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Event distibution over the year


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In all the games I played so fare I expirieced a very, very high chance of random events in the first 2 weeks but after this I have even sometimes 1-2 week without a single event.

Is this just me who is this kind of unlucky geting flooded with events right at the start or is it even intended?

So fare especial in the 1st day I didnt mange to have it without a event, most of them school related, and you just arived on this sunday.

As long the Events have fixed dificultys I think the chance of events sould start at 0% for the first day and slowly go up to the normal rate during the first month to reduce the necarity of relead each day a vew times just because of the events.

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Yes I think so that I encounterd at last 1 complet week without event (and without actual needing to reload because of something other) in the last 2 games I started. I also think both times it was in the second Month I encounterd this. (I played both games on diverent computers because my main computer haved heat problems)

Because I reload most of the time when a bad event hits me I have no prove of this.

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I did have the experience of a lot of events in the beginning too. Not too sure about the number of events later in the year, one does get used to them. And they are easier to handle when you have had some time to work on your skills. A slight reduction in events on the first week would be very nice.

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I visited the Mysterious Island a few times, but didn't have any random events. Not posting this on bugs thread because I'm not sure if it's a bug or not since it's supposedly random, but the description would lead one to believe that one or more events should be guaranteed.



A quick elaboration, I didn't get any events after using the ability to visit the location until the ability became available again on all cases. So not even any "random" events either. Most peculiar luck.

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