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Difficulty of Effents drastical Increased in CP 1?


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I got a loot off events at the game I started now (CP 1 Patch 2) and black choises that worked nearly for sure are now all missing out. Maybe its pure bad luck but I got events around every 2-3 days and failed all so fare (because I for sure dont have the Skills within the first 2 weeks and even if its black its fails).

So my question is have you increased the difficultys of the events or adjusted when what color shows?


Edit: Hmm maybe I stop for today because even after reloding I got 5-6 times a Event at the same day where a skill got decrased in the end.

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it was different kind of events but all in common was that I ended up to have one off my Skill perma reduced. So it probably just was bad luck that I got 6 events in a row where I end with a skill reducment but it was very frustrating. 3 off the events even haved black options but all times I failed at them as I failed in 4 other I haved bevore with chosing black options. From the backgrounds I even haved a small bonus chance in sucess.

I will now thry a game without Friendship: Actually, Bitter Hatred becaus its the only new option I chose.

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Before the latest patch, it used to be that you'd succeed on Black generally 75 percent chance (if not more- I got to the point where I had 100 success on it). Purple was generally a 70 or so chance, by my reckoning. I never failed blue (or green, of course). I succeed at red enough that I would have almost called it a 50-50.


This patch matches it up more then it did before, so black seems to be the standard 50% rather then red. ;) The option itself is no more difficult then it was before the patch, but before the patch you could have stacked an insane amount of Glory on yourself so that you were guaranteed a ridiculous success rate.


...I can't think of many events that give you a permanent reduction, though. Some lower steps and skills, but you can just retrain them back up... I don't think many random events 'stick' them as a 'your maximum is lowered by one' type way.

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Before the latest patch, it used to be that you'd succeed on Black generally 75 percent chance (if not more- I got to the point where I had 100 success on it). Purple was generally a 70 or so chance, by my reckoning. I never failed blue (or green, of course).


Really? i routinely failed on blue, while I'd say that black were about 50/50 for me. I only think I passed a purple once or twice, and never a red.


Maybe I'm just unlucky.

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You cats probably didn't hang out at the block puzzle as much as me, then. >.> I'd have my character start her career there: go there every afternoon to study until Puzzles was maxed, which at point your collage was so ahead in the merit competition that you'd never have to actually compete and it would still be somewhere in the 300's till any of the other collages caught up, and she'd have obscene glory along the way. Thankfully, CP1 nerfed that evilness.


I suppose instead of saying 'you would' I should have said 'you could improve yourself so that...'. Sorry.

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