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Cleaning up memory Issue?


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I already reported at a other place (sadly didnt find it again) that I sometimes have problems when loading a game from the ingame menu because then sometimes all skills and Research is missing and also all Actions.

In my expierience it hapens more times if I reloade from the Day report then from the Calender but it hapens at both but it only hapens long past the mid terms exam and the chance get higher towards the end of the game, it also needed some reloades before it happens.

Why I think its a memory cleaning issue is that sometimes the difficulty shown in adventures is up to the value it sould have from the game point I haved bevore I loaded and not from the point the game is that I loaded. (But this might be a other issue)

For some time its fine just load the game again with the menue after it hapend but after some time I use this I either get a CTD or the Skills and Reaserch keeps empty even after loading again. (Sure a new start of the game prefent this from happening again for some time ^^)

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I only have a save with 2 days to play (but the sunday dont realy count) will thry if I can reproduce it with this save and if so you get the files. (There is also the uber Fitness NPC ^^)

Edit: Will upload now I could at last reproduce the all skills and research missing from this save after 5 or 6 times processing the day with all Study Gates and reloading direct from the Day report. (To get the crash at loading the thing with the missing skills and research need to hapen at last 2 times probably more)

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I've been having a similar issue (although I do get an error message). When I try to reload a game from the daily report screen, the game crashes. When I try to reload a game from the calender, it normally crashes, too. If it doesn't crash, the skills/actions have usually disappeared. And *occasionally* it will reload just fine.


That said, the game loads perfectly after restarting the game.


-currently in the month of Kaliri, but noticed the issue starting in the month before that.

-has happened with multiple saves on the same character

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