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Good questions! There are many debates on this, but lycanthropy is viewed as a disease. It usually does not breed true, but sometimes it does. Additionally, sometimes they can be created by an infection, but sometimes no- it depends on the lycanthrope in question. For the most part, because of the fear of contagion, they are shunned and forced to live in undesirable parts of towns. At the Academagia they are welcomed as normal Students (your peers may act otherwise!), but special restrictions on behavior and movement during times of forced change are put into place.

Ohh can we get a Student in year 2 who is afflicted with lycanthrophy (if not already planed thanks trough a Morvidus Adventure)?

And how about a Background born under A Red Moon for a player having this Disease? ;)


Edit: on a side note I finaly managed to play trough the Nagation Wand Adventure once ^^.

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If the team doesn't do something werewolvey, I'll give it a try (...that's why I asked, as usual). I hope if you do make it, though, it's not Morvidus only! My other characters want to hang out with the poor kid, too.



Can I suggest that in year two, it be made certain you can't sell items to storekeepers to get them identified and then just buy the item back for the same price with no loss? It takes away the use of trial and error and so on. I think that's been brought up before, but I'm not sure. Would be nice if it could be fixed in year one as well, but I imagine that's pretty hard.

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Copy Homework only gives 1 point in Extra Credit after you manage a Roll vs 20 isn't this kind of weak?

Then it even have a duration of 24.

Cite Authorities a Action gained from Test taking 6 is then much bether (just one call for 3 Extra Credit with a roll of Intelligence/Research Roll vs 8 once a month).

I think if you whant to keep Copy Homework with this high Roll the extra credit should be at last 5.

Perhaps it would be best to have a Table there that give a Table here that gives out depending on the success.


<14 something Negative like Detention, -Realtionship with the Prof., - Extra Credit ect because if you fail with Forgery its never good ^^

=>14 2 Extra Credit

=>17 3 Extra Credit

=>20 5 Extra Credit


Edit: I hope there is a "good" way to get out of the pact with Diavesque in the next years ;) (like yes you have to summon him later but hey no one told you that you can't have prepared a army to fight him or search & hopefull find a way to keep him under your command or banish/trap him again)


Edit2: Can we become Size and Concealbility even from Items we didn't have identivied so fare?


Edit3: I think a Negation -> Levitaion Exit could be extrem usefull for RE Foraging 17

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Great suggestion about Copy Homework- I'll send that to the Team. Maybe they'll do something with it in 15. ;)


For Edit 1: No comment. ;)


For Edit 2: I'm not clear on what you are asking. Do you mean you'd like to see this information even if Unidentified? If so, that's a very good suggestion. :)


For Edit 3: I'll send that along! :)

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In Student Adventure Emilia P 0 I would replace potions class with botany class in the success text

"She usually gathers her ingredients along with everyone else in potions botany class, but this is an emergency"


Also from the story all the steps I played so fare happen on the same day but each step need a separat advanture call.

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Student Adventure Emilia P 7 First of all all 3 rolls on this step are Chemistry what I think is kind of bad.

Then after I managed the Investigation there is a mention of "Hidden Hallways" but even with using this exit I didn't learn of a new location.


Student Adventure Emilia P 8 Exit 1 is missing Persuasion at the start of the Description.


Should the Mushroom Adventure 03 Exit 3 Zoology only? It mentions that you don't remember something Regnault Pachait have thought you but that is extrem strange if you dont have Zoology class


I hope in year 2 we have a day at the academagia bevore it go home so we can still hide things we think our parents souldn't see or fix other necesary things.

The reason I ask for this is that right now I'm think to keep my save files at last 1 day bevore the end of the year so I can still fix something that become a problem in year 2.

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