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What does Study really do?


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From what was said, Train is to do that action to get XP for it, get enough that skill/action levelup.


Study is do that parent Skill and accumulate XP for it. But strangely enough, even thoughthe book icon got a number 4 inside that parent skill still report unchanged XP.


What do Study really do?

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Also note that upon reaching level 10 in your study rating for a given class, you get a more sizable perk, be it a bonus to your success rate in that skill or possibly an expansion to one of your attributes. Remember kids, study early and study often!


Yes, the attribute bonuses are hilarious once they start stacking. I believe I ended my first run with something like 7 Fitness and 5 Strength.

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Based from some testing runs, my guess is that your test score is a random number between (your study * average of all subskills) and (your study * your parent skill) modified somehow by your luck and dominant attribute for the class. This means that large subskill classes such as astrology will be difficult without something like the discovery of library perk...

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