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Well, I don't think year 2 needs any of the old tracks, but if you do make one return, my vote is for "from the New World" which is one that I had heard beforehand and nearly fainted from the utter "amazingness" of it. :)


And if by chance in year 2, you decide that you need a battle theme for duels, my reccomendation is for Vivaldi's Flute Concerto in G minor 'La Notte',

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It may have been mentioned/requested, but would it be possible for year 2 to list/remind us which backgrounds were picked?


I cannot remember which characters were royal and which were noble, rich, spoiled, thieves or just plain traitors. <_< And it is not even year 2 yet!

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In the spirit of year two (And sorry if I've asked this, I seem to have misplaced the question/suggestion if I have) but have you considered granting SSs [<- plural] for casting spells and using abilities? Like summoning killer bees through a gate will give you some understanding of gates. Casting Mastery on Philippe will cause you to get a SS in mastery and perhaps in Practical Jokes (when he runs through the school in his undies singing 'Woe is a hamlet off Monteon!' in with a too high-pitched voice). Stealing candy will expand your bully, bringing that special girl flowers expands your romance and flowers..? (Also causes Philippe to enact his revenge)

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Not sure if suggested yet, but some players have trouble understanding the color difficulties, there's no way to tell what is easy or hard.


Also, the colorblind player can't tell between blue and the purple.

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Well, I don't think year 2 needs any of the old tracks, but if you do make one return, my vote is for "from the New World" which is one that I had heard beforehand and nearly fainted from the utter "amazingness" of it. :)


And if by chance in year 2, you decide that you need a battle theme for duels, my reccomendation is for Vivaldi's Flute Concerto in G minor 'La Notte',


Sorry freespace, but I must respectfully decline... For me at least, Boccherini's Passacalle has become the unofficial theme song of Academagia. So while I like all current music, if any of the music returns for Year 2 I want it to be Passacalle!

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It's a great piece, for sure. I think we can find a place for it somewhere, but probably not as title track. :)


Great to hear! Of course, I'm not against new music either. For example, just about anything on this list would be a possibility. IMHO, there should be more chamber music in pop culture media!;)


I'm only half-joking though, just look at what Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas did to expose music from the first half of the 20th Century to many people who probably wouldn't have ever heard them.

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I picked this game up about a week ago, and I'm really enjoying it. I have noticed a few issues with certain actions and items - namely that I'll never use them if I have the choice.


Primarily, I'm concerned about items like Caramel Chews. They take an entire timeslot to chew, and really don't do a whole heck of a lot. On top of that, they're a consumable that has an opportunity cost of eating the consumable rather than selling it. I think they might have a really good niche if they were consumed automatically - a player could drag the item onto one of their "Food" slots, and it would then be consumed that day without using an action. Because items like that are in limited supply and perishable, they would be difficult to abuse due to the amount of time required to purchase/prepare them.


I'm also concerned about crafting and obtaining crafting components. I decided to try to make a leather apron one day, and figured that it would be easy to track down leather swatches. After all, they're just common bits of leather, and thus shouldn't be too difficult to obtain, right? The problem is that after finding out that none of the stores that I had access to actually sold the stuff, I went on the wiki and found out that I need to get to level 8 in an obscure skill to obtain them. Furthermore, when I did finally get the required skill and go to purchase the swatches, I could only purchase one swatch from the inventory at a time, and I needed two swatches. Basic crafting components like normal leather and normal cloth should be a lot easier to acquire in large quantities.


I understand that crafting is undergoing a large overhaul for year 2, but it would be nice if getting the materials for simple constructions were made quicker and easier. Rare materials, of course, should require tricky connections (high skill values), adventures, difficult actions, or intermediate crafting steps to acquire.


Lastly, I'm a bit concerned about the Attend Class action. It seems a little counterintuitive that I can go three classes without learning anything, and especially that nothing is taught for an entire month around midterms and finals. If nothing else, it would be nice to ensure that minimum of one skillup is taught per "Attend Class" timeslot. These skillups don't necessarily need to be related to the class - around midterms, teachers are usually reviewing material and teaching their students about how to take tests or study. It would make sense for the midterms/finals months to give skillups in the School Survival Subskills as teachers are reviewing materials with their students.


For normal classes that randomly give no skills, it would be nice to have a pool of random skills related to each class that a random skillup could be drawn from. Zoology, could give skillups in Botany, for instance, as the teacher talks about the habitat of certain animals or the plants that some animals eat for food. Calligraphy might give skillups in aesthetics or art. My main reason for requesting something like this is that I am always tempted to reload a day and do anything in place of an Attend Class action that produces no skillup. It's gamey, sure, but it feels really irritating to waste time on classes that teach nothing.

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Thanks for the suggestions! We've heard this feedback from other Academagians as well, and especially for Crafting there will be a significant change in how you obtain (especially) common ingredients. Items, too, are used in a different way in Year 2, as you'll find out. ;)


For Attend Class, we somewhat disagree with you, but we also understand your reasoning. There will be a few things related to Classes that will be under greater Player control, which will go some distance in answering your wishes. However, for better or for worse, Class is not always 100% a productive pursuit...even in the real world. :)


Thanks again!

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For the record, I have nothing against any of the Y1 music. My concern with the caramel chews is that they offer so little benefit for the time used, I never eat them, and then they're perishable, so any I aquire tend to be wasted. minor nitpick, though. I prefer simply resting or casting "wrath of the comet's tail" on Phillipe. Either way the stress just melts away. In the latter case it's my stress, and not my characters, but it still counts.


Might I suggest for year 2 you add a "fiendish plot" action, which would increase your practical jokes skill by say 3, and a random magical parent skill by 1 for three days.


"There are times when lesser persons fall short in meeting the requirements of being a student at the Academagia. These people, when intimidated, tend to become non-confrontational and on occasion even submissive to the arrogance of their fellow students. You, on the other hand, can ensure that any bully that sets their sights on you will find themselves victim to an unfortunate magical "accident".

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For useless item like caramel chews, how about a Gift action that let you send items to a chosen student npc and their relationship raise one point by every 1000 pims worth of the items with some percentage formula to round up like 500 pim = 50% chance to raise one relation.


So a 2200 pims total gift would have 100% chance to raise 2 point and 20% chance to raise another point.


Edit: Or donate to charity for glory.

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