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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2017 in Posts

  1. So I noticed that vdalson has started an actual, honest-to-goodness guide on Steam, which I can only imagine people are going to appreciate given the only (current) somewhat up-to-date alternative of my bulletin point list of every mechanic in the game forever. That said I noticed a few errors/oddities, and in absence of a Steam account (and, indeed, any desire to create one) I figured I'd just post my observations here so that someone, bare minimum, could see them: While that is true (and something that the Team should probably address, in addition to the uncapitalised "familiar" in that prompt come to think of it) the default name of a Familiar is always the same based on their species, so unless his default name got changed I can tell you with absolutely certainty that your Hawk's default name suggestion was Condotierre. This is actually the result of a bug, because the game starts you in a one person Clique. Back in the day you didn't, and if you Befriended someone already in a Clique (and succeeded) you'd join that Clique. I...want to say that's going to be fixed at some point? I'm not sure. There's a few other points as well where you mention actions/abilities having a "chance" to do something. But as far as I know Train will always succeed, assuming you train a subskill that can be trained. If basic, no-roll actions end up failing for you for no discernible reason (even a Bad Luck Magnet shouldn't ever fail at Train, since CoF doesn't apply when there's no roll involved) you should rapport that as a bug. Efficient Research lasts for only one week, as it's description says. It's true that it lasts for 42 turns and that divided by 3 would be 14, but every day is actually composed of 6 turns - the last three time slots of each day (even weekends) are invisible and inexpressible, basically something that ended up on the cutting room floor. If you want another example to test this ingame, check out Cleanse and Remake - it lasts for a stated 24 turns, but the effects only last for 4 days rather than 8. Story/flavour wise, BTW, IIRC those three timeslots are excused as your character "doing homework in their (Common) room once it's past their curfew". Which is why you never have to devote timeslots to doing homework, even of certain REs would suggest otherwise. The common language spoken in Mineta is Renaglian I.E. New or Modern Elumian, which there exists no related skill for as it's assumed your character is fluent in it. Old Elumian, or just Elumian, is the old language of the Empire of Man that's not commonly spoken anymore, but still present in old texts and such. If that made little sense, Renaglian is the setting's equivalent of Italian, whereas Elumian is the setting's Latin. ...There was also something else, where is is...oh here it is. ...Did not even notice that typo before. Eh, anyway, when rolling against a set threshold (I.E. something like 90% of the game's rolls) you succeed if your roll matches or exceeds the threshold. So my given example of a Charm 3/Social Skills 3 v.6 roll being an even 50% chance is completely wrong - a roll of 0, 1 or 2 results in a failure, whereas 3, 4, 5 or 6 would result in success, meaning there's a 3/7 chance to fail and a 4/7 chance to succeed. That is...unfortunate. I'll correct that immediately. EDIT: After checking ingame and actually referencing the old version of the game's actual manual (yes, one exists. No, neither it or the "updated" version is any good) for some form of confirmation I've finally determined that I don't know how getting a clean 50% chance on any roll is mathematically possible, since ((any number×2)+1) will result in an uneven number, so there's never an equal amount of numbers you can roll that will result in success/failure. The only was I can see this making sense is if, when you exactly meet a roll's threshold, the game flips a coin to determine whether you actually succeed or not. That way there can be an even number of options that results in success or failure. Several years of playing this game later and now I figure this out. Ye gods, this is...maddening. EDIT 2: And now, of all times, I finally remember that any given Attribute 0/Skill X v. X roll will always succeed barring shenanigans, so my statement of a roll only needing to meet a given set threshold is correct. The rest...*confused shrug*...but at least I've remembered that much.
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