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The respect of colors


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The respect of colors


This had got to be the most boring class ever! You have no idea how you've managed to stay awake, yet alone avoid yawning in the face of @random_male_teacher@...


Dreaming of pillows and warm blankets you bump into @random_male_character_1@, @random_male_character_2@ and @random_female_character@ on the corridor.


- Psst! @player_name@! Want to play color puffs? - asks @random_male_character_2@.


- What is color puffs? I've never heard of it...


- What, you've been living under a rock? - asks @random_male_character_1@ - never mind - he says, seeing you ready to answer his question.


- I cast Morava's Coloured Puffs spell on each of us. - says @random_female_character secretively - The spell measures one's magical abilities and the number and intensity of the colored puffs of smoke we exhale will show who's the best wizard! It's so exciting!


- Now, are you in or not @player_name@?


skill: N/A

Tell them you have some very important business to attend to, but you will definitely try it our later.


- 1 confidence

- 1 bravery


skill: Incantation

So the spell should measure your magical aptitude...let's see if you can alter it a bit...it wouldn't be cheating, you would be using magic after all.


Success: You let @random_female_character@ cast the spell on you then when she turns away to do the same with the others, you get to work. You allow the very essence of the spell to sink into your body, paying close attention to it as each pheme washes across you. After a few slow seconds a sensation like none before strikes you; you can taste and smell the different colors getting born in your body! You open your mouth and slowly but steadily huge puffs of smoke start to drift out of it.


First there is a beautiful aquamarine globe, shining like the crystal clear waters of the Moonray sea. Then comes a ring of deep yellow, beaming like the morning sun above the dew ridden plains of Shreeland. A blazing trail of magenta follows, gently flowing around like the blood of the glorious Amethyst Dragons. Finally a small bird born from smoke flies out herding the the rest of the colors, its little teal body shines without light like the frozen roses of Nevermoore.


Like you, the others just stand there with open mouths, mesmerized by the beauty of the spell and the colors. The damp taste of magic lingers in the air around you.


- I guess...you win... - says @random_female_character@


Failure: You let @random_female_character@ cast the spell on you then when she turns away to do the same with the others, you get to work. The spell washes over you like giant tidal waves. You've never felt magic so powerful before. You suddenly feel dizzy and the world starts spinning and you with it; colors, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings race and bump into each other in your head and you just can't take it anymore, you finally pass out.


You awoke a few minutes later, lying on the floor the others stare at you.


- You've tried to manipulate the spell, haven't you? - says @random_male_character_1@ - I hope you've learnt your lesson.


skill: Pure Luck

So the spell measures your magical skills...you've always believed yourself to be a prodigy yet to be discovered, maybe this is the time!


Success: You close your eyes and let @random_female_character@ cast the spell on you. You allow the very essence of the spell to sink into your body, paying close attention to it as each pheme washes across you. After a few slow seconds a sensation like none before strikes you; you can taste and smell the different colors getting born in your body! You open your mouth and slowly but steadily huge puffs of smoke start to drift out of it.


First there is a beautiful aquamarine globe, shining like the crystal clear waters of the Moonray sea. Then comes a ring of deep yellow, beaming like the morning sun above the dew ridden plains of Shreeland. A blazing trail of magenta follows, gently flowing around like the blood of the glorious Amethyst Dragons. Finally a small bird born from smoke flies out herding the the rest of the colors, its little teal body shines without light like the frozen roses of Nevermoore.


Like you, the others just stand there with open mouths, mesmerized by the beauty of the spell and the colors. The damp taste of magic lingers in the air around you.


- I guess...you win... - says @random_female_character@


Failure: You let @random_female_character@ cast the spell on you then while taking a deep breath you hope for the best. The spell washes over you like giant tidal waves. You've never felt magic so powerful before. You suddenly feel dizzy and the world starts spinning and you with it; colors, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings race and bump into each other in your head and you just can't take it anymore, you finally pass out.


You awoke a few minutes later, lying on the floor the others stare at you.


- Was it too much for you...kid? - says @random_male_character_1@ laughing.


Now what was humiliating...



Skill: Glamour

So the spell should produce magical smoke with different colors...that sounds something you can easily spice up with some glamour spells!


Success: You close your eyes and let @random_female_character@ cast the spell on you. You allow the very essence of the spell to sink into your body, paying close attention to it as each pheme washes across you. After a few slow seconds a sensation like none before strikes you; you can taste and smell the different colors getting born in your body! You open your mouth and slowly but steadily huge puffs of smoke start to drift out of it.


First there is a beautiful aquamarine globe, shining like the crystal clear waters of the Moonray sea. Then comes a ring of deep yellow, beaming like the morning sun above the dew ridden plains of Shreeland. A blazing trail of magenta follows, gently flowing around like the blood of the glorious Amethyst Dragons. Finally a small bird born from smoke flies out herding the the rest of the colors, its little teal body shines without light like the frozen roses of Nevermoore.


Like you, the others just stand there with open mouths, mesmerized by the beauty of the spell and the colors. The damp taste of magic lingers in the air around you.


- I guess...you win... - says @random_female_character@



Failure: You let @random_female_character@ cast the spell on you then you take a deep breath and hope for the best. The spell washes over you like giant tidal waves. You've never felt magic so powerful before. You suddenly feel dizzy and the world starts spinning and you with it; colors, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings race and bump into each other in your head and you just can't take it anymore, you finally pass out.


You awoke a few minutes later, lying on the floor the others stare at you.


- You've tried to manipulate the spell, haven't you? - says @random_male_character_1@ - I hope you've learnt your lesson.

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Oeh I love this one. It makes a lot of sense if it existed and I would definetly have my character try it.


One small thing though; with the pure luck failed it says you tried to manipulate it. While that response makes sense in the two other choices, it doesn't with pure luck as you actually didn't do anything.


Anyway as I said I like this one. Great work.

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Oeh I love this one. It makes a lot of sense if it existed and I would definetly have my character try it.


One small thing though; with the pure luck failed it says you tried to manipulate it. While that response makes sense in the two other choices, it doesn't with pure luck as you actually didn't do anything.


Anyway as I said I like this one. Great work.


Thanks, correcting it asap!

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No problem. As much as I like writing myself, I find I enjoy reading another writers work just as much. And just as I hope to be given advice I will try to do the same for others. (if wanted off course)


But I am glad to have such a talented writer here on the board. Makes me look forward to your future work.

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Ehm Draigh, the Pure Luck ability does that. All though it would be based upon your pure luck skill, which I admit is strange.


So let me ask Legate; is it possible to have multiple skills (parent and subskill) added and divided by their number?


Like Incantation, Enchant and Glamour skills added up. Let's say 6+7+10= 23 Divide 23: 3= 7.66 = 7


Now let's say I want it to be like this; the average of those three spells is bigger then a certain number. If higher then it succeeds, if not it fails.


Is such an option possible? As it is rather easy to program that calculation I don't know if the game engine is capable of handling it.


So to make it short; can the game engine coop with multiple stats being involved or not?

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Yeah it really is to bad as it is a simple calculation most languages understand. However since I don't know how difficult this would be for a game I'll keep my mouth shut about it.


However to Legate; would it be an idea for an DLC to add such a tool? That based on several aspects you can see how strong your magical power is? I think it would be fun to see how I compare to other students and perhaps even teachers.


Whether you have less or wrong doesn't really matter, but I think it is just a little detail that would provide me (and hopefully others) some satisfaction. I mean it is in the human nature to look around and compare yourself to those around you. It is the reason why some people buy new cars; to have a better one then their neighbor for example. Heck even wars started over that.

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