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Tutoring Services CTD


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As soon I have the Tutoring Services (Milena di Montors Clique ability) Ability in my list of todays actions the game Crash if I want to call the Confirmation Orders screen.

Error Message I get: "System error occured. Aplication will be Terminated"


Btw the Description of the Ability sounds like its absolut the same as Train but is only usable once in a while so it sounds to weak.

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I got this once as well, Patch 2. Only CTD I've had in this game. And I agree with the OP, that ability does seem really weak. Maybe if it increased by 2 skill points, or you could improve 2 skills, or got a skill you didn't know about, or it came with a location knowledge, it'd be cool, but now it's really weak as is it's no better than train. Getting to know whatshername should have a better Clique ability.

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