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Typos and Such in Patch 6


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Aveline Cincebeaux (Aranza College) sucessfull used Defame on Aranza!

Why did she do such a stupid thing?

(I made a backup of the save because its 100% reproducable from this day)

Edit: I also miss the Follow your Parents description Action (Yes I have the background and I also have Euneycia`s Haven) but when I do any action at Euneycia's Haven this Adventure starts.

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So its corect that the player dont get the "Follow your Parents description" Action any more? Because thats what I was missing compared to my Patch 5 game.

I get the same thing I got in Patch 5 when using "Follow your Parents description" just by visiting the location with some other action.

And sorry if because of my copy and past mistake above you thought its a other bug.

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Thanks then I will drop Zoology from my Study list of the next Char because the Improved Handling (with 4 slots) was the only reason for me to have this as Study Topic. (Also without the Improved Familiar Handling I will go back to not taking a Familiar at start because the special Familiar Adventures are now much to hard)

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Actually, you have a very good point- 2 vs. 4 is a large change. There might be a better middle ground (for instance 2 Choice, 2 Random.) We'll see, but I'll need to establish the reasons for the change first.


Edit: This issue is due to a miscommunication about the Description and I was incorrect when I stated it was working as intended. The correct version of the Ability has 4 Choices, and is meant to have that. It will be corrected in DLC 2.

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Legate, I don't know if this is a bug or not. Before when I selected Town & Familiar, the overall Familiar Bond increased by one. The last time I did (I chucked that char. for a different reason) only the Stars Bond was increased. The overall bond was still at zero.


Which is correct?

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Rats. I liked it the other way since it takes forever and ever to build up your familiar's relationship with you. I suppose the money and object make up for it.


Also, Level 6 Journalism teaches you about expose. When you click to read more, you get a blank screen on the right.



ETA: Same thing for Investigative Report

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