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After CP1 and patch 3


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So I uninstalled academagia under Impulse. Deleted the Academagia folder. Waited 1 and 1/2 hours during redownload under Impulse. Installed CP1 and patch3. Started a new game, and when i go to enter my name I get System Error occured. Application will be terminated. This happens on the page where you enter your name and you do not have to enter anything before it occures. I tried both with CP1 checked and without. I am starting the application as administratior. FYI i uninstalled .net 4 client and extended several days ago and rebooted. Using .net 3.5 SP1 now.

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We have not seen an error in this place before- can you e-mail me your log?


You can find it in C:\ProgramData\Academagia.


Depending on your settings, this may be a hidden folder.


One other quick potential fix: I notice that this occurs directly after the screen where you would select mods. Go into your Academagia folder and delete the 'mods' folder. Reinstall Patch 3 + CP1 and then try the game. Other Impulse users have experienced problems with the mods folder when they do not do this (although they do not crash.)


Thanks, and please let us know the results.

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I have copyied all files into another folder. Uninstalled the game and am currently redownloading game from Impulse. There is no .log file in the folder i copyed all files into. I have the show hidden files option set. after i uninstall the game, I delete the academagia folder, so no old files or folders are available to corrupt the new game. Wait a second, I may be looking in the wrong place.

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Thanks- the log is actually located in a different folder, separate from Academagia. The location is:


C:\ProgramData\Academagia (not Program Files)


If you can find that log, we'd love to look at it. In the mean time, please let us know if you are able to resume playing the game with a fresh install (without any old folders or data).


Thanks again!

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Dwhite, I don't know if you are skilled with computers or not, but I found it rather annoying to find the program data map in windows 7.


If you experience trouble with it, please let me know and I'll help you with it.




PS: legate did you receive my mail and did it help?

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Yeah I know what you mean. Even with my limited experience I know exactly what you mean. :D


But so far my own tests have showed up nothing either. Last thing I'll try, which will be tonight, is to try and play it in windows safety modus. Then if it still fails I am completely out of options.

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