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Exam Scores (and probably other things)


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On patch 2, using a new character, I took the midterm Cheimare exams.


I attended a Calligraphy exam with 5 Study and 5 overall Calligraphy (Bookbinding 0, Forgery 0, Forms 7, Illustration 5, Ink Compounds 5, Orthography 3) and got a 36. Dialectic, 5 Study and 5 overall (5 Famous Dilemmas, 4 First Principals, 6 Logic and Sleuthing) got me a 35.


Still taking them, but is that right? It's hinted at the game that if you're around halfway through your studies (which I would assume 5/5 is), you'll do okay, but I'm definitely hitting low. On my last game, before patch 2, I went in with 5/5 for most things and ended up averaging around 50. Are either of those results buggy?

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Do you mean that even with a maximum amount of skill in each subject, we can still get 60's? That would be silly/annoying.

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