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Game optimization...


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Well, I started playing this game since yesterday... but the problem is, when ingame, the engine runs slow when selecting what to do in a day(cast spells, use abilities etc.). Is there any way for you guyz to improve the processes(in short, optimize the game) used in this, otherwise give me some details on how to speed up this game, because im starting to feel bored when selecting the options as it reacts very late. thanks. I do have a low end computer :) . Thanks.

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Might be a good idea to specify what CPU you have, so that the developers can have a reference for how well optimized the game is. My setup is as follows...


OS : Vista 64

CPU: Athlon X2 +4800

RAM: 4gb



My computer's brain is starting to show a number of wrinkles, about 2-3 years out of date. Turns, loading saves, starting a new game, and sometimes scheduling is a bit slow in my opinion. Completing a week takes about 15-30 minutes, of which each day requires about 30 seconds to be finalized, and loading up the scheduling for an activity takes about 3-5 seconds. I am really looking forward to AMD's future CPU and motherboard slot, I really need to overhaul my computer with some SSD hard-drives and other things. Being a cheap fellow, I either have to wait for new platforms to be available or wait for price drops. :)

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Technically, my computer is much better...but, I built it from the ground up. At best, my technical skills are questionable, so I am pretty sure that my computer's performance was kneecapped by my inexperience. :)


However, both of us share slowness with Academagia, so something must be on Black Chicken's end. There are a ton of bugs and inconsistencies that have been revealed since the game was released. All in all, things ought to be much better by Year 2 and Year 3. However, things are really looking better for people who pick up new systems, due to the new CPU generations and the increasing size of SSD drives - which are MUCH faster than the old HDD drives.

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The game has been optimized several times before release, and we fear the size of the database may prohibit significant increases in processing in Year 1. There are still some optimizations that we believe can be done outside of pure turn processing, and we will working on this for future patches. No ETA yet, however. :)



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