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Junes last won the day on December 26 2020

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  1. Happy holidays to the team, Legate! Also, is it likely that we get even just an announcement about Big Progress before 2021 ends? I remember asking something similar back in 2018 around the same time and I just.... realized that Academagia had become some sort of a comfort game for me. So much so that I bought it on my second steam account just to support the devs again. I haven’t touched the game in 2019 but this break, I had enough time to play and it was nostalgic to play this game again. I’m not expecting Year 2 to come by next year, though I fervently hope for it, but hopefully within the next few years? I know others had been discouraged because of how slow the progress had been and the is it or isn’t it kind of answers, but I’m still anticipating because the summer vacation portion is so interesting and I think it will be fun to play.
  2. I’ve just finished replaying Academagia for the 6th time (going 7th with probably an Avila player) and the replayability of the game is always amazing. I hope we do get some kind of update for the game in 2019’s first quarter 😭 Happy holidays to the BCS team and thank you very much for this game. The wait is crazy (I started playing when I was in first year high school and I’m already midway in college) but I think that year 2 is worth it.
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