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Patch for 3.0.22 (for those who downloaded 3.0.* from BMT)


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In this Content Patch...

  • "Bitter Stalks" duration error finally corrected
  • Background conflicts (or lack of appropriate conflicts) resolved
  • Multiple Item categories altered for usability
  • Minor Item Ability corrections
  • Some minor Skill revisions, with at least one new Ability added
  • Minor Location Ability revisions
  • Missing Adventure Exit names (and in a few really galling instances Exit text) restored
  • Minor Ability/Action prereq revisions
  • Multiple Lores rewritten for clarity (and editorial sanity)
  • An Adventure and an RE from Rhialto added
  • 500++ typos corrected

Instructions: Copy all files and place into your Academagia install folder (same folder as Academagia.exe).

For example: C:\Program Files\Academagia\Mods\Content.mdm (Please overwrite all files.)

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