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Selective Focus


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Now Selective Focus have a selector with Patch 2 but some of my Skills are there 2 or 3 times what is confusing and the Bonds are also listed not sure if this is intended.^

Edit : Is the Modivier not displayed? Becuase bevor and after the Need for next Level of my Observation Skill is still 4

I got my Charm to 3 so the Need for next Level got to 2 and afterward I used Selective Focus and then use 3 times Study at the Library of Manetele but sadly only after the 2nd Step increas the Skill got improved so it not works!

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I only have Trained Bond on my Familiar so fare and no Skills/Abilities/Spells or Phemes are Displayed at the Familiar Page

Btw Observation that was used for my test if Selective Focus works is only once in the list.. (Train Familiar only add 1 Skill Point each time to the Familiar thats to less for my Tast to use it)

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Interesting. I reviewed it and the reason the Familiar Skills are there is because although you cannot Train the Skills yourself, you are Informed of them. I'll have to think on how we can remove them from that list.


My observations also match yours, unfortunately- it appears that reducing the Train Modifier does not translate into less Skill Steps. We'll get this in Patch 3.



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