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And how did you discover Adademagia?


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I agree whole heartedly on that point. If I didn't like the game I would be gone like the wind.


Still I worry it will scare off many potential buyers.

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Actually, the inaccessible issue is very much the normal state for beginner of ANY game in ANY genre. If you can pick it up and run it pretty much smoothly the game lost its feeling of bewilderment, curiousity, and discovery. LOTS of new game choose the accessible route and I lost interest in them pretty much after 30 hours into the game. It's just not exciting to me. If you just restart and make a new game to try out new things, pretty much untiredly, well, what does the game speak to you? Isnt that "I cant wait to play this game"?


These feelings are very important if you want the game to have long life, raving reviews, worshipful-tone word of mouth. And in the long term, it translates to sales and profit.


Anyway, if you can create a game that a player just cant wait to play, that even when playing he's just itching to restart to try a new thing he' just thought of. .. Well, it's a great game.


EDIT: And to answer that question, no, both of my previous games are pretty much unfinished (one month before Final exams). I can blame the new patches for it but truthfully is that I cant wait to try new character and new classes.

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Weird, I didn't have any problems with the "getting into the game" at all. What's more, I find the UI easy to use and the mechanics of playing the game (not the actual gameplay mechanics, which are beyond mere mortal minds) easy to grasp (but then again, I've played a lot of Dwarf Fortress).


I agree that the game is huge and there is a certain annoyance factor when you continuously fail at whatever you attempt, I'm getting a good grip on the game, yet I still suck at it...you should see the marks I get...


My biggest "complaint" actually lies in a very basic design decision (one that you have kind of mentioned); I think there is just too much to do (which is good), but absolutely not enough time for it. Attending classes are (let's admit it, we are between ourselves) not much of a fun, and they take up the biggest part of your time (and the game). If you skip them you get detention, which then gives you even less time to actually "fool around". I think it would have been better to make a whole day's study a simple action or to increase the number of actions you can take a day...

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Gamersgate. Fan of simulation games, so I just keep an eye on that section for new releases. Voila!


After Dwarf Fortress, Aurora, and Europa Universalis 3, I no longer even expect to learn what I really need to know through a game manual and official documentation. The good computer runs the game and the obsolete laptop sitting next to it runs the fan-made wiki with the real information. That said, I'm crazy. A manual that was a little bit more helpful on what to do after character creation, or even gave some tips for a first playthru on what skills to favor, would probably extend accessibility just a bit.

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Saw it on Impulse. Was initially hesitant to buy as I had never heard of the developer. Then as I realized Elemental wasn't nearly as fun as I'd hoped it would be, Impulse gave a discount one weekend, and I figured why not buy it? I've been happy with it since.


I had to restart. Once because I was just learning the game and it has an interesting learning curve. I'm still not sure I completely understand spells. A second time because of the Vista and overwriting my save with a game that would bug the following turn no matter what I did.

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Much like KalGerek and likely a few others, I came upon ths game through Impulse while waiting/hoping Elemental would fix itself so it was decent to play again. All in all though I think it was a good choice I made :) (not Elemental, but Academagia... then again, I wouldn't have joined Impulse had it not been for Elemental... meh)

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