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Milena di Montors' 'Tutoring Services' still funky


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Hey! I just updated to Patch 7 and I was really excited to see that Milena's 'Tutoring Services' ability has been updated from +1 informed skill (no different than just Training the skill) to +3 informed skill every four days (which is more like it!). HOWEVER, although the End of the Day screen says that I gained 3 Skill Steps in my chosen skill, I still only actually gained 1 Skill Step. (FWIW, I was trying to train my skill in Conversation from a 6 to a 9, but it only went to 7. And yes, it's 0 of 1 - I don't need more than one skill step to advance. ;-))


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You may only gain one level of a skill at a time (per action, I think), no matter how many skill steps you gained. Gaining three skill steps at once would be huge for those harder to learn skills, though.

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