certainly be optimized, however, and this is something we have been looking at, albeit with some caution. :)


Thanks again!

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