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  1. Ah, I'm delighted to hear the news about crafting / shopping. I was really curious about making things -- one character with high forge skills just rarin' to go! Trizz
  2. Managed to find some time to read bits of the Wiki today -- very helpful, thanks to the people who are maintaining it! The only things I noticed off hand was the absence of a couple of plants I've come across (Find Plant, Find Rare Plant, Cultivate, Scour the Mill). Surely I can't be the only person to have been stricken by the Tripping Thistle? And there was a Walnut something-or-other... Trizz
  3. Feedback on various issues: in The Beast, The Dragon, and A Solemn Council, check image placement and/or lower edge of image, which doesn't fade in. It's a sharp edge that cuts into the top line of text whenever it appears in this event sequence. (Image of multiple ghostly figures standing within large space) Typo: Random Event Hedi Common Room 8, page 2: should read envelop, not envelope. Results page after Ersmé's House of Fortune & Fame reads "temporary increase to Your Attribute" -- does not name attribute, no link Adventure "A Lover's Spat" -- throughout: The tense normally used for narration in events and adventures is the present. This adventure switches from present to past and back throughout, sometimes within one sentence or a pair of sequential sentences. I would suggest reviewing the text to harmonise to present tense. Also: smile at (rather than to) in page 6 of 8 (in Court of Grace, I believe) different way doing things -- missing "of" Please let me know if this is not the right place to provide this type of feedback. Trizz
  4. In Random Event Animal Pen 3 and in Random Event Library 13, the first screen did not have the character name but Him (grammatically inappropriate) or He instead. In the first instance, the screen came up a second time after a choice of green action, and the second display of the first screen did have the name. Trizz
  5. Hi, Let me say straight away that I've been lurking for about a couple of months, ever since I saw the gamezebo review. So I feel I know you all already! I've also been well impressed by the forums and the quick responses to sundry questions. My games experience started with DD and similar back in the day; these days, RL work makes it hard to go for through-the-night immersion, though. I'm delighted to see a gentler game of such depth and complexity emerge, and I figure if I don't get in on it now, I'll forever be stuck catching up! Trizz
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