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My gripes with adventuring


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My first post, sorry its a negative one. Been playing for a while, think the game is great, Ive run into many of the same problems as others and I just try to ignore or work around things that are not perfect. But man a couple things are really getting me now.


I spent almost 90% of my time before mid terms studying and got everything to 10 well in time. Now that Im later in the year its adventure time. The spread of skills you need to complete any of the adventures is so wide ranging and impossible to guess that it makes it hard to complete them even with a really well developed character like mine. Ok no character is perfect and can do everything, but I get the feeling it means Im doomed on quite a few adventures.


Like the one where I need either Cooking, Research or Recipes. I have a 0 in Cooking. Recipes is the only subskill of Cooking I know and its a 0 and while I know 3 Research subskills, they are all at 0. I will probably never be able to train recipes high enough since my Finesse is a 1, but my Insight is 4 so conceivably I could spend the next few weeks training all three Research subskills up, the problem being, this may be the only adventure that needs me to develop these skills, and once I pass this part of the story there is probably a very good chance the next challenge in the same adventure with have absolutely nothing to do with my research skill!


Another frustrating aspect is that I think I finished one of the Adventures but Im not sure. I got to the point of needing Logic, Diplomacy or Famous Speeches to get past a part late in an adventure. My Logic is a 10. My Intelligence is a 4. I would start in the Artiglio Tower for a +3 Logic bonus. I added 16 points of stress (the highest I can add, I assume its because my Vitality is 12, Silke takes away 3 stress and at some point I did something which gave me a 1 point stress max increase 12+3+1=16?) and I ran the adventure about 20 times with no success. Shouldn't my roll work out to 10 +3 +16 + 1d8 or 30-37? The only way this makes sense to me is if the requirement is 38 or above which seems impossibly high.


Anyway after failing all those times I finally decided to sacrifice a clique member for the FIRST time in the game. So Tulia steps up, and does the job and after the message telling me so I am taken back to the end of day summary where Im told I was successful in my adventure and I see I have gained a point of Insight. Im assuming that Tulia got the job done and everything worked out ok and that all I had coming was the point increase, but even if that is true, after all that time I didnt get to read how the Adventure ended! What an anticlimax to days and weeks of adventuring!


So now I move on to another adventure and another frustration sets in. Its the "absolutely no story progression is made in this adventure" adventure. Im in like stage 3 of this adventure and it starts out with, lets go find "xxxxxxx" So thats my only option and when I click validate and wait my friend comes on and says, "ok lets go" and I validate agian and then thats it! adventure done for the day. Next time around we go find the "xxxxxx" in one screen and then thats it. Next time around it says lets go find "yyyyyyy" so I agree and then my buddy does the same thing, says ok lets go and the adventure is over! ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH! In the mentor adventure (which I now cant finish due to a bug, although I finished it in an earlier game) there is a part where you have to use like 4 or 5 skills to progress in one time slot and on this one Ive had to waste 2 time slots to accomplish nothing! Whats the point of that?


Ok, venting done, love the game and the support, Ive seen very few games where the creators interact this much, so thanks for that.


One final question, when you fix the mentor quest bug, am I going to have to start a new game or will it work for my current character?

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Dont forget your spells

first of there are spells that improve skills up to 5 levels for some time,

second there are Spells that alow you to switch your skills for some time,

and third there are spells that increase your attributes for some time (what is also great if you whant to train).

So i.e. you have Animal Handling 10 add 5 to it through a spell and replace the needed skill with a other spell (or action) for the adventure with Animal Handling.

(I chose Animal handling for a reson but dont whant to spoiler it :P)


And this all is without add extra Phemes to your spells what even helps more.

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Dont forget your spells

first of there are spells that improve skills up to 5 levels for some time,

second there are Spells that alow you to switch your skills for some time,

and third there are spells that increase your attributes for some time (what is also great if you whant to train).

So i.e. you have Animal Handling 10 add 5 to it through a spell and replace the needed skill with a other spell (or action) for the adventure with Animal Handling.

(I chose Animal handling for a reson but dont whant to spoiler it :P)


And this all is without add extra Phemes to your spells what even helps more.



Yes, Im aware of spells, I dont make as good a use of them as I could, I know. I did go through that long spell list once and I wrote down some of the better sounding spells to use, but either I didnt remember to check for logic/intelligence bonus spells before that adventure or nothing jumped out at me as useful when I did. I admit I dont think about spells enough but the orginization of them doesnt really lend itself to easy use. In the end though, looking at the big picture this is all positive stuff. the game is so huge with so many possibilities it will take MANY replays to try out all the everything. I mean Ive got the skill to Artifice things but Ive never even looked into it beside seeing things in stores that seem to be components and recipes for stuff, ahhhh maybe next time, lol...



At this point I am trying to do every adventure through until I reach a point where my skills are not good enough to progress. At this very second there are 18 adventures open to me. Im not doing the ones with my familiar. At this point I am stuck on 12 of them. When I figure out where I am stuck on all of them I will see which skill sets apply to the most adventures and then train, spell or adjust those skills first, with the hope being one of the rewards for finishing an adventure will add skills or abilities or locations or spells that help with the other ones Im stuck on.


It kinda hurts that I cant finish the Mentor Quest since I finished it in an earlier game and I know the reward was a very good one.


Another issue I just ran into was I was checking on Marc Sury's adventure Picking on the Meek, and after helping him only one time (I think, but it may have been two) his adventure is not on the list. Am I done? Will it come back if Im not?

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Well I just went and checked and it doesnt seem as though I have any spells that would have helped in my need for more Logic/Intelligence. I suppose I could have cast any spell I know and added a pheme to it that would have helped, but to be honest I didnt want to go through all those phemes to find out and Im not sure that would work anyway.


The next problem is that although I know some good spells (like Dirty Tricks, which would increase my insight) I dont know the phemes I need to cast it. And since there is no way (that I know of) to just look up the pheme I need, unless I come across it by luck I wont ever be able to cast that beneficial spell I need.

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If the Phemes you need are already entered in the Wiki then you can have alook there from what skill you can get them



Great idea! I use the Wiki alot and I probably should be less lazy and add to it since I take so many notes. Unfortunately I just checked and none of the phemes Im looking for are listed. :-(

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Look, doing Adventure before Midterm is asking for frustration. You just do stage 1 or 2 or each adventure to get a feel for them and get some easy experience. Otherwise, stay focus on casting spell (with pheme) to learn new susbskills, training skills in an efficient way (multiple level up per action), find precicious location that allow that, etc.


Leave the Adventuring for when you are stronger, preferably after New Years. That would be even more enjoyable.

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