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About Lilette

  • Birthday 05/18/1987

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  • Interests
    Gates, Music, Astrology

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  1. I've had a few characters end up in cliques on the first day, I've also had intended best friends stolen into cliques day one and day two before I've had a chance to snag them.
  2. If you do Once Discovered and then Exploreing for the sake of um, and choose to lie you'll get a reference. :3
  3. Oh neat! It's bothered me for a while (a year?) but not enough to complain or do anything about it.
  4. I don't recall where I bought it and don't have an email receipt, so I'm just gonna need to buy it again.
  5. Do we know what Oan looks like or if she'll ever get a portrait?
  6. It does seem like a good portion of the posters here are Gates users. Lol
  7. Wait.. all the students will be romaceable? ...I think my head exploded. Man.. wow. Thats a lot of writing. I had thought only the characters whose affection can be taken above 10 (naturally) in Y1 was an indicator on who was gonna be romantic options later on. If everyone is an option I'm gonna have to rethink things.
  8. Will the Professors from Y1 be returning in Y2 in some function? I'm hoping we'll learn more about Ringraeyer and her less than upstanding heritage.
  9. I don't even remember where I bought my copy from. I have emailed reciets from all the other games I bought within the same time frame (mostly from Hanako) but not Academagia. I would have sworn it was from BMT, but I thought that about another game and found out months after I'd re-bought it that I'd gotten it on Desura. I'm just gonna rebuy it on Steam once its out. The game has given me so much entertainment that I don't mind buying it a second time.
  10. There is a glove called Falconers glove. I'm not sure how you get it.
  11. I'm thinking they probably won't be having any classes on the benefits and effectiveness of mastery-music
  12. Ohh. Thanks. :3 Maybe you'll know another answer? I read that music could be combined with incantation and glamour, what about the other types?
  13. A Y2 question~ Will the new students (Aaran, ect) be in Y2 from the get go, or will they be added at a later date? Will the Brew/Alchemy class require any certain skills from Y1? Will it build on the current skills? Is botany a good class to take for an alchemist?
  14. I haven't read a lot of the lore. And when I did, it was a year or two ago. I'll have to spend a day or two reading I think. Or I'll glaze over it and focus on only current stuff. Stone ships.. Alrighty. Thanks!
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