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Hedgehogs Can't Fly


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When my exotic familiar is a Hedgehog I had the option to take the adventure "Familiar: The Call of a Prophecy." I went on that adventure and it assumed I was a bird not a hedgehog. On failing the first bit of the adventure the option to return to it no longer appeared on my list of choices for adventures.


There's also a few slight problems with some of the adventures where they assume my familiar uses a method of movement that it doesn't (I can't remember the specifics but I think one of them had my bird running when really the bird's going to fly). It's not a huge issue but might be something to take note of when writing further adventures that not all familiars move the same.

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That's curious- I just looked into the Familiar Adventure for the Hedgehog (The Call of a Prophecy), and the continuance is indeed set to 'Hawk'. :)


As for the second part- if you come across any more of these, please let me know. Since each Adventure is written specifically for each kind of a Familiar, that dissonance shouldn't occur.



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An interesting idea- or at least, some kind of introduction.


I'll see what we can do in Content Patch 1.


I agree, the adventure should be forced to meet the ghost familiar. If it's not forced then when you meet your mentor in the adventure which discusses familiars you act as if you've already met the ghost, even if you haven't. By forcing the ghost encounter you manage to avoid the issues of speaking to the mentor about a familiar you've not already met.

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