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Can't move items to bag, can't save games


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I am also unable to move items from wardrobe to inventory.

While dragging, my mouse has a "illegal" cursor (circle with diagonal line). The green item box stays outside of the bag area.




Also, before patching today, but also after patching:

Can't save games. On my first try, it worked. But since then, when clicking the arrow to confirm the save game name, the progress bar fills up but no file appears in the list of games.

I then tried saving the game with the same name as the successful save. It let me overwrite it. But unfortunately this meant that my original file got overwritten by this new save which then did not appear on the list.


Ran the game in administrator mode, started a new game, still unable to save.


Looked into the game's AppData folder. I see a 22.1MB .ams file, 6 empty ones. The 22 MB file has the name of the second save I attempted.


Vista x64.

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I believe that your issue is related to the DPI your computer is set at. If you go the settings of your desktop and change it to 100% text size, this should solve this issue.


The save game file is unfortunately known, and stems from an inconsistency in the save games themselves. We've corrected the problem creating the inconsistency in Patch 1a, but we are still checking to see if we can rescue the save games which crash.


Let me know if the resolution works, and thanks!

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I believe that your issue is related to the DPI your computer is set at. If you go the settings of your desktop and change it to 100% text size, this should solve this issue.


Let me know if the resolution works, and thanks!


Thanks, that was really fast.


Where do I go to change that setting?

Went to Control Panel->Personalization->adjust font szie (DPI). ->custom DPI. It's already at 100%. Default scale (96 DPI), alternate option is Larger (120 DPI).

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If you are already at 100% (default) then this is a new issue for us. Let's start this way: please email academagia at gmail.com with a screenshot of the inventory phenomenon. In regards to saves, did you send me your log a bit ago?




Yes, that was me.

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