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Bug Expand Bound nothing to select


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In my curent game with Patch 1 I have maxed Familiar Kinship (10) but the selector for Expand Bound only shows something to select in the Ability Groom Familiar.

In the Actions "Go Outside The Fences" , "Entertain" and "Play" I only get a empty selector that can only be left with the ESC key, sadly all this actions cant be used because of this.


(I use the Impulse Version with the Patch 1 from this Forum)


Other things that hapend to me with Bond is that the Office Hours Action once increase Bond of Iron by one Step and the need for next level of all Bound Skills always shows 0 of 1 even if more then 1 time is needed.

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Thanks for this report!


For Groom Familiar, you can continue to use that Ability even if your Bond is maximized. It will not expand your Bond, however, unless your Familiar's Bond Maximum has expanded.


The three Actions you mentioned are known issues- the target is incorrectly set to you, instead of your Familiar. This will be addressed in Content Patch 1.


The reporting on the Skill Steps is definitely an issue, though. We'll get it looked at.


Thanks again!

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Curent I have all the Bound at 5 for my Familiar but I already needed to use 2 or more times Groom Familiar to increase a Single "Subskill" of Bound in the past levels and because the Display alwasy Shows 0 of 1 for Bound and the Subskills there I dont know when its maxed.


I also fear that some my Character Skills did go over the max but with no display of the actual max value I dont know it. (Infiltration and Revision Spells all of the sudden where able to go to 11 and still are able to increase future)

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Some of our abilities, and some stuff that can happen to us (spells, some other things) can give us extra points. A few things can even 'increase our max' at a skill. That would allow something to go over 10. One of my skills is at 12, and needs 6 steps to improve... but even with the 'can't fail' but I fail each attempt to gain the next step.

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I think we need to have a mouse over on the Skill which tells you the Maximum. We will look into it.




Because of the way reporting for Skill Steps is handled, it still shows you what you would need to go to 13, instead of telling you that you are at maximum. It's a known issue, although I am not sure when we will be able to correct that.

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