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Old "Patches, Hot Fixes" Thread


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Code Patches are for the game engine itself.


Content Patches are for the Actions, Abilities, Locations, Items, Spells, etc. that make up the game.


The reason they are separate is because the changes within the Content Patches require a New Game if you want to use them. Whereas in most cases, Code Patches do not.

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I'll just see it as: Patch = New Game


Just curious though.. Are there going to be changes that also affect the wiki?

Like unlocks at different levels and spells or phemes that are going to have a different effect? Are they going to be mentioned so the wiki can be kept uptodate?

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There will be some changes which will impact the wiki for Locations, and a few changes to Actions and Abilities which other Academagians have flagged as having issues. We'll try to raise awareness on these as much as possible, but for the Locations, it's a blanket change. We pulled out most of the Passive Abilities that gave Expands and made them into Actives in order to better clarify the differences. Several Passive Abilities were scaled down as well, or removed entirely until the Vernin DLC.




We can't wait to see what you'll get up to. :(

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Some Random event gives me a very interesting situation:

Professor Sido is in a hurry and gives me some research papers with the assignment to bring them to some or other professor. Then he leaves in a hurry.

The moment I cross the doorstep to bring those papers, an alarm goes off.

CHOICE: I try to convince the professors of the situation, that I am not stealing them. I fail this check (my current testcharacter is very good at doing research, not at talking to people).

Text: Professor Sido and Badcrumble come to check out the alarm. Unfortunately they do not buy the story that you are running an errant for professor Sido.


Is Professor Sido this short on memory? :(

(your random names selector picked the same name twice)

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That's rather strange, Monte. I didn't get that error, although I do get a warning message every time I start up the game now telling me that the program is an unidentified file and asking me to confirm that I intended to run the program. Hopefully the executable will be 'identified' with patch 3.

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After a normal Patch theroetical you sould be able to continue your game after updating but there might be some strange bugs.

But after installing a Content Patch like the next Patch will be one you cant continue your old game.

The save file Import is only planed for importing your year 1 chars to year 2!

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For a code Patch, you can continue your old save, but the fixes will usually not affect your present games.


For a content Patch, you can continue your old save, but the content fixes will not affect your present games.


You will not need to start a new game, and the converter for the save files is for one specific patch (version 0 to version 1) only, and will make them playable.


Let me know if that answers your question.

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Woohoo! I'm eagerly waiting to start a new game for it, too.


Amusing how much my first two characters will end up so much more stated up then the others due to the passive abilities of doom, but I think it's better this way. I'll have to make more difficult decisions, which will be fun!

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Ok I am actually wondering how both patches should be installed. As the last version I failed to find a setup or anything.

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